Forum Thread
The Colliding of the Gijinka Stars ~Closed~
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → The Colliding of the Gijinka Stars ~Closed~
1. All PH rules apply.
2. No godmodding.
3. No bunnying/power-playing.
4. No Gary-Stus/Mary-Sues.
5. Don't sign up then be inactive. If you're going to be inactive and you know beforehand, do inform us. Also, you should subscribe both the RP and sign up thread so you can easily know if someone else has posted or has been accepted.
6. Be polite.
7. NO ONE LINERS. No exception. At. All. I understand roleplayer's block, but seriously. Type at least three-four decent detailed sentences that help the story progress.
8. I know certain people out there who join like several RPs, and use that as an excuse for one-liners. If you're one of them? Sorry, OUT. I'm participating in like 10 RPs right now, and guess what? I can type at least four sentences for all of them. Either don't join at all, or deal with it.
10. You are allowed to ask for re-caps.
11. The max of three characters per RPer is suggested. If you can handle more, go for it.
12. There can be multiple children of the same legendary, but not too many. Ex: A maximum of three Celebi Binaries.
1. All PH rules apply.
2. No godmodding.
3. No bunnying/power-playing.
4. No Gary-Stus/Mary-Sues.
5. Don't sign up then be inactive. If you're going to be inactive and you know beforehand, do inform us. Also, you should subscribe both the RP and sign up thread so you can easily know if someone else has posted or has been accepted.
6. Be polite.
7. NO ONE LINERS. No exception. At. All. I understand roleplayer's block, but seriously. Type at least three-four decent detailed sentences that help the story progress.
8. I know certain people out there who join like several RPs, and use that as an excuse for one-liners. If you're one of them? Sorry, OUT. I'm participating in like 10 RPs right now, and guess what? I can type at least four sentences for all of them. Either don't join at all, or deal with it.
10. You are allowed to ask for re-caps.
11. The max of three characters per RPer is suggested. If you can handle more, go for it.
12. There can be multiple children of the same legendary, but not too many. Ex: A maximum of three Celebi Binaries.

- Telepathic link (permanent) with parents
- Instantly more powerful than gijinkas
- Take a long time to "level up"
- Binary form accesses all kinds of moves (By TM/HMs, level up, tutoring, and breeding)
- Gijinka form accesses only level up moves and sometimes a few TM moves
- Human form, different appearance from what they were born with
- You guys can think up different kinds of cons and pros for respective parent (Since all legendaries have various powers and such)
Legendary gijinkas:
- Telepathic link (breakable and not permanent) with respective legendary
- Cannot access breeding or tutoring moves
- Instantly more powerful than gijinkas
- Take normal time to "level up"
- Will struggle with sudden new "level ups"
- You guys can think up different kinds of cons and pros for respective legendary (Since all legendaries have various powers and such)
Normal gijinkas:
- Telepathic link (breakable and not permanent) with respective patron
- Can access all moves
- Normal power
- Take normal time to "level up"
- Can catch interest of legendary and get a patron, thus "evolving" them in a way
- May gain small appearance traits from patron, if they get one
- You guys can think up different kinds of cons and pros for respective patron legendary (Since all legendaries have various powers and such)
- Telepathic link (permanent) with parents
- Instantly more powerful than gijinkas
- Take a long time to "level up"
- Binary form accesses all kinds of moves (By TM/HMs, level up, tutoring, and breeding)
- Gijinka form accesses only level up moves and sometimes a few TM moves
- Human form, different appearance from what they were born with
- You guys can think up different kinds of cons and pros for respective parent (Since all legendaries have various powers and such)
Legendary gijinkas:
- Telepathic link (breakable and not permanent) with respective legendary
- Cannot access breeding or tutoring moves
- Instantly more powerful than gijinkas
- Take normal time to "level up"
- Will struggle with sudden new "level ups"
- You guys can think up different kinds of cons and pros for respective legendary (Since all legendaries have various powers and such)
Normal gijinkas:
- Telepathic link (breakable and not permanent) with respective patron
- Can access all moves
- Normal power
- Take normal time to "level up"
- Can catch interest of legendary and get a patron, thus "evolving" them in a way
- May gain small appearance traits from patron, if they get one
- You guys can think up different kinds of cons and pros for respective patron legendary (Since all legendaries have various powers and such)

