Forum Thread
If you could turn into a Pokemon which one would it be?
Forum-Index → General Discussion → If you could turn into a Pokemon which one would it be?Why: Because even if it is small in size, it can sure pack a JOLT at 'ya..!
It can also defeat strong Pokémons that it's weak against to.. 'coz of Ash. Lol.
And, it's also cute with an awesome attitude to boot..
So, yeah, Pikachu is the one I would like to be.. 8) (Y)
Reasons: Let me see... Ability to learn Aura Sphere, two formes, a unique Ghost/Dragon typing, and the Distortion World thing... Awesome.
Plus, it watches over the Spirit World and Reverse World as well.
And it has its own world. Being able to control time and space? Pah, forget about that. This world doesn't even have rules.
And besides, since Arceus banished it into the Reverse World, it means that Arceus doesn't have any control over it. In my headcanon, anyway.
As for pokemon, Porygon 2. Why? IT'S A DUCK, DAMNIT. And it can travel through (outer) Space and Cyberspace. And glitch websites. Ohohoho. I'd love to do that.
-I like pianos. And bee2. Haha, I'm kidding. I do like pianos though. And Klavier Gavin, though that's kinda irrelevent.
-According to the Homestuck God Tier Test, I'm a Heir of Doom.
My Pokemon: Absol. I just love the design, and also it kind of fits me. I am literally a walking bad luck charm. For one, every time my friend comes over she hurts her foot. Her right foot. Always, every time, her right foot. O_o There's way more, but the list would get too long...