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Randomland (Private, Invite Only)

Forum-Index Roleplay Private RP Randomland (Private, Invite Only)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 07:15 (9 Years ago)



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Character Name:
Other random details: (Moves for Pokemon, and stuff.)


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How to read: Username - Char. Name/Appearance links - Species - Age - Gender

ANinja - Lacey "Kitty" Farrow - Neko - Unknown - Female♀

ANinja - Tristan Deschanel - Uncertain, Human - Presumably 18 - Male♂

SandeviRae - Fox - Alp/Dragon - At least 300 - Female♀

Death - Joule - Vampire - Predates dirt - Male♂

Death - Luellia Greene - Human - 17 - Female♀

Omnia - Hylla Castellan - Half-Angel, Half-human - Over 3 millennium - Female♀


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To be discussed o3o

The rest is still yet to be decided, and this will be edited soon.

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 07:19 (9 Years ago)
Will add on to this when I'm less lazy~

Username: ANinja
Character Name: Lacey "Kitty" Farrow
Species: Neko (Half human - Half cat)
Age: She doesn't know.
Gender: F
Appearance: {Picture for reference}
With her short hair, lack of makeup, and a slightly flat chest, more than a few people have mistaken her for a guy at one point or another. But Lacey doesn't mind, or even care enough to correct them. Just as she doesn't mind that many people she meets tend to call her Kitty because of her neko features. She's actually taken a liking to the name and, when she meets someone and they happen to notice her fluffy grey ears and tail, not to mention her claws, that's often how she introduces herself. Lacey can be seen wearing a tank top underneath a huge sweater shown in the picture, leggings, and combat boots. With two holes where her ears poke out of she often wears a beanie on top of her short dark hair. Because of Lacey's terrible vision she sometimes wears glasses over her scarlet eyes, every now and then replaced with contacts when she's not too lazy to put them in.
Other random details: MEOWMEOWMEOWMEOW

I think I'm finished now :3

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen


Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 07:24 (9 Years ago)
Username: SandeviRae
Character Name: Fox
Species: Alp/Dragon
Age: At least 300, prolly even older, though she doesn't act like it
Gender: Female
Appearance: A short and androgynous 10 year old with red hair, pale skin, slightly pointy ears, and bright green eyes. Always wears a tiny top hat and has suspiciously sharp canines.
Other random details: Fox has been living in these woods an such since her mother ruled over it. Of course, the inhabitants of the forest don't know about Fox. She was kind of unnoticed.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 23:36 (9 Years ago)
Why does everyone always make so many female characters? It makes me feel like I have to make male characters to balance it out. D:

I might actually make another character later that's a girl, because my guy characters outweigh my girl characters 4:1 for reasons stated above. XD Also she's gonna be friggin awesome because I totally just thought of a super cool idea for her. o3o

Username: Death
Character Name: Joule (With a soft J. If you want to know exactly how to pronounce it, go to Google Translate, set language to French, and then type in his name and listen.)
Species: Vampire
Age: So old he practically predates dirt. He's seen the light bulb invented, met Napoleon Bonaparte, and heck, he's even hunted a woolly mammoth before. In certain cases throughout the ages, he occasionally even appears in folklore.
Gender: Male
Appearance: ***Click for picture***
Other random details: He can turn into a large snow leopard, big enough for a child to ride on. o3o

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 14/12/2014 23:46 (9 Years ago)

Prepare for Joule and Fox Shippage
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 00:47 (9 Years ago)
I mostly use girl characters 'cause I'm a girl so it's hard for me to know how a guy would act, I guess :P But I'll have a guy I guess... :3

{Tristan lost his parents at an early age so he's not sure who they are, what age he actually is, or even if he's human. :)}

Username: ANinja
Character Name: Tristan Deschanel
Species: Human... Maybe ;)
Age: He assumes he's around 18
Gender: M
Appearance: { Picture for reference }
Other random details: A small shiny Gardevoir follows him everywhere. :3

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen


Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 00:52 (9 Years ago)
My form was made but unfinished cause my net went off ;w; now the part of it is on another computer. -cries-

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 01:37 (9 Years ago)
I'm a girl but I hang out with a ton of guys, and I also act more like a guy than a girl most of the time, so I'm pretty good at roleplaying them, at least imo. :/
I used to only make girl characters too, until I got a lot more comfortable with writing, and now I'm even working on a fanfiction with a male lead.