The human and gijinka/Pokémon worlds
have joined due a disastrous experiment both Pokémon and humans
have conducted. The timeline can't support two worlds at the same
time, so they must be separated again. Two mysterious powerful
gijinkas watch these events unfold, having secretly planned this to
verify that mankind is worthy enough to continue existing. The real
Pokémon legendaries/myths are desperate to find a way to stop all
the havoc that is happening, and are forced to "adopt" human
children and bestow them with powers. Several years have past since
the Binary accident, and humans and Pokémon/gijinkas are getting
used to each other. One problem: The timeline can't hold on for
much longer, and if the worlds are not separated, it will be the
end for both.
Another problem? Something dark is rising from all the distortion and chaos caused by the experiment. It's up to both normal Pokémon and the Binary legends to join forces and stop both the evil and save the worlds. The question is...will they survive?
All Binary experiments or gijinkas may have more than 4 moves. Seriously, it's a mixed IQ, they ought to learn more than just FOUR. Some moves will be extremely difficult to completely perfect, so sometimes a move will fail if the character does not have sufficient experience. Binaries may make up new types of unnamed attacks, but this is limited to only four. No use overpowering anything.
The "new evil" rising seems to have forced many gijinkas and Pokemon (Binaries are immune to its spell, and they only join this evil by their own free will) to fight others against their will. Symptoms of being under this spell includes: multicolored and continuously changing eye color, jerky movements, out of character behavior, and random fear of sunrise.
Another problem? Something dark is rising from all the distortion and chaos caused by the experiment. It's up to both normal Pokémon and the Binary legends to join forces and stop both the evil and save the worlds. The question is...will they survive?
All Binary experiments or gijinkas may have more than 4 moves. Seriously, it's a mixed IQ, they ought to learn more than just FOUR. Some moves will be extremely difficult to completely perfect, so sometimes a move will fail if the character does not have sufficient experience. Binaries may make up new types of unnamed attacks, but this is limited to only four. No use overpowering anything.
The "new evil" rising seems to have forced many gijinkas and Pokemon (Binaries are immune to its spell, and they only join this evil by their own free will) to fight others against their will. Symptoms of being under this spell includes: multicolored and continuously changing eye color, jerky movements, out of character behavior, and random fear of sunrise.

How to read: User - Char. Name with
linked appearances - Age - Gender - Legendary Parent/Gijinka
Omnia - Riona Gardenia Miracle - 16 - Female - Latias
Omnia - Analissa Simone Miracle - Unknown, supposedly older than 16 - Female - Jirachi
Tezio - Hiccus Makindrn - 14 - Male - Moltres
SandeviRae - Bellatrix Souldew - 15 - Female - Mew
SandeviRae - Minerva Neverglen - 18-21, unknown - Female - Xerneas
iMakai - Crono Vincit - 15 - Male - Azelf
Terexi - Zach - 15 - Male - N/A, Zubat gijinka
Queen_Kazma - Shade Silverthorn - 15 - Female - Celebi
Spiritfire - Lynx Tundra Icefire - 16 - Female - Articuno
powerofwaffle - Faith Elizabeth Fauster - 9 - Female - Reshiram (Has dropped)
Viper - Skyeline Amophorus Imber - 8 - Female - Rayquaza
judaiandjohan - Ateer Kamina - 16 - Male - Lugia
Death - Brittan Jones - 23 - Male - Giratina
Death - Zaugg - 38 - Male - Normal Armaldo (Moveset: Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance)
XGreninja - Mei Stars - 18 - Female - Jirachi
Omnia - Riona Gardenia Miracle - 16 - Female - Latias
Omnia - Analissa Simone Miracle - Unknown, supposedly older than 16 - Female - Jirachi
Tezio - Hiccus Makindrn - 14 - Male - Moltres
SandeviRae - Bellatrix Souldew - 15 - Female - Mew
SandeviRae - Minerva Neverglen - 18-21, unknown - Female - Xerneas
iMakai - Crono Vincit - 15 - Male - Azelf
Terexi - Zach - 15 - Male - N/A, Zubat gijinka
Queen_Kazma - Shade Silverthorn - 15 - Female - Celebi
Spiritfire - Lynx Tundra Icefire - 16 - Female - Articuno
powerofwaffle - Faith Elizabeth Fauster - 9 - Female - Reshiram (Has dropped)
Viper - Skyeline Amophorus Imber - 8 - Female - Rayquaza
judaiandjohan - Ateer Kamina - 16 - Male - Lugia
Death - Brittan Jones - 23 - Male - Giratina
Death - Zaugg - 38 - Male - Normal Armaldo (Moveset: Stone Edge, X-Scissor, Aqua Jet, Swords Dance)
XGreninja - Mei Stars - 18 - Female - Jirachi

Credit to SandeviRae's Art Shop!
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

Character Name: Crono Vincit
Age: 15
Gender: Male
Appearance: Human Form:

Gijinka Form:

Binary Form:

Crono was born as a typical human. With his brown hair, he didn't stands out from the rest at all. His Gijinka Form has much more variety. This Form has blue hair and bright, golden eyes. His final, Binary Form is clothed in crimson robes. His hair color changes yet again, this time to color white.
Legendary Parent: Azelf
Password: sci-fi books.
What is rule #7?: NO ONE LINERS.

