Forum Thread
Supernatural High (Real)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Inactive RPs → Supernatural High (Real)(For all of you who are part of this RP wondering about the time and place, don’t worry about it. Just pick a random one. You could be earlier than my character or later.)
Zahra ran as quick as she could, pulling her huge travelers backpack behind her. When she finally made it to the bus stop near Diana, she sat on the bench and panted. “Thank goodness I’m not late!” Diana and Zahra had both put the same bus stop on their forms.
“What happened?” Diana asked her, a bit concerned.
“My mom. She doesn’t want this to happen. She told me that she spent all my life trying to live normally and make sure I never found out and now she is very disappointed about what the school is doing, she almost didn’t let me go.” Zahra said, sounding sad.
Diana put her hand on her shoulder. “Don’t worry; I barely had the guts to tell my mom about that, though my mom is usually calm about that type of stuff, so she didn’t react all that badly. Besides, you’re mom should know that your life is in danger since you are the child of a supreme being. She shouldn’t stop you from training your powers so you can not only be prepared to defend yourself, but also defend her, if needed.”
It was quiet for the rest of the time. They just sat there with Zahra in Diana’s arms waiting for the bus. It had finally arrived at 7:25. They quickly got up as the double-doors opened. “Acceptance letters?” The bus driver said. Diana held hers out for him to see, but Zahra murmured, “Oh.” And dug in her backpack for it.
“Child of Sobek, is that correct?” Diana nodded. She heard snickering from nearby and saw a teen guy with a trident tattoo on his shoulder laughing. She felt a bit annoyed but ignored him.”Alright, next!” The bus driver called out. Diana walked along the isle trying to find 2 empty seats. She passed a group of depressed-looking kids who gave her a cold look when she looked at them. She turned her sight away from them and looked to see if there were any other seats. Unfortunately, all the seats were taken up by at least one person. As she was walking, an Egyptian-looking guy called up to her in a voice that was near a whisper, “Hey, over here!” She smiled at his invitation and took the seat. “Thanks.” Diana listened to the bus driver as he confirmed Zahra.
“Child of… Utu, is it? Hm, that’s an interesting name.” Zahra nodded, shyly, and then went to take a seat. She heard one of the kids mutter, “Utu. Wonder who that is.” She saw Diana and quickly took the seat adjacent to hers. The guy she sat next to looked annoyed, but she didn’t seem to notice. Soon the bus was moving, again.
Here we go
First of all my goal is to get shiny manaphy and the shiny game center dogs
"I told you already, yes," replied Leidolf. He rolled his eyes. To anyone else, it would sound like he was making a series of barking and whining noises. To him, though, it was almost like speaking English. He put on his backpack, which wasn't too heavy. He enjoyed packing light.
"It's good your mom let you go," said Harley. "It sounds fun."
"She almost didn't. But she knew I had to," Leidolf stated flatly. Harley scratched on the kitchen counter with one paw.
"Don't forget your letter." Leidolf grabbed the letter off the counter, just in time to see the bus pull up. He ran outside, and Harley barked him a goodbye. As he boarded the bus, the driver asked for the acceptance letter. As he took it, the wolf boy looked down the aisle. Most of the kids lived in America, so since he was in a different time zone, he was one of the first to board.
"Fenrir, right?" asked the driver. Leidolf nodded. "Interesting..." said the driver. He took a random empty seat, and waited as the bus slowly filled up. A girl with darker skin and black hair sat next to him. His eyes narrowed, but he didn't growl. He would have preferred to sit alone, but there were obviously a lot of kids going to this school. He would just have to share.

After a while the bus finally came and she stood up and shook off. She climbed into the bus and looked at the bus driver's confused look. Oh yeah, I should probably change back. She changed back to a human and stretched her arms a bit before going over to one of the seats. She picked a random seat that not many people were around and rested her head on the window.
Kiara ran down to her bus stop. Her hair was still dripping from her early morning swim. She wrung out her hair so she wouldn't drip all over the bus. She hoped she would make a good impression since it was her first day. She waited for the bus to come for a while and worked out some of the knots in her wet hair. She took out her headphones from her bag and started listening to some of her music.
