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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from ChocoCat.
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 06:30 (8 Years ago)
Does anyone know how much the anniversary gift is worth? Sorry >.<

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 23:01 (9 Years ago)
Should I wait until you're finished, or pay now?

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 08:49 (9 Years ago)
Username: ~KittyCat~
What you want: Pokesona <3
Details?: A fennekin with a blue bow, a scar anywhere on her face, a pile of cookies or candy close to her, and a pool of blood surrounding her.
Reference if needed?: My friend made a quick sprite of it if you wanna see?
Payment: 50k PD But I can always pay more if needed ^-^ (I'm getting BN soon so next time I order I'll pay more ofc)
Password: I need a therapist

Sorry if it's too much, you don't have to accept it >^~^<

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Posted: Sat, 24/01/2015 00:33 (9 Years ago)

~ Tristan ~


Tristan leaned over to look over the map, not even finding a glowing map weird anymore. So many things have happened today, he had given up on trying to understand it all. It would probably be better to just go with it. He shrugged and bit his lip. "I don't care where we go, can we just get out of this cold?" he asked, rubbing the back of his neck awkwardly.
OOC: {{ kjahlfklsk He's so awkward omg }}

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 23:34 (9 Years ago)

~ Kitty ~


Before Lacey could even respond to the girl she instinctively let out a hiss and her claws unsheathed. She quickly hopped down from the high-up branch, landing on all... four feet. On the way down she had shifted into her cat form, an all-black slender feline with large red eyes. She slowly made her way over to the others, daintily trodding on the soft, sugary snow. Upon reaching them, Lacey settled at the feet of the angel, purring and rubbing up against her. As a human, she was very antisocial, but she felt more comfortable around humans in her feline form.
OOC: {{ Meow >^~^< }}

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 23:02 (9 Years ago)

~ Tristan ~


Tristan was still trying to process this when all of the sudden an angel came crashing in. His eyes widened at her quite large wings, this was all very new and strange to him. "Seriously, are you guys just everywhere?" He stuffed his hands into his pockets, feeling a little awkward being the only human (cause he obviously isn't gonna end up being some kinda demon or anything...) here. He looked curiously at each of them, still wondering if he was hallucinating. This kind of thing only happened in books, or movies, {{or roleplays :3}} but it didn't happen in real life. Then again, it all felt pretty real.
OOC: {{ Ugh, Tristan's so awkward. Also I suck at roleplaying guys. }}

~ Kitty ~


Lacey jumped a little when an angel literally fell from the sky. Ears flattened and tail twitching, she narrowed her eyes at the newcomer. Where were all these people coming from? Why did they have to be in her forest? She huffed unhappily and brushed a strand of raven hair out of her face. The angel's wing caught her eye, it looked as if she had been shot. Ohhhh, she realized, feeling stupid for not having noticed the wound. Should she try to help? No, the other strangers would do that, and she didn't want any attention from the others either.
OOC: {{ Honestly, I have no frickity fracking idea what to do with Kitty >.< }}

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 04:42 (9 Years ago)
Guys uh, don't post your forms yet, I'm still working a few things out so it's not quite ready ^-^

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Posted: Fri, 23/01/2015 02:28 (9 Years ago)
~Saving this space just in case~

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Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 12:27 (9 Years ago)

Basic plot/Story here


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~Normal PH rules apply~
~Be as active as possible - If something comes up (a trip, bad case of writer's block), talk to me~
~NO one-liners >.> Please use a minimum of 4 sentences per post~
~Don't worry, no password for this RP ^-^~
~Feel free to godmod... IF YOU WANT TO BE KICKED~
~Nobody's perfect {Except for me~}. So don't make a perfect character! Everyone must have their flaws.~
~Maximum of two characters per person~
~I lied >:3 Mwahahaha. Somewhere in your form put 'Cat is bae' for the password~
~If you have any questions, feel free to PM or PalPad me~
~I reserve the right to make any decisions I feel necessary~


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Meeee <3 {duh~}
If you aren't invited and you want in, talk to me >^~^<


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Character Name~ {-}
Age~ {-}
Gender~ {-}
Species~ {-}
Abilities~ {-} (Maximum of 3, not too powerful)
Personality~ {-}
Appearance~ {-}
History~ {-} (Optional)
Dimension~ {-} (Please choose one that hasn't been taken already)
Mutations/Transformations~ {-}
Other~ {-}

[b][color=blueviolet]Character Name~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Age~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Gender~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Species~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Abilities~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Personality~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Appearance~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]History~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Dimension~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Mutations/Transformations~[/color][/b] {-}
[b][color=blueviolet]Other~[/color][/b] {-}


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{Made by Beach}








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Char. Name ~ Age ~ Gender ~ Dimension ~ Ship


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Every day we will go over the ships, create more if needed, and vote on our favorites. I will post the ships here.