Username: Death
Character Name: Luellia Greene
Species: Human
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: ***Click for picture***
Other random details: Her gravity work in reverse than other people. She can't go outside or she'll fall into the sky, so she remains either indoors or underground. She gets around cities via the sewer system. She always carries around a heavy backpack full of tools that also have reversed gravity, mainly things a mountain climber would carry, such as rope, a flashlight, and even a climber's pickax, just to name a few.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 02:47 (9 Years ago)
Lucky :( I have literally no guy friends and my dad and brother have lived in a different state for my whole life so I've honestly never understood guys :P

I can't wait until we start so I can ship all of the characters :D YAY!

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen


Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 03:23 (9 Years ago)
*casually has majority male friends irl*
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 23:46 (9 Years ago)
When I say I act like a guy I am dead serious I don't even know how to do the hair towel thing. The only girl friends I have are either punks or video game obsessives. And then there's me, Rapunzel. My hair is literally down to my waist but I have no idea how to do hair so I just let my friends braid it during lunch at school.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 00:59 (9 Years ago)
wait, there's a hair towel thing?
Literally 4/5 of my friends are male, and all we ever talk about are gaming and band and why people are stupid and junk
...yeah, we have like 5% faith in humanity
sad, isn't it XD
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 17:50 (9 Years ago)

~ Kitty ~


At 4 a.m. the air felt cold and crisp on Laceys's arms, which were covered in goose bumps. A butterfly flitted past her, brushing her ear and making it twitch. Her legs dangling from the tree she perched on, the cat-girl looked down at the ground where everything was silent. As everything was still and undisturbed, only the wind whistling through leaves could be heard. Morning was her favorite time of day; venturing in the woods before anyone was awake was her favorite activity. Lacey preferred nature to the company of other people, it was so much easier to be in. She swung her legs back and forth once before hopping off of the tree limb, landing softly on the ground. It was already getting close to sunrise, and soon people (shudder) would be swarming the forest like pesky insects - Non-stop buzzing about pointless topics and always where they shouldn't be. It's not that she hated everyone, she just hated being around anyone. You could say she had extreme social anxiety. She took a path out of the forest and headed towards the city. Lacey decided if she was going to be around people, might as well be lose herself in a crowd of them. Best way to avoid someone (or multiple someones) is to disappear in a crowd of them.
OOC: {{ Sorry it's so vague and boring and rambling, I wasn't sure how to start. }}

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen


Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 19:55 (9 Years ago)
Fox stood at the edge of the boundary separating the woods from the city. Her home, hidden from the view of all when safety mode was on, was a while off. To far to walk to in this thick snow, and she didn't feel like flying. She sighed and stepped into the forest, happy to be away from the bustling noise of the city.

(I vote that we're in Minnesota)
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 129
Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 04:33 (9 Years ago)
[Finally got my form finished ugh.]
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Username: Omnia
Character Name: Goes by Hylla Castellan. She is often referred to as “the unholy angel” and “she who God has no power over.”
Species: Half-Angel, Half-Human
Age: She's been around for over three millennium, still looks like a 16 year old.
Gender: Female c:
Appearance: Due to the fact that she has the unusual ability of shape-shifting, Hylla doesn't really have a stable appearance. Her most commonly used human forms are a bluenette with dark blue-gray eyes, often wearing a blue halter neck dress that reaches below her kneecaps and a schoolgirl with silver hair that's tinted purple and amber eyes wearing a V-neck collared button-up cream-white shirt and a white undershirt with a yellow lace ribbon showing near the base of her neck. As an angel, Hylla also has two preferred forms. These being a brunette with deep ocean blue eyes wearing an off-shoulder long blue dress with a white lace hem that reaches her shins and a black-haired girl wearing a one-shoulder baby blue flowing dress with one side having a long sleeve and one being bare. This is hands down the longest description I have ever worked on o.O Also, she can't shape-shift into anything not human. Nor does she have full control over this.
Other random details: Is allergic to air I'M KIDDING I'M KIDDING. She's anti-social. (dur.)

Hylla was not a happy camper.

Okay, so she had never been to a summer camp due to the fact that she had been way too old when they built the first one.