By the time the bus finally came her hair was almost dry. She pulled her headphones around her neck and walked into the bus. She smiled at the us driver and walked over to an empty row. She didn't really feel like talking to anyone yet so she just put her headphones back on and waited until they got there.

I went through my usual routine, got up, had breakfast and packed my backpack. Well... It wasn't really a backpack, nor was it a sports back or 'man bag'. It had my favorite band 'Area11's logo on it and my best friend Aleks had given it to me before he left Austin.
I spent a little longer on my hair than I usually do, making sure it was dry and straight, no curls to be found and part of it hanging over the right side of my face. I put my piercings in, choosing my standard black pair, since I didn't want to impress anyone.
I called up my friends and told them I was leaving, for all they knew, I was on my way to Australia for an exchange trip.
I then wrote a note telling father it was my first day today, although I don't think he'd care much, he never does. I stuck it on the front of my door, and noticed there was still two hours left before I had to leave. I went over to the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror. I lifted my hand and it went shadowy. I smiled. This was going to be fun, but a spider bite is too little. I went back to my room and pulled out a box from underneath my bed, inside were the tools needed for a piercing. I went back to the bathroom, silently closed the door and positioned the tools. I hadn't done this before (well, not to myself) so I was a little afraid. I surprised myself when I punctured my ear. It bled and hurt a little for a while, then it was fine. I had been prepared for this and I had all sorts of jewellery for different piercings. I looked at myself in the mirror with the new black stud on my left ear and smiled. It had healed quickly. Just like my spider bite had.
I went back to my room, climbed out the window (the front door makes a huge screeching noise that would wake father) and walked to the bus stop. It was a short walk, but I only waited there for a few minutes. Anyone would think this was an ordinary bus, but I somehow knew it was the one. I pulled out my letter and handed it to the driver before he could even ask for it. I guessed someone would want proof before taking the child of a Godess on board. The man looked at the letter then slowly looked me up and down, I noticed his eyes rested on my face. He didn't seem to be a fan of emos. He gave me a gruff sound and nodded, I noticed he probably didn't like Nyx either, since he didn't acknowledge I was her son, unlike the other students.
Most if them avoided eye contact, but one kid, a red head sat down next to me. I raised an eyebrow and he introduced himself, "Hey, I'm Stephan son of Hephaestus. You must be son of Nyx, by the way your hand looks." I looked down at my hand and realized it had gone back to it's shadowy form. "Correct, but why?" He gave me a slightly confused look. I sighed and repeated, "Why are you sitting here?" He laughed, this made me narrow my eyes a little since I don't like people laughing at me, "Not sure why, but I think you're gonna turn out to be a good one, not like some people on this bus." His last words were quietened as he motioned toward a group of four, laughing, mucking about and hassling some of the other students. I nodded in thanks toward Stephan then closed my eyes and waited for our arrival.
The god next to her must have read her mind, because he asked her, "So, your godly parent is Sobek, correct?" She nodded with a bit of nervousness. "So yours is similar to mine; Ra, the sun god." She was actually a bit jealous of him. "Wow, that's awesome! It must be great to have a super powerful and well-known dad! I just wonder when the Egyptian Gods decided to start mingling with humans." He chuckled. "You never know, it might have been in a different way." She nodded in understanding. She listened to the kids in front of them, which were really loud, so it was hard not to eavesdrop: "So who's your parent?" "Athena." "Athena? How did THAT happen? She decided to make a change?" She heard loud laughs. "Good one, who's your parent?" "Oh, why, only the mighty Thor." Diana rolled her eyes at the bragging she heard. She turned her eyes to Zahra who seemed the most nervous of all...
Zahra turned her head, letting her eyes meet with Diana's. She gave her a nice, warm smile, which she had plastered onto her face to hide her nervousness. She'd spent her time thinking about how she was going to demonstrate her powers. She knew that when they got to the school, they were going to have to demonstrate their powers in front of all the students and probably the teachers, too.