And so the Zubat Gijinka had taken off, low in the trees, looking for prey. Maybe a Caterpie would be good, around now. Or something smaller. Small and none poisonous. They had a bad experience with a poison type before. Excluding their own kind, they tended to be weary of them.
But that's off track. So, there he was, maneuvering through the trees and using his weird bat echolocation stuff to try and find some prey. Cuz he was hungry. So hungry, in fact, his mind might totally dismiss the fact that his echolocation gave feedback of another living being, none-prey.

Riona sat on the edge of the rooftop of a building.
'Course, she'd always been the oddball of the family. Both of her older siblings got their father's dark hair, Riona took after her mother. Her siblings were popular at school, always out and about, and always had friends over.
Riona was their complete opposite.
For one, she blended in the shadows at school. Riona kept to her studies, barely spoke with anyone her age, and was usually confined to her spacious bedroom. Very few even knew that the gorgeous Analissa and the hot bad boy Callum had a quiet, loner of a sister. Many a time did people stare curiously at Riona if she ever mentioned her last name - Miracle. The first question that popped out of people's mouths when Riona introduced herself would be "Wait, Miracle? You related to Analissa or Callum?"
Miracle wasn't a common last name, and there was only one Miracle family in their town. Thus came all the whispers. They said there was something wrong with Riona. Said she had to be adopted; she looked nothing like her siblings. Said that Analissa and Callum pretended she didn't exist.
Only the last part was true. Her siblings had no love for Riona, and Riona did her best to live with that. Her parents tended to ignore her as well, often murmuring that something must've gone wrong with their youngest child.
"There's nothing wrong with me," Riona wanted to say.
But she couldn't. So she didn't speak. Nobody ever bullied her or bothered her - all were terrified of what her siblings would do. Not that her siblings would have given a damn if she was killed.
Riona just wanted a new life. Start afresh. She accelerated greatly in her studies, earning the quiet respect of her superiors. Riona longed to leave this town where she had been born and raised and judged. Sometimes she even felt like she was reallydifferent - a freak. She kept those thoughts at bay, focusing on her goal.
Then the day came. She unlocked her powers, was transported to who-knows-where, and was left to fend for her own in a completely new environment, penniless.
As she mulled over these thoughts, she brushed a lock of shock blue hair out of her face, pulled herself to her feet. For a moment, she looked down, seeing not the cars on the road, but death. Death staring at her right in the face, wondering what this girl was planning.
But beneath that shy, secretive exterior, was a fighter.
Riona Gardenia Miracle observed the impressive height for one last moment. Then she jumped.
And then her eyes flashed into a brilliant blue, her shock blue hair began to brighten into a flaming red, and her typical Friday faded jeans and off-shoulder purple top was transformed into an elegant blue dress adorned with diamonds and pale white leggings wrapped around her legs. Blue slip-ons replaced her sneakers.
And from her back, sprouted angel-sized crystalline blue wings.
Time to explore whatever was in store for her here.
[bit gloomy, bit drama, eh, sneaking at 3am inthe morn.]
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

His clothes turned into crimson red robes. Gijinka tails appeared bigger than before. His hair completely changed color to silver-white.he
"There we go!" - Crono said, celebrating his another success. Probably, his most liked ability of this Form is reading minds. He then continued on his training, soon to be completely ready.

•°. * уσυ ¢αи'т נυѕт ℓєανє α gυу ωнσ'ѕ тяуιиg нιѕ вєѕт ∂єѕριтє єνєяутнιиg αℓσиє, у'киσω? * .°•
"Stupid wurmple..." He muttered as they turned to what he was pretty sure was the direction of their cave
(The he/they thing gets confusing but I will nOT CHANGE)
"Apologies. I lost about half of my memory when I got to this world. Did I know you?" Riona inquired calmly.
The stupid tunnel had stolen most of her memory, and Riona could only vaguely remember the most depressing parts of her life. Those memories would always haunt her.
She'd been in this odd world for about a month. For the first few days, she'd been scared senseless. Then she got herself together. Riona got a job at a small bakery, and with her developing powers, she had managed to build a cozy log cabin just at the outskirts of the city. During her free time, she roamed the city listlessly, doing her best to find out why she had been sent here. Looking at the oddly dressed flying girl, she felt a pang of guilt. Guilt for not recognizing this girl.
Riona had seen several gijinkas all over the city, and she'd been pretty shocked when she realized she was in a Pokémon world. It took some time getting used to. Now she noticed that the girl in frnt of her was definitely not a gijinka. For one, she looked nothing like any Pokémon. Which only left one logical answer.
She was a Binary experiment as well.
Buying Normal Gems and Water Gems.

(Eh, I think I will post my form into the Sign-Up page. It's a shame I can't remove the previous one.)