"I don't think so." Fox said, turning all house defences on before
heading upstairs to the top floor. "This is your room." She said,
showing Aurora her room. "I'm going to sleep now. I suggest you do
to." Fox said, heading to her room, locking the door.
Auraora got up going to her room then getting into the bd and
slept,at night noises of zombies where at the fence slowly trying
tob reak up then giving up
Auraora slowl ywoke up seenign the sun in the window slowly walking
into the living room like area and got something to drink "I
wownder if fox is up yet"Auraora said
"Hello"Auraora said seening the bacon then wondered if there was
eggs also then got out some rogane juice "Breakfast?'Auraora said
not having it in a lng time
"Yes. I have scrambled eggs over there." Fox said, pointing towards
the table, which had two plates on it. She put the bacon on the two
plates, separating it evenly.
Auraora sat down slowly eating some then drinking some organe juice
"I Havent ahd breakfast sicne the zombies happened"Auraora said
rembering food becoming bad some palces
Fox quickly ate her food, finishing in a short amount of time. She
picked up her plate and cup and put them in the empty sink.
Because the animals became zombies too fast. In fact, we're eating
zombie right now."
Ellie and Aubrey wake up early the next morning and start a small
fire. Aubrey places the can of raviolis she found into a bowl then
begins cooking them. They are both starving and just the smell
intoxicates them. It doesn't last long on the fire, because they
both start eating it before it's cooked. They finish pretty quickly
and sigh happily, content now with full stomachs.
"I ate it." Said Fox with a "are you serious" type look on her
face. "I'm going to find out where those footprints lead to now.
Don't leave the house." Fox said, pulling on her jacket and
grabbing 5 of her radar clips, three for chainsaw and two for
turret drones. She grabbed two pistols and put them in holsters on
her belt. She grabbed her chainsaw and walked out the door, saying
She headed to the forest, finding the drones with the waypoint
quickly, removing the message and picking up it's radar clip and
putting it with the others on her belt. She started following the
footprints through the forest, finding two sets of footprints
Auraora sat at the couch watching videos not seening any zombies by
the house or getting in "Pjew.."Auraora said then started listen to
music from headphones
"That was the best thing I've eaten in forever." Ellie says
smiling. Aubrey laughs and wipes some sauce off of Ellie's face.
They both laugh a bit, and Aubrey stomps the fire out, hoping the
smoke doesn't attract any unwanted guests.
As she walked, Fox saw smoke. She headed in the direction it came
from, soon coming across more footprints in that direction. She
walked up to the source of the smoke, stumbling upon two girls at a
snuffed out campfire. Her drones stayed in the bushes as she
approached them. "Hello." She said, walking up to them