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Posted: Fri, 19/02/2016 03:36 (8 Years ago)
Holly ran her slender digits through silken brunette tresses in a sign of distress as the angel ignored her completely. All of her tactics instructors were now screaming at her in her mind, she let the enemy take her to unfamiliar territory. The demon did mention that angels, though lacking common sense, were tactful and clever. The thought occurred to her that this angel might know that she was working with the devil, then again there was a chance he had no clue. Each step she made from now on was to be a delicate one and after a couple seconds of silence and contemplation Holly looked up to this angel who was inside her husband’s body.
“So this person, Ray. Why is he so important?”

She decided to go along with it for now, play the safe game and keep out of harm’s way. She read the bible as a child, and it was general knowledge of how powerful angels were, though most believed the winged creatures to be of myth and legend. If she were to get in a fight with him, who knows what would happen. He did seem rather weak, it would be the perfect time to strike, but he had some sort of plan in action and she thought it would be beneficial to learn of this plan. For a moment her eyes broke away from him, looking into the crowd of people that moved on by the small alcove they have seemed to appear in.

“And how do expect me to find someone out in the middle of all these people without any hints as to what this Ray looks like?” She questioned him again as it was something that had to be done.

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Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 01:50 (8 Years ago)

Title: TAC 101591

Name: TAC
ID# 101591
Species: Human-Animal Hybroid
What kind: Dog
Age: Three years of age. With her hybrid genes that makes her around 20 years of age.
Does your character want to escape?: TAC really doesn’t know if she wants to escape or not. She just wants to make people happy.
Why created: Her name is an acronym for Tactical Assault Canine. TAC is a specialized breed of dog used for military, law enforcement, and security details. An underground drug lord specifically had her genetically cloned from his previous pet.
Skills: Heightened senses such as smell, taste, hearing, and sight. Also her agility is boosted. Can also sense sickness and find objects easily. She also is equipped with fighting instincts and was trained in basic combat.
Weaknesses Her strengths are also her weaknesses. Her heightened senses pose as some great skills but when it comes to things such as loud noises and bright light she can’t handle it. Dog whistles are the absolute worst. She is also very colorblind. Has a shorter lifespan than a normal human.
Fears: Being a disappointment.
Likes: Sparring, playing fetch, staring off into the distance looking at nothing but at everything.
Dislikes: Baths, Loud noises (though she is trained to tolerate them), and the freaking shock collar.
Physical description: Other than the fluffy white dog ears, tail, and snowy hair TAC looks like a completely normal young adult. Her eyes are dark brown like those of the Swiss Shepherd she shares her DNA with. Her skin is pale accompanied by rosy cheeks which paint a look of almost pure innocence on her. Her build is rather toned yet slender still so she can remain agile while in combat.
Personality: TAC just wants to make you happy, no matter what she has to do. This trait makes her a very obedient and subservient being, quick to follow orders even though she may not like the outcome. Her loyalty is something that is hard to break. But when that loyalty does snap, and she finds you an enemy, her mood changes in the complete opposite direction. TAC has the ability to become hostile at a moment’s notice and even becoming sadistic when triggered to do so.
History: It’s been three years since the creation of TAC 101591, a clone of a past TAC which was owned by a powerful drug lord who has heavily funded the Colby Corporation and their work. Just like TAC 101591’s originator, for her first three years alive she was trained heavily in combat and defense, her appearance was also well kept up for the pleasure of her future owner. She waits in The Greenhouse now, training day in and day out, waiting for her Master to come take her away. Every now and then her training consists of retrieving escaped hybroids.
Other: -TAC (Stands for Tactical Assault Canine.)
- She also goes by the name Pasha.

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Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 01:18 (8 Years ago)
Holly was in all truths, frightened and slightly intimidated when she saw the blue glow of the mystery man’s eyes, fingers grasping tightly to the butt of the gun, ready to draw the weapon at moment’s notice. It was not in this woman’s nature to display fear in the sight of possible enemies. “Your’s since conception?” This phrase ultimately baffled the young woman.