Of course, part of the reason was the bloody freaking snow. Her wings were practically numb. How long had she been flying in the frigid air? Seven hours? Nine? She was too tired to decide. The wind howled mournfully in her ears, roughly pushing back strands of her black bob cut. She had to land sooner or later - she wasn't a full angel after all. Even with greatly advanced physical abilities, Hylla wasn't invincible. She got tired and she needed to sleep and eat occasionally.

Being a shunned hybrid had its cons and pros. For one, no one could just order her around. She was basically forbidden to exist, and thus, most people - ahem, angels - kept their distance. It got lonely, however, but Hylla eventually got used to it.

Hylla was so caught up in her thoughts that she hadn't noticed that she was flying dangerously low, nearly touching the tops of the trees. Then an arrow materialized out of nowhere and hit her left wing.

To get something straight: Angel wings weren't so easily injured. But this certain arrow had apparently been dipped in a lethal poison, Hylla later found out. With a yelp of pain, she went down. Unfortunately, her dress didn't shield her from the sharp branches as she tumbled to the ground. Several places had been ripped, and scratches slowly oozing blood covered Hylla quicker than you could say "quicksand."

Blood roared in her ears, and Hylla tried to slow her breathing as she lay on the ground, aching all over. She was really regretting not bringing a jacket now that her dress was mostly in shreds. Hylla couldn't hear anything except the blood roaring in her ears and her rapid breathing. Then there was a soft crunching sound of a boot crushing snow. Hylla opened her eyes wearily, making eye contact with the person who had obviously shot her down.

It was a boy, no older than seventeen. Geared up for winter, and clearly a hunter. He was looking at her in disbelief, and Hylla realized that her wings had retracted by themselves. In the dim light, her face was ghostly and her tattered dress (which was completely inappropriate for the weather) made her look like some lost ghost forever wandering the outskirts of wherever the hell she was.

Hylla got to her feet, brushing off clumps of snow from her dress. Being half-angel, she had higher endurance of temperatures, but even that couldn't stop her from shivering. "Good God," She swore, ironically. "How is it so freaking cold?"

The hunter boy blinked, probably wondering if she was a ghost or just an asylum escapee. No one in their right mind would wear a dress in this weather, after all. Well, except Hylla, but she was only half-human. After a few moments of shivering, she glared up at the boy (how the hell was he taller than her? She was three thousand years old!). "What're you looking at?" She demanded, unknowingly speaking in Flemish.

The boy blinked again, tilting his head in confusion. "Could've sworn you just spoke English a moment ago."

Hylla did her best not to slap him. The nerve! It wasn't her fault that over the years she had learned possibly every language known to mankind...she needed hobbies, too! She huffed in irritation, not even caring what he thought of her. Her wings sprouted from her back, making the boy's eyes widen. Hylla ignored him, gingerly examining her wounded wing. The shaft of the arrow had broken off during her painful fall, but the arrow head was still embedded in the wing. Hylla firmly took hold of it and yanked it out with a cry, her eyes blurring with tears. She stumbled backwards into a tree, still clutching the broken arrow. After a few seconds of blinking away the black spots in her vision, Hylla lifted a hand to the wound. With a dramatic bright glow, she healed it instantly. She tossed the bloody arrowhead to the stunned hunter, stretching her wings. "Angel blood can heal any disease," Hylla informed him as she prepared to take off again. "Name's Hylla. Good day."

With that, she shot upwards, her wings wrapping around her and shielding her from the frigid air. She let them stretch as she burst through a cloud. Not caring to look back, she sped away, the boy's face already fading from her memory.

[need to stop making so bloody long first posts x.x oh well. Can we make it snow pixie stick sugar?]

Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 05:03 (9 Years ago)
{{ Yayyyy! We should make it in Australia though! :3 Pixie stick snow, yum :D }}

~ Tristan ~


Tristan flipped through the book, biting his lip absent-mindedly as he got to the intense part. Focused on his book, he didn't notice the fir tree in front of him. The branches were piled with so much snow the tree looked to be near the point of collapsing. Running straight into the trunk, the branches quivered momentarily before dropping all of the snow on top of his prostrate body, covering him. "Oh crap, my head," he muttered, the taste of pixie sticks on his tongue. He stood slowly trying to get his bearings and get his stupid vision to focus. "My glasses!" he remembered, realizing he must have hit his head too hard, losing and forgetting his glasses. Sighing, he knelt down, searching blindly in the snow with his hands. Tristan had horrible vision, so bad he couldn't see his black frames with a cracked lens sitting 2 feet away from him at the bottom of the tree. This would take him awhile...
OOC: {{ Great opportunity to walk in on Tristan looking for his glasses and help him... :P }}