Soon, the bus came to a halt and the bus driver got up, creating a small quake that went throughout the bus. The quake took everyone by surprise. "Listen, you will wait in front for everyone to get out and for the Principle to explain everything to you! As I'm sure you all read on your letters, you WILL have to demonstrate your powers, so prepare yourselves. You may begin leaving the bus." He sat back down, clearing the pathway. Diana noticed the shock on everyone's faces from the discovery of their bus driver's powers. Diana waited near the gate.
Zahra looked around, standing near Diana, at the surroundings. She noticed other buses arriving and letting out kids. She poked Diana and pointed towards them.
Diana nodded and then looked off somewhere else. They continued to wait for all the students and the principle.
I yawned quietly and blinked as the driver yammered on. I stretched then looked to Stephan, "What did he say?" He gave me a frustrated but amused face, "We have to wait for the other students and the principal... Then we have to demonstrate our powers..." He trailed off, he seemed a little concerned. I raised an eyebrow and yawned again. Stephan smiled at me, "C'mon sleepy-head, we have to get off too." I sighed stretched again, standing up and making my way out of the bus with Stephan close behind me. We both watched the other buses roll in, some held students like us, some held those of higher years. The was one bus that held what looked like seniors, for one, they were taller than us, but more importantly they were using their powers like it was nothing. I envied them, but I knew I would be there some day. I turned to Stephan, "Do you know how to control your powers?" He blinked at me, "I know how to control them a little... Well... There's one part I can control." I nodded, " Same here. As you saw before, I can turn my hand to shadow, the rest is a mystery to me." He nodded and took a deep breath, "Well, let's hope the principal likes them." I nodded and glanced to the side, I hadn't properly looked at Stephan to see his features. He was wearing loose jeans and a casual top, which had some weird writing going down the length of the top. He had a medium sized sports bag over his left shoulder, which matched his blood orange eyes. I didn't know whether they were contacts or his real eye color. He was a littletaller than me and you would see he had muscles. I wondered what type of man I was dealing with, he looked like he could beat someone up, though he acted like he wouldn't even think of hurting anything. If I was ever stuck between a rock and a hard place, Stephan may prove to be a powerful ally in those situations.
(Didn't know how to word it in this paragraph so; Ski's wearing a thin, black, short sleeved top and skinny black jeans. He has a silver chain on, which has a complicated silver pendant on it. He's average height, slim, and you can see the muscles he has, his bag is worn over his right shoulder by a single strap, a little smaller than Stephan's bag but the same sort of shape. Also wearing black Vans & thin black hoodie with dark red Latin writing on the back.)
Diana saw a few people sigh in relief, including Zahra, but some of the students were snickering. "Hah, wonder who those losers will be." Diana felt annoyed at these kids' mindset. She tried to see who did it, but with these huge crowds, there wasn't much to see.
As they walked in, Diana and Zahra looked at all the lockers they passed, trying to see if they can get any hints about whether anybody has the same cultural gods as them or not. Diana did see an Eye of Horus on one and even an Anubis statue. She wondered if those people had Egyptian gods as parents.
Zahra was pretty disappointed when she didn't see anything that hinted of cultural god, but at one point, she did see the famous Mesopotamian God statue and was relieved, a bit.
Kiara was halfway out of the bus when the bus driver finished talking. She waited for the other kids to come out and for the principal to start talking. She had her headphones around her neck and pushed her pigtails behind them. She listened to the rules but wish she didn't. I'm going to use my powers whenever I want. I'm not going to let you stop me.

He only half-listened to the conversation, but he understood most of it. No using powers outside of class, yeah, right, no fighting, whatever, go to the office if you have questions. It seemed they would also have to demonstrate their powers in front of the coach. Leidolf smiled inwardly. He was rather confident in his powers, and from what he had seen, most of the other kids still had trouble using them. He wasn't going to poke fun at anyone, though. Being a wolf had come naturally to him, and he had been able to speak to dogs as long as he'd known.