As his hand reached up her hand flinched drawing the weapon, but the tips of his fingers reached her head her fingers slipped, the weapon dropping to the pavement. It was like a film was being played through her mind, images flashing by her one by one in a sequence of events that made in click as to what exactly this thing was….an angel….her enemy. But the feelings he gave her where the one’s that he felt, not her husband’s. Her husband was no longer on Earth, what stood before her was his shell now being used by another being of celestial force.

His words then broke the darkness making her blue steel colored hues open to peer into his as he made a statement about her. “Wait what?!” Before she could do anything his fingers touched to her head again, and everything went black……

“Holly….” It was a taunting voice, almost sing-song like.

“You know what you must do.” The vision of eternal crimson swirling about in a vast space of nothing. Chains reaching out with meat hooks and clamps, digging into the swollen flesh of a screaming man. Her husband.

Suddenly sounds started to pierce the silence, car horns, people talking, the clicking of a woman’s heels. And then she heard her name, the words sounding a bit muffled but she understood. “What? What do you mean?” Then it was like adrenaline shot to her brain as a warning signal went off in her mind shooting her awake bringing her to her senses. “Where did you take me?!”

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Posted: Mon, 15/02/2016 05:35 (8 Years ago)

Title: Moving Forward?

Okay, trying not to be rude or anything. But it has been a great while since we have been able to forward the plot. Is it possible that we can consider skipping the missing parties and continue on with posting to keep the RP alive?

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 16:32 (8 Years ago)
Her mouth hung open, but no sound came from it, just a face of pure terror as she saw the hood of her car bashed inward like a tin can under this man’s fist. Then an almost silent wheeze escaped from her throat. She shut her mouth tightly, creasing her lips together using her teeth to bite them shut before parting to take in a deep breath. Then it clicked that there is no way her husband could even possess that power. Yes he was strong but not to this degree and that set off an alarm in her mind that basically crossed off the possibility of this being her husband.

It was a slow gentle movement as she took a couple steps back from him, dropping the blanket to the ground. Her arm bent moving her jacket back and exposing the pistol holstered on her hip. Her fingers felt the release on the holster, snapped it open, and then switched the gun’s safety to off. Then her hand rested on the grip, waiting. “Who are you?” Her voice trembled but she kept the confidence of the Marine she was.

“You and I both know that you aren’t the owner of that body.” The fingers that rested on the gun trembled against the metal finding it hard to stay still. Her voice remained calm but a pressure welled up in her chest, like someone was gripping her lungs tightly. She looked at him with eyes filled with pain and a slight flame of anger.

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Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 01:59 (8 Years ago)

Title: Is it really you?

‘What in the hell was wrong with this guy?’ That was the thought that pierced her mind as his eyes locked with hers. She felt odd, like she knew this man but what she was thinking couldn’t possibly be, ‘he…he’s gone…’ her mind tried to reassure her but she took a step forward to the naked man and reached up a gentle hand to his face very slowly. When she touched the flesh of his square jaw she felt something move through her and then a face flashed in her mind from that bloody night, the face of her husband….

This man was her husband….

But her husband was buried….

He was under the ground!

Maybe the red-eyed man pulled through and he doesn’t remember her or this could be a horrible trap. Coming back to herself, she snatched her hand away quickly putting it behind her back. She had to get a feel of this ‘being’ that maybe was her husband. She had to take this rather delicately.

“Well, as they say, it’s 5’o’clock somewhere.” She responded a smile instantly painting over her lips masking the turmoil that was storming inside of her about this possible illusion. “Um, hold…hold on…” She rolled up her sleeve revealing a wristband, and looked at the flesh on top of her arm like she were peering at a wristwatch rotating her arm back and forth suddenly causing a screen to appear on her skin. She pressed the picture of a car,

“Locate me.”

An engine roared and around the corner came and odd vehicle which looked like a car but it was driving itself and had no door handles. It was hauntingly shining red as the sun reflected off the metal body. It would pull up behind her and she would turn around. “Trunk” The trunk would pop open and she would reach inside grabbing a blanket. “Give poor Jared back there his clothes. I have some things you can have back at my house.”

