Dash looked at Cy and followed. She heard a cry saying, "Robots!"
and ran faster. Dash was very fast so when she ran, her single tail
would be straight. When she got there, There was Cy on the floor
with a robot hunching over her. Dash Used her Terrakonisis to Grab
a lot of rock and throw it at it. She continued this until he robot
had shut down in pieces.
madeline and luke both were looking around inside the guild this
''i'm surprised no one seen me come in the last time...'' madeline
''well you do have a storm grey fur color, better for hiding in
shadow's... and your camo jacket, better for plant stealth, but
still with the dark color's'' luke noted.
Trixie started to multiply and they started to mix up, they put
their hands up in the air and boulders flew into their hands, they
all flew down towards boom and started dropping them on him.
Boom used a new attack"crush power"he destroyed all the fake
Trixie's and boulders
Blast"sea dragon energy ball"
Booms exe mode appears and stops blast and said"this will be easy"