Overall, the Scottish boy thought pretty highly of his powers. He might not be able to summon storms, or use telekinesis, but in his opinion, there was nothing better than a midnight run through the forest in wolf form. Although it was against the rules to use your powers outside of class, he would probably get out, anyways. It was in his nature to be free, and he intended to keep it that way.
As the group walked inside, he kept near the back, away from most of the other kids. He wasn't going to try anything too social on the first day, or any other day on that matter. As they passed some statues, the Fenris one caught his eye, naturally. It depicted the god in his beast form, teeth bared and ears laid back, body posed to strike. Just another generic way of seeing him. Leidolf frowned slightly. Although he could be fierce and bloodthirsty, he could also be quite understanding.

He began calling people's name to the front. Soon, he got to Diana's name. She walked onto the stage nervously. "Hello, I'm Diana and my father is Sobek. My power is hydrokinesis." Then, she turned away from the class and closed her eye, focusing on willing any water nearby to come here. A wave of water came surging from the door behind and went over the heads of the students and stopped at Diana's hands. Afterwards, she willed it to return to where it came from. Mr. Hernandez wrote a few things down and then continued calling names. Diana was so relieved to see that her powers were working. "Nice." One of the students nearby whispered. She nodded. "Thanks."
A while later, Zahra's name got called. She looked even more pale than Diana. "Don't worry, you can do this." Diana patted her on the back. She nodded and walked up on the stage. "Hi, I am Zahra and my father is...Utu from ancient Sumerian mythology. My power is the ability to create a beam made out of solar energy..." Some people looked impressed, until she continued. "...but I can only use it when somebody lies to me. "Oh, no worries! You never had to participate anyway." A smile formed on his face. It was a cheap shot, but it worked. A glowing yellowish-white energy began to form in Zahra's hands. She quickly shot it away from everybody. It created an explosion and hit the ceiling with a strong force. Luckily, though, the ceiling was made for this ind of thing, so not much damage was done.
When the solar show had ended. She turned to see everybody ducked down. "Ahaha, sorry." She said nervously. "Alright, next!" Mr. Hernandez yelled, telling her that she should get off the stage and go stand with the other students. "See, I told you it would work out." Diana whispered to her.
He listened to the rules as she spoke them. He was sure he'd probably get in trouble with using his powers. After all, if you saw someone hurt and had the power to heal them, why wouldn't you? Just don't make it obvious. But at least here he was surrounded by those like him, born form the union of God and mortal. Or in his case, Goddess and mortal.
He followed the crowd as the principle led them to Hernandez. The man seemed straight forward, the kind that didn't beat around the bush. he watched and listened to each student as they talked about themselves, who their Deity parent was, and what their powers were.
One of them identified herself as Sobek's kin. A nice thing to see that he wasn't the only one with an Egyptian God as a parent. Power over water was quite something to behold, as water wasn't always the easiest element to control.
Soon it was his turn. Robert walked up the steps and stood before the group. He gave a traditional greeting, at least traditional in the sense of how the ancient Egyptians did. He held up both hands, palms facing the crowd at chest level. "Em hotep! And for those who don't speak ancient Egyptian, in peace! My name is Robert, son of the Goddess Sekhmet, lady of plague, healer, strength of the sun as the Eye of Ra, and deliverer of divine retribution. But, no need to worry about the retribution part." he jested a bit as he swung his hands back to his sides.
"As for my powers, they aren't something I can really 'show'. Basically I can cause plague, illness and disease, as well as heal them. I can mend broken bones, physical injuries, and cure even deadly diseases like the AIDS virus. And as a side note, I can talk to all forms of felines, from your typical tabby to a siberian tiger." he summarized for the group. "So, if you can't find the school nurse, come see me!" he coyly and cheerfully teased. With that, he stepped down and rejoined the crowd.