Character x Character ~ # of Votes ~ Ship Name


Beach is a mod, plotmaster, and a lot of things in this thread. She also reserves the right to make any necessary decisions

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Posted: Thu, 22/01/2015 11:01 (9 Years ago)
That. Furret. Drawing. Is. ADORABLE <3 <3 <3

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Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 09:11 (9 Years ago)
Sooooo much support <3

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Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 04:22 (9 Years ago)

~ Tristan ~


Tristan froze in place, he swiveled back around and shyly nodded. Running his fingers through his hair, he tilted his head slightly in curiosity. "Uh, I'm a little confused... what's an alp?" he asked quietly, looking Fox up and down. She looked normal enough to him, so what could be so different about this girl? 'I guess you could call me a vampire.' Shocked, his jaw dropped slightly and he stared at Joules. "You're not actually... a vampire, right?" Surely he was kidding.
OOC: {{ Crap I totally forgot this was a thing }}

~ Kitty ~


Lacey watched the others talk, catching only a few words now and then. Her right ear twitched as a snowflake settled onto the tip of it. She hissed slightly, watching tiny, detailed flakes melt against her pale skin. Shivering, she pulled the long sleeves down, covering her tiny hands. Lacey leaned forward, straining to hear their conversation.
OOC: {{ I'm not quite sure what to do with Kitty right now... }}

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Posted: Wed, 21/01/2015 04:18 (9 Years ago)
Tysm, you two are so generous <3
Yay I got a furret <3 <3 <3

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Posted: Wed, 14/01/2015 10:23 (9 Years ago)
Hi i wanna request Shiny From here
Username: ~KittyCat~
Pokemon: Eevee
Payment: 300k PD (if this isn't enough I can always pay more ^-^)
Who should it Hunt for you? Anyone who can do it :)
Are you Ready to pay? [Y]es

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Posted: Sun, 21/12/2014 02:13 (9 Years ago)

~ Tristan ~


Tristan jumped a little at the girl's voice. Blushing, he muttered a quick thanks and slid the glasses up the bridge of his nose. Looking down he thanked her again and stood, brushing the snow off of his jeans. He looked up at the guy near them and listened to the girl who helped him. But the more she talked, the more confused he was. "Um, I should go..." he said quietly, turning around. Being the antisocial person he was, he always felt awkward around other people - not to mention she sounded crazy.
OOC: {{ Sorry I didn't post >.< }}

~ Kitty ~


Lacey heard sounds coming from behind her and, being the curious kittycat she was, she turned around to investigate. Getting closer, she saw a small gathering of three people, one of them about to leave. Before anyone could see her, she scaled the tree all the way to the top. This was the perfect place to watch without being noticed. Lacey dangled her legs from a high up branch and looked each of them up and down. What were these three doing in her part of the woods? She hissed quietly with dissatisfaction. Of course she knew this section of the woods didn't belong to her, but she had lived here her whole life, it felt like a home to Lacey.
OOC: {{ Meow }}

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Posted: Wed, 17/12/2014 05:03 (9 Years ago)
{{ Yayyyy! We should make it in Australia though! :3 Pixie stick snow, yum :D }}

~ Tristan ~


Tristan flipped through the book, biting his lip absent-mindedly as he got to the intense part. Focused on his book, he didn't notice the fir tree in front of him. The branches were piled with so much snow the tree looked to be near the point of collapsing. Running straight into the trunk, the branches quivered momentarily before dropping all of the snow on top of his prostrate body, covering him. "Oh crap, my head," he muttered, the taste of pixie sticks on his tongue. He stood slowly trying to get his bearings and get his stupid vision to focus. "My glasses!" he remembered, realizing he must have hit his head too hard, losing and forgetting his glasses. Sighing, he knelt down, searching blindly in the snow with his hands. Tristan had horrible vision, so bad he couldn't see his black frames with a cracked lens sitting 2 feet away from him at the bottom of the tree. This would take him awhile...
OOC: {{ Great opportunity to walk in on Tristan looking for his glasses and help him... :P }}

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Posted: Tue, 16/12/2014 17:50 (9 Years ago)

~ Kitty ~


At 4 a.m. the air felt cold and crisp on Laceys's arms, which were covered in goose bumps. A butterfly flitted past her, brushing her ear and making it twitch. Her legs dangling from the tree she perched on, the cat-girl looked down at the ground where everything was silent. As everything was still and undisturbed, only the wind whistling through leaves could be heard. Morning was her favorite time of day; venturing in the woods before anyone was awake was her favorite activity. Lacey preferred nature to the company of other people, it was so much easier to be in. She swung her legs back and forth once before hopping off of the tree limb, landing softly on the ground. It was already getting close to sunrise, and soon people (shudder) would be swarming the forest like pesky insects - Non-stop buzzing about pointless topics and always where they shouldn't be. It's not that she hated everyone, she just hated being around anyone. You could say she had extreme social anxiety. She took a path out of the forest and headed towards the city. Lacey decided if she was going to be around people, might as well be lose herself in a crowd of them. Best way to avoid someone (or multiple someones) is to disappear in a crowd of them.
OOC: {{ Sorry it's so vague and boring and rambling, I wasn't sure how to start. }}

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Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 08:59 (9 Years ago)
Riovedrag ynihs

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Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 06:15 (9 Years ago)
Sorry, I didn't see it on the list, but how much would a Black DNA Splicer cost?

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Posted: Mon, 15/12/2014 02:47 (9 Years ago)
Lucky :( I have literally no guy friends and my dad and brother have lived in a different state for my whole life so I've honestly never understood guys :P

I can't wait until we start so I can ship all of the characters :D YAY!

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