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen


Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 12:38 (9 Years ago)
(Naw, it should be MN. We got dilly bars an the largest mall in the US an this really awesome giant candy shop made from an airplane hangar 030)

Fox wandered through the forest before stumbling upon a teenage boy stumbling around in the snow, muttering about glasses. Fox spotted a semi-broken pair sitting under a fir tree and walked over, picking it up. "Oi, are these your glasses?" Fox asked, waving the pair she found in front of the boy's face. "You really oughta take better care of your stuff, or ya might just lose it fer good." Fox couldn't help feeling nervous helping this human, but it was the right thing to do. And anyways, she only looked like a child with some noticable quirks.
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 520
Posted: Sun, 21/12/2014 00:15 (9 Years ago)
(No, it should be in Utah, where the temperature dips below zero in the winter and rises to 100 degrees in the summer. :P Plus there's good ski hills. Or maybe it should be in Canada.)

Joule teased the hunter as he was chased through the snowy forest. He was purposefully making his tracks as obvious as possible to keep the boy following him while staying just out of sight. Every now and then, he would check to see if the hunter was still following. He would allow the boy to see flashes of his coat against the blinding snow, or a tail flicker here and there. He could have ditched the hunter easily a long time ago, but he had to make sure that the boy was drawn away from his home. Joule didn't like humans being near him much, except when he allowed it.

He noticed that the hunter was distracted by something in the sky. He stopped for a moment as the boy shot something down. A girl, it would seem. Joule looked closer. The Angel. Hm. Over the course of history, he had encountered her several times. Never face-to-face, though. In fact, he was never even sure that the girl had even seen his human form. The angel healed herself and took to the skies once more. Joule breathed out a frosty sigh. I wish my healing was as good as that. Although he did have an unnaturally fast healing process, instantaneous healing would have been useful in more than one past event.

Figuring the hunter was far enough away from his home, not to mention distracted by the Angel, he padded on through the forest until the sound of a conversation drifted into his ears. Wondering who else could possibly be in his forest, he searched for the source of the conversation with his yellow eyes. It didn't take him long to find it. There were two people under a large fir tree. One of them was an older-looking boy, the other was a small girl. His curiosity was piqued, and he sat down a moderate distance from them. What's a little child doing out here in the middle of nowhere? And she certainly doesn't look like his younger sister to me.

i have fists for hands and fire for fists

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 996
Posted: Sun, 21/12/2014 01:53 (9 Years ago)
(Ohmygoodness your description of Utah sounds like Minnesota)

"Oi, are ya listenin to me?" Fox said, waving her hand in front of the boy's face. She sniffed the air, smelling someone else, not one of the two of them. She spun around, spotting someone sitting just outside the reach of the trees. "Hey, yellow eyes! Who're you?" Fox asked, walking over to the guy, squinting at him. "Oh! You're an undead too! Erm, I mean... Oh screw it! What type are you? I'm guessing either vampire or alp, since ya don't smell like rotten flesh." Fox said, crouching down to his eye level.
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 94
Posted: Sun, 21/12/2014 02:13 (9 Years ago)

~ Tristan ~


Tristan jumped a little at the girl's voice. Blushing, he muttered a quick thanks and slid the glasses up the bridge of his nose. Looking down he thanked her again and stood, brushing the snow off of his jeans. He looked up at the guy near them and listened to the girl who helped him. But the more she talked, the more confused he was. "Um, I should go..." he said quietly, turning around. Being the antisocial person he was, he always felt awkward around other people - not to mention she sounded crazy.
OOC: {{ Sorry I didn't post >.< }}

~ Kitty ~


Lacey heard sounds coming from behind her and, being the curious kittycat she was, she turned around to investigate. Getting closer, she saw a small gathering of three people, one of them about to leave. Before anyone could see her, she scaled the tree all the way to the top. This was the perfect place to watch without being noticed. Lacey dangled her legs from a high up branch and looked each of them up and down. What were these three doing in her part of the woods? She hissed quietly with dissatisfaction. Of course she knew this section of the woods didn't belong to her, but she had lived here her whole life, it felt like a home to Lacey.
OOC: {{ Meow }}

Cynnamon's Sprites <3 CyndaquilLuvsVan_Halen