I felt a tapping on my shoulder, then the sound of Stephan's voice, "You nervous?" He asked me quickly, it took me a few seconds to translate his words from jibberish to english. "Sort of, you seem terrified..." His face was bright red, and I could feel heat coming off him. My eyes widened, it looked like his power was coming out a little too early. I crouched down and opened my bag, pulling out a water bottle I had brought with me. I handed it to Stephan, who took the water thankfully. He had finished about three quarters of the bottle, when the water suddenly left. It had gone right out the top of the bottle, past his lips like they weren't even there. My mouth dropped open and I stood up, to find the demonstrations had already started. It seemed one of the students could control water. Nice, but it took a lot to impress me. I turned back to Stephan, "So, I've already shown you mine, what's your power?" He raised an eyebrow at me, then chuckled quietly, "Fair enough... Well, my body goes all red hot, literally, red. I can melt down almost anything I touch. I accidentally set one of the trees near my house on fire one day..." He trailed off, I guess remembering the past. I clicked my fingers to being him back to reality. He shook himself then continued. "Anyway, well, I can carve things out of the stuff that I melt. Say, if I got my hands on a large piece of steel, I could carve a sword out of it." I nodded, "Impressive, I supposeyou're gonna have to ask him for something to melt. Not unless you want to melt him." My sentence ended with a smirk and a signal to Hernandez. Stephan laughed in turn, and we waited for our names to be called.
Stephan's turn had been and gone, sure enough, he had asked for some steel and even more surely, he had made a sword out of it. The time had finally come for my turn, "Ski Vinciguerra!" I shoved my hands in my pockets has a few laughs came from the crowd. He had pronounced my name as 'sk-ee'... I hated when people did that. I walked onto the stage and faced the crowd, avoiding eye contact. "It's pronounced 'Sk-eye', actually. Son of Nyx, I can turn my body to shadow." The gym was silent as they waited, I had closed my eyes and was concentrating, though I couldn't seem to do it. I looked up, and realized how many lights and windows this place had. My face turned sour, "Can you please turn these lights off? I can't use my power with this much light." Hernandez gave me a sour look in turn. I didn't know whether it was for the fact he had to turn the lights off or because of me in general. The bus driver hadn't seemed to like me, either. In no time, the lights were out, but I noticed he kept the windows open. I sighed, then closed my eyes again. It was much easier this time, in a few seconds, I felt a rush go through my body. I opened my eyes and looked down. It shocked me,but it seemed my whole body had gone to shadow, I noticed a,red glow, that must have been my eyes. So they did change when I turned shadow. I looked back up and smirked, watching the shadows swirl in front of my face before letting go of the power. When I got rid of the shadows, I suddenly felt less alive, less happy. It felt nice to use my power. "Thank you, next up!" I hopped down from the stage, pushing through the crowd to reach Stephan. "Man, that was awesome!" I smiled at him, accepting his praise. Now, I was excited for what was to come.
He remembered his old gym class in Scotland, and the teacher there. He had never known why, but it had seemed like the gym teacher had been out to get him, in some way. A bit like the relationship between Severus Snape and Harry Potter. Leidolf had been expected to run much faster and harder than the other kids for whatever reason. Had the teacher known about his parentage?
His train of thought was interrupted when water flew over their heads, at the command of one of the students. He vaguely remembered her saying her name. It was something like, it was Miranda...Ah, Diana! The name finally came to him. The next student, Zahra, made an impressive solar beam. Apparently, though, it only worked when someone lied. The next kid, Robert, was another Egyptian descendant. He seemed to be able to heal things and talk to cats. Cool. Now we've got a cat speaker to match my dog speaking. He made mental image of him in his head to go to if he ever got injured on a midnight run. Another kid could melt metal, and the person after them could turn into a shadow.
When Leidolf was called up, the gym coach didn't have trouble pronouncing his name, which was nice. People occasionally messed it up, and it often got butchered on phones and computers that used auto-correct. Leidolf took a silent breath, and stepped up onto the stage. He proceeded to make a series of barks, growls, and yelps, which were quite similar to those of real dogs and wolves.
"For those of you who don't naturally speak Varg, I'll translate. 'My name is Leidolf, Kerl son of the Norse wolf-god Fenris.' I can speak to members of the dog family, such as dogs, foxes, and wolves, but I'm most comfortable with speaking in Varg dialect, that of wolves."