She was trying to control her breathing around him, but being intoxicated was making it a little hard to keep the anxiety down, stumbling slightly as she walked up to him, brown curls bouncing on her shoulders, handing the blanket out to him. “Come on take it. I can patch you up and you can shower at my place. It’s not too far from here.”

Running through her mind was the possibilities of what this could be. It was only a couple weeks ago when her husband was torn apart by menacing invisible dogs called hellhounds.

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 19:29 (8 Years ago)

Title: Red.

Red…. It was the only thing that she could see, plaguing her mind with the images of those crimson eyes, and the matching blood that stained the area around her. A mixture of a man’s desperate screams and the snarling of brutal beasts filled her ears. Holly shut her eyes tightly and then the flush of a toilet brought those closed lids to open, letting her monochromatic hues stare at her own reflection in the bathroom mirror. Another woman walked out of one of the stalls and stood next to her to wash her hands at one of the sinks, glancing over every now and then at the sweating woman. Holly looked dead in the mirror her eyes shifting over to woman catching her gaze which seemed to signal the woman to exit the bathroom. Once alone Holly reached to the glass that sat on the porcelain top of the sink, it contents containing a dark golden bourbon that filled the glass halfway…well that was until Holly down the remains, no expression on her face and the burn slid down her throat.

Upon exiting the restroom Holly was greeted with the sight of one of the usuals to the bar standing stark naked in the middle of the room, the rest of the crowd looking dumbfounded at the door. Holly approached the man looking square at the back of his head.

“Jared. What are you doing?” She asked the man stepping up behind him. The large man would turn about and look at Holly, his face as white a sheet. Holly took a big gasp in, trying to look any other direction but down. “You’re naked.” Holly snipped looking for answers.

“A man came in here and took his clothes.” Holly looked to the squirrely man who spoke up for Jared with an amused smirk on her face.

“Took his clothes? Just took them?” The man nodded and Holly looked to the door where everyone’s attention was focused. “Okay then.”

Holly walked past the naked man and out the door to the dark night, except this night there were two moons, one in the sky and one traveling into the parking lot. This was a rather odd sight as she watched the man just non-chalantly wander over the pavement, Jared’s clothes bundled in his arms, no regard for anything. “Hey! Naked man!” Holly yelled out. “You will hand me those clothes back. They aren’t yours.” Suddenly it was as if something gripped her, an odd feeling about this encounter, like some sort of energy. She took a step back on the porch of the bar before forcing herself forward down the steps and into the parking lot after the man. “I said hey!”

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Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 04:03 (8 Years ago)

Title: Let's get started!

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Posted: Sat, 06/02/2016 03:23 (8 Years ago)

Title: Holly

“You say it’s not my fault? I can’t accept that. It will always be my responsibility.”

General Details

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Name: Holly Ashwood
Age: Twenty-Seven
Gender: Female
Species: Human
Occupation: Marine Infantry Veteran

Appearance: Grief is a physical trait on this woman, pain always looming behind her monochromatic grey hues. At one point in time Holly was a woman with a warm heart and genuine happiness but all of that has been pulled from her, leaving her as a dusky shell of her former self.
From her years as a Marine, Holly is in reasonable shape with a pleasantly toned physique but not overly muscular. Vanilla, unblemished flesh blesses her, something she worked hard at through terrible teen years, the only thing marking her skin is two old scars, one on the front near her collar bone, and one to match in the same area on her back, created by a bullet wound.
Holly mainly likes to keep her hair natural brunette and above her shoulders, something that was instilled upon her during her service, she also feels that too long of hair will just get in the way of things. And Holly’s style reflects her military background, preferring to be comfortable than fashionable, though she is not without fashion sense.
> Height: 5’8
> Weight: 135

What Are They Like?

