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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from Death.
Posted: Sun, 20/10/2013 23:07 (11 Years ago)
I'll get it ready in a sec, I have people over at my house so I can't right now.

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Posted: Sun, 20/10/2013 22:34 (11 Years ago)
I could probably lend you a water type, Tina. Let me look for one... I know I have level 25 Carvahna (spelling?) and a level 26 Goldeen. If I have any others, I'll let you know. I'm already on my way to the Pokemon league, sooooo...yeah.

EDIT: Also, I need to evolve my Haunter...mind if I trade it to you?

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2013 03:15 (11 Years ago)
Everyone's accepted, but Zorupix, your images don't seem to be working for me... Anyways, I'm on my iPod right now with cold, stiff fingers, so I'll be waiting until the weekend to do anything. It's a long weekend that starts tomorrow, but I'll be going to stay in St. George for a while and I don't whether I'll have Internet at the place I'm staying. If I have time to Oreos I'll put up the RP and maybe make a half-blood gijinka character.

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Posted: Wed, 16/10/2013 03:06 (11 Years ago)

Title: When you get it...

Why was Colin Baker afraid of Sylvester McCoy?

Because Sylvester McCoy Paul McGann Christopher Eccleston.

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Posted: Sun, 13/10/2013 00:44 (11 Years ago)
QUICK, QUICK! I need to know how to get the Charmander! (I have X.)

EDIT: Nevermind, I think you get it from the professor. (Who's French! And looks hot!)

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 20:32 (11 Years ago)
Chespin egg holders: Don't you dare evolve it. Let it stay cute and innocent forever.

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 19:12 (11 Years ago)
QuoteYou need to collect 3323 more Blue Orbs to reach the Top 30.

I was never too good at click contests... *goes back into the corner to find a roleplay*

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Posted: Sat, 12/10/2013 19:06 (11 Years ago)
QuoteI like Xerneas better because of his color design is amazing.

QuoteIs it even possible to dislike a rainbow octicorn?

There are two kinds of people.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 02:55 (11 Years ago)
Accepted! And I'm also reminding you that if your gijinka is from the labs, it means they can be genetically enhanced to be stronger than most gijinkas, so don't be afraid to add things. ;)

Renegade: Missingno? By all means, go right ahead.

EDIT: Making the RP soon.

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Posted: Wed, 09/10/2013 01:53 (11 Years ago)
Mr. Hernandez looked like a typical gym teacher. Fit, and somewhat muscular, although certainly no body builder of any sort. Leidolf again wondered if the gym teacher had powers. Maybe the power of...commanding tone? In any case, Leidolf had never had much liking for gym teachers. He wasn't really sure why, but they just bothered him, in general.

He remembered his old gym class in Scotland, and the teacher there. He had never known why, but it had seemed like the gym teacher had been out to get him, in some way. A bit like the relationship between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. Leidolf had been expected to run much faster and harder than the other kids for whatever reason. Had the teacher known about his parentage?

His train of thought was interrupted when water flew over their heads, at the command of one of the students. He vaguely remembered her saying her name. It was something like Tiara...no, it was Miranda...Ah, Diana! The name finally came to him. The next student, Zahra, made an impressive solar beam. Apparently, though, it only worked when someone lied. The next kid, Robert, was another Egyptian descendant. He seemed to be able to heal things and talk to cats. Cool. Now we've got a cat speaker to match my dog speaking. He made mental image of him in his head to go to if he ever got injured on a midnight run. Another kid could melt metal, and the person after them could turn into a shadow.

When Leidolf was called up, the gym coach didn't have trouble pronouncing his name, which was nice. People occasionally messed it up, and it often got butchered on phones and computers that used auto-correct. Leidolf took a silent breath, and stepped up onto the stage. He proceeded to make a series of barks, growls, and yelps, which were quite similar to those of real dogs and wolves.

"For those of you who don't naturally speak Varg, I'll translate. 'My name is Leidolf, Kerl son of the Norse wolf-god Fenris.' I can speak to members of the dog family, such as dogs, foxes, and wolves, but I'm most comfortable with speaking in Varg dialect, that of wolves."