"Is that all you can do?" asked the coach, almost with a slightly bored tone.
"Well, I can do this one other thing, see." He fell down to the ground, landing on all fours, changing into a wolf as he fell. He had done the transformation so many times now, it was now flawless, and he was able to change almost in the blink of an eye. He was now a tall white wolf, with red markings near his eyes and on his side. Just for the heck of it, he howled his greeting, two short notes, blending into each other.
"Alright, next up!" called the coach. Leidolf quickly changed back and got off the stage. He saw one of the students had a gleam in their eye, and Leidolf took it that they had understood his Varg. He wondered what their godly parent was, or maybe if they were a child of Fenris as well.

She heard her name get called and she looked towards the stage. He called her by her full name, Arianna which she was never to found of. She growled softly and made her way up to the stage. "My name is Arianna, daughter of Artemis. Yes, I know Artemis is suppose to be a virgin and she still is. Artemis wanted a child and Zues gave her one from the soul of a lost wolf cub. My power is Therianthropy or changing into animals and taking their abilities and instincts." She jumped into the air and changed into a hawk in mid flight. She flew in a circle and landed back on the stage. She changed back and walked off the stage before the couch could tell her to.
Kiara was called on to the stage after Aria. She made her way towards the stage and climbed up onto it. "I'm Kiara daughter of Poseiden. I can create objects out of water and can transform into a mermaid." She pulled some water into the gym like Diana had done and kept them between her hands. She closed her eyes and focused on the water. She made it into the shape of a sword and the water dropped into her hand. When it touched her hand a layer around it dropped to the ground and revealed a long sword with intricate patterns carved into the handle. She sliced the air with the sword and handed the sword to the gym teacher. "I don't think this would be a good place to show my mermaid form," she said and walked off the stage.

After all the demonstrations were finished, Mr. Hernandez gave them their next instructions. "Alright, now that everyone's finished showing-off their powers, you will follow our assistant student, Mike." He pointed next to him, as a student teleported there. Mr. Hernandez nodded to the assistant student named Mike and then walked out of the gym.
"Hello, I am Mike and I am here mainly to take you to the place where you will obtain your book and have Lunch, but as a Senior at the school, I am also here to talk you though what this school is like." He beckoned us to follow him out of the gym as he walked out and then continued talking. "As you may know, this school isn't like any ordinary school; it run through the use of magic and other supernatural entities. The classes won't be completely the same either. The class subjects are the same as any ordinary school, Math, Science, and all that, but unlike normal school, these classes will teach you the subject in a way that correlates with Metaphysics. Other than that, though, it's pretty much the same." Diana looked around the long hallway that they walked through. As they got to another door, however, a fire formed and began to shift onto the shape of a human. The flame person was holding a flame staff and blocking the doorway. "Who goes there?" He asked in an echoing, deep voice.
Most of the students stood back a bit worried. Diana did the same, despite her powers. There was something about this...thing that radiated power. Mike looked at it with recognition. "Oh, hello there, Flame. These are this year's batch of Freshmen." The fire man's voice got much softer. "Ah, no wonder I didn't recognize them. Welcome, everyone." He moved to the side, turned back into a regular fire and then disappeared. Mike continued talking. "That's Flame. He is one of the school's guardians. You'll see a few other elemental humanoids in your years here."
Zahra looked at the spot Flame was standing on, curious if he might pop back up without warning. As they walked into the huge room, they saw a lot of stands. Some had a ton of books, others keys, and so on. In the very back of it all was the entrance to the cafeteria. The way the school was setup confused Diana, a bit, but she figured she'd get used to it eventually.
"Some of you chose to get a dorm, here, others of you chose to sleep at home. Either choice is fine, but for those of you who chose to get a dorm: remember to get your keys and stuff! Your School ID is the most important thing if you want to work on a paper in the Computer Room and most importantly, if the guardians stop you. If they see that you don't have an ID, they will notify the staff. You don't want this to happen to you, especially when you're in a hurry, so make sure to keep it with you at all times. Alright, I'll leave you guys so you can go get your stuff. After you get your stuff, your free for the day. Thank you and I hope you have a good time at Supernatural High."