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Personality: Holly’s recent past has taken a major hit to her personality, silencing the charm that she used to possess. Now she has become rather closed off, finding solace at the bottom of an empty glass of strong liquor, which barely takes effect anymore.
Showing a kind heart is not her strong suit anymore but she knows how to be civil to others and show respect where it is due. Holly is not that much of a strong talker displaying that she is a little more introverted, however she will find enjoyment in a stimulating conversation which could give a chance to the person she is communicating with to actually see what she used to be.

Skills/talents: Holly is like a Swiss Army Knife when it comes to basic tactics and fighting. When she was in the Marines she participated in the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program and became knowledgeable in sixteen different forms of marital arts. She also has a tolerance to chemical weapons after being exposed to them during her training. She also was the top student in her tactics class, even putting research into motion on a new attack tactic she came up with during her exams.
> Weaknesses: Basic Mortality, though she has been shot once she got lucky. She also has a pretty decent case of PTSD.
> Fears: Hellhounds and going back to war.

Weapon of choice: Being a veteran it only makes sense to carry a gun on your person so she carries a SIG Sauer P226. For more intimate situations she also carries on her a MTech U.S.M.C. Scrapper with the name of Lil’ Prick engraved on the handle.

Read Their Biography

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History: Born to a family of legacy in the United States, Holly Ashwood is the great granddaughter of the Captain of the Seal Team 6, the same team that killed the infamous Osama Bin Laden in 2011. Ever since then almost everyone from that generation onward was a marines family, encouraging their sons and daughters to excel in the military lifestyle and hope to one day save the lives that are the dearest to you. This same concept was instilled into the mind of young Holly. The daughter of a marine general, Holly grew up on military bases all over the world and learned many things in her experiences. This wondrous childhood of discovery led her to the same path her father took, just as his father did before him. After junior high school Holly found herself eager to join into a military academy instead of a normal high school. From there she attended the Virginia Military Institute for her college education where she began research on a new assault tactic that she had made up during her exams and continued this research well into her time in the Marines actually leaving for basic training on the day of her 21st birthday joining in instantly as an officer.

During her time she was deployed twice and on her first trip overseas to resolve international conflicts she met a man, a wondrous man. He was a Colonel and she was serving as his major at the time, though during times of being off duty the two were inseparable. They drove each other wild for a year then they both resigned from their officer positions and eloped in Taiwan the day after their resignation was approved. The marriage was perfect every day like a fairytale, it was the happiest she had ever been in her life, and as long as she could share her life with him nothing could bring her down….

That was until one cold night when she woke up to the sounds of her husband pacing back and forth in front of the bed his eyes looking frantically at the door. Before she could even ask what was wrong the door exploded into splinters and her husband was ripped apart by some invisible force, right before her eyes. When it was over and her husband lay lifeless on the floor, a man stepped through the door a sickening feeling overwhelming her. When he looked at her in the bed his eyes were revealed to be as red as her husband’s blood, splattered on her skin. She remembers not being able to move like she was being held in place and the man came over and wiped the tears from her face. The man revealed to her everything that she was blind to during her time of love and happiness. For one, she had come to find out that her husband had sold his soul to become a warlock so he could in turn put a love spell on her and charm their commanding general into officiating their resignations form the military, and now that his ten years were up, it was time for him to face the hellhounds. What her husband didn’t know was that the spell he put on her was short term ranging to basically last only a couple of days, other than that she really fell in love with him. Pleading to the man she begged for him back and he told her he save her husband’s soul from eternal damnation, it’s just that his boss would like a favor from her first….

Role in the group: Spy
Password: 'It's Tuesday'

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Posted: Fri, 05/02/2016 15:56 (8 Years ago)

Title: I like pie.

Member Entry
Name: Dean
Nick Name: Squirrel, Batman, and other unmentionable things.
Favorite Character: Dean Winchester
Favorite Episode: Yellow Fever
Favorite Season: All of them.
Favorite Quote: "I was a kid! Kids ain't suppose to be grateful. They are supposed to eat your food and break your heart, ya selfish !"
Favorite Character to HATE: That Constance chick.
What Character are you most like?: Charlie
Rules: Yes

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