"Is that all you can do?" asked the coach, almost with a slightly bored tone.

"Well, eh...no. I can do this one other thing, see." He fell down to the ground, landing on all fours, changing into a wolf as he fell. He had done the transformation so many times now, it was now flawless, and he was able to change almost in the blink of an eye. He was now a tall white wolf, with red markings near his eyes and on his side. Just for the heck of it, he howled his greeting, two short notes, blending into each other.

"Alright, next up!" called the coach. Leidolf quickly changed back and got off the stage. He saw one of the students had a gleam in their eye, and Leidolf took it that they had understood his Varg. He wondered what their godly parent was, or maybe if they were a child of Fenris as well.

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Posted: Sun, 06/10/2013 04:29 (11 Years ago)
The stick probably acts as like a wand, and then Delphox gets so powerful, it doesn't need a wand to harness its power. Or something.

But on the Dunsparce note:

It's not real, it's fanart, but IMAGINE! WHAT IF THIS WAS REAL?!

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Posted: Sun, 06/10/2013 04:20 (11 Years ago)
I loved Fennekin's design...until I saw the final form. I mean, the first two stages were great, but on the last one, everything seems kind of...slapped on. I probably will give it an everstone in the middle evolution stage, or something. Or maybe I'll get Froakie. Does Frogadier remind anyone else of Grovyle? I used to hate Grovyle, but it's one of my favorites now. <3 Also, the final evolution is like Sceptile. :3

Anyways, have you heard about the special blue Mega Charizard for X? Sooooo glad I chose to preorder X... The Y Charizard is just like the ones we've seen so far.

I also agree that the ear tufts on Delphox are cringe-worthy. I just really don't like how they're attached. They just look so...flat. If they were more poofy, and maybe a dress that looked more ball-gowny, I think it could have looked way better.

I have no idea why but I laughed at this way harder than I should have.

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 23:50 (11 Years ago)
I suggest some sort of swipe card for a pass. It fits in with the tech-y sort of thing with the conveyor belt.

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 23:26 (11 Years ago)

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 22:22 (11 Years ago)
I like how it's staying an all-dark type, but I wouldn't mind if it could use some fairy moves. I wish it was an evolution, though...

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 21:51 (11 Years ago)
So, you know how the site always has the same theme? I mean, there will probably be more for holidays, and stuff like that. But I just thought it would be cool to have it more personalized. Like how you can personalize your dashboard on Tumblr.

Suggestion #1: People can submit skins to be uploaded. They would, of course, need to be approved. The background would need to be a certain size, or it would be stretched to fit the page. Then the banner would also have to be a certain size. You can also pick the color of the web body, banner buttons (2 colors, 1 for the button, 1 for drop-down menu), text, and links, too. There would be multiple fields to fill in for each thing.

The -phrases like this- are the field names.

Field 1: -Name- Name of the skin
Field 2: Upload a background image (If you want a solid background, just make an image of a square of color, and set the type of background below to "repeat"
Field 3: -Background type- (Drop down menu: "Repeat" makes the image repeat again and again to fill the page, "Fixed" or "Stretch" resizes/stretches the image so it's big or small enough to fill the page, and "Scroll" repeats the image to fill the page, but it also scrolls with the website body.)
Field 4: -Header/Banner image- Upload an image that will be the site banner. It MUST have the site name on it somewhere, and it must be noticable, not too tiny to read. (The current one is the Kyogre.)
Field 5: -Userbar color- Enter in a color code to change the userbar color.
Field 6: -Banner Button color 1- A color for the buttons. (They will still be translucent like they are now.)
Field 7: -Banner Button color 2- Enter a color code. This is the color of the menu that opens when you hover over a button.
Field 8: -Button Color- The color of buttons and such such as the New Message button, and the Subscribe button.
Field 9: -Body color- Enter a color code. This is for the body, the part of the website that has all of the stuff on it, like this post you're reading now.
Field 10: -Text color- Enter a color code for the text.
Field 11: -Link color 1- Enter a color code for links.
Field 12: -Link color 2- Enter a color code for visited links. (Like how they turn purple now.)

