Ellie falls to the ground, out of breath. She pants loudly while
Aubrey looks around hoping nothing followed them this far. Ellie
tries to calm her breathing, she wasn't used to running very long,
and she hadn't eaten much lately, making her a lot weaker. "Hey,
maybe Lyla is still alive, and maybe she would let us stay at her
farm for a bit? It's not far, only about a 3 mile walk up ahead."
Aubrey says looking at Ellie. Ellie nods slightly, and pushes
herself up into a stand, as they continue moving.
"You stay here. I'm going to go cull the herd." Fox said, pulling
on her jacket and picking up four of her radar clip, also grabbing
two pistols, her chainsaw, and a double bladed bow staff also
pulling on her combat boots.
She walked out the door, 24 of her battle drones following her. She
killed the zombies around her house first, heading to the woods.
Half of the battle drones, the turret drones, stayed nearby Fox,
while the other half, the chainsaw drones, flew through the air,
carving a path through the zombies in the forest.
(Cull? XD) "Ok Then'Auraora said drinking some dr pepper then seen
her dog coming up to he rwith its tung hanging out and licking its
lips "OH COME ON"Auraora said screaming
Aubrey and Ellie reach the farm. It's enclosed in a wooden fence
that doesn't look touched. The two run over, opening the fence gate
then shutting it quietly. Aubrey walks up to the front door and
knocks a few times then says softly, "Lyla? It's Aubrey and Ellie,
if you are there please let us in." They stand there blankly, for
quite a few minutes then the sound of a deadbolt being unlocked,
fills their ears. "Lyla!" Ellie says, but, it's not Lyla. It's
Lyla's daughter, Marie, a 6 year old girl. She looks around then
pulls Ellie and Aubrey inside the house, locking it swiftly.
Fox decided to find out where the footprints went tomorrow, setting
a waypoint on the place through her drones, leaving one of her
radar chips there, leaving 6 of her turret drones there with a
video message. As she headed home, she heard shouts coming from
inside. She ran indoors, her drones floating around her, their red
"eyes" active.
"Where's Lyla?" Aubrey asks looking down at Marie. Marie seems like
her normal self, shaky and distressed. Then the soft footsteps fill
the air as Lyla hops down the stairs. Aubrey smiles slightly and
waves a bit saying, "Hey Lyla, I was wondering-" \\r\\n"Leave."
Lyla says, cutting Aubrey off short. Aubrey looks at Lyla confused.
"Get out now." Lyla says, this time sharply swinging her arm
towards Aubrey. Aubrey yelps and grabs Ellie's arm, running out the
door and into the grassy field around Lyla's house, shocked at what
had just happened.
"She may think that you want to play with her, or she reacted to a
loud noise. I am going to quarantine her until we find the cause of
this behavior." Fox said, taking the dog downstairs, and putting
her into a clear glass tank, much like the one that the eels were
in, except it was rectangular.