A lot of the students replied with "Thank you, Mike!" As he left off. Diana walked off with Zahra to the line with the least amount of people, which was the Dorm Items line. Diana got the key to her and Zahra's room and then they went off to the ID line. It was the longest line, but she didn't want to get her books before her ID. Having to hold a ton of books in a long line didn't sound like the best idea to her. After about half an hour, they got their Class Schedules, P.E, Clothes, envelopes with the Class Schedules in them, and books. She looked at the ID picture, which was the one she had sent in with the application. Zahra's was the same. They took their books to the cafeteria and ate. "So have any idea where the dorms are?" Zahra asked her. Diana shrugged. "No idea, but we'll figure it out later." After they were done eating, they went back out to the area where they got their school stuff. As they walked around, they saw a huge sign that said, "DORMS --->". They followed the sign into yet another hallway. A wind blew and great transparent man appeared, gusts of wind blowing around him. "IDs?" He asked. Both her and Zahra pulled their IDs out of their pockets, simultaneously. The wind man looked at the IDs carefully, then nodded and dissipated.
They walked to their rooms and looked around. It was a nice sized room with 2 beds, 2 desks with chairs, a microwave, a mini refrigerator, and one bathroom with a shower. For the price they had to pay for the dorm, it was actually pretty good. There was even a device to turn the heater/AC on. Diana sat down on one of the chairs and looked at her schedule. Zahra on the other hand laid down on the bed and look at hers. This is their schedules:
Diana: 1st Period: Science, 2nd: English/Communications, 3rd: Math, 4th: World History, and 5th: P.E.
Zahra: 1st: Math, 2nd: English/Communications, 3rd: World History, 4th: P.E., and 5th: Science.
The only class they had together was English/Communications. There was also another paper in the envelope. They took it out and read it. It was similar to an advertisement. "Visit the Activities Center downstairs for lots of fun! We have lots to do down here. You can lounge on the couches and watch TV, browse the web for entertainment, play Pool, or get the equipment for any outside sports to play! There are all kinds of things to enjoy here! To find us, just keep walking through the dorms and you will find a stairway. For the disabled students: you can use your Keycard to open up the elevators. Just press the '5' and you'll be there."
"Sounds like fun." Was all Diana could say. Zahra nodded. "I'm going to take a little nap." She said as she unpacked her stuff and went to the bathroom to change. Diana nodded to her. She didn't really feel like she got much sleep, either. After Zahra was done, she changed, too, and lay there on the bed, thinking and trying to fall asleep.
(Phew! That was a handful ._.)
After the tour was over, it was off to the dorms. It made more sense to his father and to him that he live in the dorms as opposed to traveling to and from the school. That, and he wanted to have his own space anyways. Living away from home was something he'd have to get used to as he got older as it was. After picking up his ID, room key and mail box key, Robert headed over to his dorm room, room 169 on the first floor. Opening the door, he took a look around while walking in.
It looked like a hotel room, only a bit bigger. Two twin beds, two nightstands, a fridge, a small kitchenette, two computer desk areas with chairs, two dressers, a wall-mounted TV and a door to the bathroom. Evidently, he was going to be sharing the room with someone. He wasn't sure if the dorms were coed or split between guys and girls. But if he managed to have the room to himself, he wasn't going to complain. Taking off his backpack, he began to start putting his belongings away.
A few sets of clothes, some laundry detergent, a laptop, his 3DS and PlayStation 3, a small bag of plastic ware, and a few heater meals to put in the fridge. After setting it all away, he took out the paper he got from the school and looked over his class schedule.
1st: Math
2nd: English/Communications
3rd: Biology
4th: P.E.
5th: Art
Pretty simple stuff. Biology would be easy for him. After all, his father taught him a lot about medicine and human anatomy, and it corresponded well with his powers. Art class was a bonus. Of course there had to be more to the school than just the classes. His last school had after school activities and clubs. He'd have to go out later and see what clubs were available, and if it was mandatory to join at least one or not.