And I know, there might me more, and there probably are, but I don't know what they would be.

This is what Pokefarm uses. Basically, you copy-paste that where you can change the text, and then, once you've made your changes, copy-paste that to a text box, and upload it for approval. This might be the easier way to do something like this, which is why I'm putting it here. :P

Once you upload a skin and it gets approved, anyone can select your skin from the list, and surf the site with it.

Suggestion #2: Basically like the one above, except that you can either use an uploaded skin, or use your own. To use your own, at the top of the menu of skins to use, there's one labeled "Custom". Click on it to go to a page to put in your own skin file.

When you go to someone's userpage, you can see what skin they're using. Default, Custom, Halloween 2013, Red, Pink, etc. (You can opt to hide this from other people.) If it's a custom skin, can choose to download the skin file by clicking on the link, and use it themselves.

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 21:18 (11 Years ago)
Okay, I was just thinking about adding a few new codes. The ones I want are [background] and...I have no idea what to call this... [wrap] or [float].

The [background] one is pretty self-explanatory.

[background=*image url or color hex code*] Text that goes on the background goes here. [/background]

This code would make a background image or color repeat itself to fit the amount of text you type.

The other one probably needs an explanation. Basically, it goes like this:

[floatleft=*image url*] Type text or put other stuff here. Anything here wraps around the image that's floating. If you put floatleft, if will stay on the left of the page of whatever line you put it on, and text will appear to the left of it. The same applies to floatright and floatmiddle, the two other ways of typing the code. [/floatleft]

So, in essence, it would work like this:

|............................................|Type text or put other stuff here. Anything here
|............................................|wraps around the image that's floating. If you put
|............................................|floatleft, if will stay on the left of the page of
|............................................|whatever line you put it on, and text will appear to
|............................................|the left of it. The same applies to floatright and
|............................................|floatmiddle, the two other ways of typing the code.
|............................................|And if you keep typing enough
|______________________|to type past the image,
it would just appear below the image and go across the page as normal. Do you get what I'm saying, now?

Okay, as an edit, I want [table] added. Basically, it works like this:

[table] (Starts the table)
[tr] (Starts a row)
[td] (Defines the first cell in the first row) [/td]
[td] (Defines the second cell in the first row) [/td]
[td] (Defines the third cell in the first row) [/td]
[/tr] (Ends the row)
[tr] (Starts the second row)
[td] (Defines the first cell in the second row) [/td]
[td] (Defines the second cell in the second row) [/td]
[td] (Defines the third cell in the second row) [/td]
[/tr] (Ends the second row)
[/table] (Ends the table)

This would end up as a table with 2 rows, and 3 columns, with a total of 6 cells.

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 20:47 (11 Years ago)
Sorry, it's just really become an issue on how much spam there is in topics. I'd like to be able to remove them, but I believe only a few people can do this. If I could be able to do the same, I'd love to help get rid of unwanted pages.

EDIT: Also, I can't find the upload button in the toolbox, that lets you upload pictures. I was going to upload a Catercream image, but I can't seem to be able to...

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 20:35 (11 Years ago)
My legendary: Arceus. Not because it's the most powerful, but because I could create whatever I want. I've always wanted to create my own world, kind of like earth, but with DRAGONS! Also with magic and stuff like that. But also, I'd be Arceus because everyone would KNEEL BEFORE ME!

My Pokemon: Absol. I just love the design, and also it kind of fits me. I am literally a walking bad luck charm. For one, every time my friend comes over she hurts her foot. Her right foot. Always, every time, her right foot. O_o There's way more, but the list would get too long...

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Posted: Sat, 05/10/2013 20:13 (11 Years ago)
I preordered. The're doing a midnight release where I got it. I actually like Mega Garchomp somewhat. It has a nice design, overall. I'm just a fan of dark things like that. :3

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