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Lucifer returning | Roleplay

Forum-Index Roleplay Lucifer returning | Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 01:00 (8 Years ago)
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Roleplay: You're here


In 2010 Lucifer was successfully resealed away in the deepest pit of Hell, the cage, along with the archangel Michael and their two vessels. Lucifer's vessel, Sam Winchester, escaped the cage after a year of earth time but the other three occupants remained in the fiery pit for another 73 years. After a few silent decades from Hell's part, the demons began preparing to set the rightful ruler of Hell free once again.

When Lucifer rebelled against God, Michael bound him in the cage and locked it with 66 seals. In order for Lucifer to walk free yet again, those seals must be broken. It had already been done in 2009 and the 66 seals broke again 74 years later in 2083, leaving Lucifer to roam the Earth freely. This marked the beginning of the Apocalypse.

This time, the Winchesters aren't there to stop it.

Heaven did nothing to stop the oncoming doom. With the reopening of the cage and Lucifer and Michael free, the original plan could carry on: The final battle between Michael and Lucifer takes place, which leads to the death of Lucifer and the destruction of Earth. This would allow the angels to create paradise.

However, not every angel is okay with letting the Earth and all the species occupying it, including humans, to crash and burn amidst the final battle. Therefore, a lone angel leaves Heaven to find a small group of people who are supposedly destined to prevent the destruction.


Ezekiel | Rebel angel | Hell

Alex Jones | Weapons expert | viki123

Ray Cooper | Walking monster encyclopedia | Finhawk

Faelan Elizabeth George | Medic | stormalli

Holly Ashwood | Spy | Dean_Winchester

Lucifer | Hell

And now, let us begin!

Tuesday, May 18th in 2083
Location: Chicago
Time: 19:53
Weather: Cloudy

"Come on! I just wanted to talk to you!" Ray yelled over his shoulder as he covered behind a door frame. He was answered with a few bullets whizzing past him and a couple of them hitting the wooden structure. "And by 'talk' I mean 'load you up with some good old silver'," the lad added with a huff, mostly to himself, as he checked the magazine of his Beretta 92. Three bullets left. Oh well, no biggie, he had made do with less. Or that's what he'd claim.

The young man had spent the last few days tracking a particularly annoying shapeshifter down. The darned thing had remained two steps ahead at every turn and Ray had actually started contemplating calling back-up. Though whether he would've been able to convince anyone to lend him a hand is another thing entirely that shall forever remain a mystery since the shifter had finally made a mistake that allowed Ray to catch up with the little bastard. Which is how he'd ended up in Chicago, trading bullets with his prey. Though he hadn't exactly expected the shapeshifter to pull a gun on him, the bad guys usually opted to try to claw his face off or something similar, so he was in a bit of a pinch right now. It was nothing he couldn't handle though. If he was starting to run out of bullets, so was probably the villain of the story.

Speaking of which, it had been awfully quiet few seconds too long. The shapeshifter hadn't decided to make a run for it, had it? Frowning, Ray gripped his Beretta close to him as he took a peek at what the lovely creature was up to. As soon as he got a visual on his target, he already had an armful of shapeshifter. The little prick had sneaked up on him and bounced him as soon he had shown one little blue hair. Ray landed on his back on the harsh wooden floor and the creature that landed on him effectively knocked the breath right out of him. As he took a second or two to recover from the shock, the next thing that was knocked away from Ray was his gun. Well, it was bye-bye to that murder tool then.

The shifter got two hits in before Ray got his hands on one of his silver knives and plunged it into the monster's abdomen. Any moron would know that wouldn't be enough to kill a shifter but the shock and distraction of the sudden pain was exactly what the young hunter had been after. As the shifter let out a pained yell, Ray flipped them over while yanking his blade from the creature. When he effectively had the shifter pinned to the floor, the hunter brought his silver knife down on its heart, effectively killing the thing.

after catching his breath for few seconds, Ray pushed himself on his feet and winced as he brought his hand up to feel the left side of his face. He'd surely have a nice shiner the next day. "Ah man, I really hope you didn't give me a black eye, those things don't really suit me you know." Bending down, Ray pulled his knife from the shifter's chest and wiped the blood from the blade on the nice white shirt the monster had been wearing. It was rapidly turning red anyhow. Speaking of shirts, the hunter glanced down on himself and was not happy at what he saw. His green shirt was now partially brown-ish around his waist. "Oh come on, you bled on me!? That's so not cool, man. I liked this shirt. If you weren't dead already, I'd kill you for this." To emphasize his unhappiness, Ray gave the helpless corpse a kick.

Before Ray could further abuse the dead shapeshifter, the sound of approaching sirens forced him to reconsider his priorities. "Well, that's my cue to leave. We had fun while it lasted, let's not do this again." After his farewells to the thing he had just killed, Ray moved over to a window but stopped right after opening it. Retracing his steps, the hunter made his way over to the body and after a quick look around, he located what he was missing: his Beretta 92. He couldn't leave a gun with his fingerprints on it for the police to find, now could he? Besides, he kind of needed it.

Making his way swiftly back over to the window, Ray climbed through it and made his way down the fire escape as the wailing sirens drew nearer with every second that ticked by. Once his feet came into contact with solid ground, the lad started jogging away from the crime scene, intending to be somewhere else once the moron squad, aka the police, arrived. Hopefully no curious stalker neighbors had seen him.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 04:38 (8 Years ago)

Title: Faelan George | 21 | Medic

Faelan sighed, watching as the customers dwindled from the store as it became late into the night. As much as she would like to leave as well, she couldn't and had the night shift. That was the time most hunters came around. They never suspected her to be one of them so they never talked about but she could tell what they were. They thought she was too small, too young, for the business. She would always eavesdrop on their conversations, as bad as that sounded though. She would learn from jobs that needed to be done, what was the most recent kill, ect.

The most recent news was something she was very curious about. Apparently, there were way more demons than usual and much more strange things acting up. Everyone at the bar seemed to pick up on it, civilian or not, and the place began to be tense. The last time the numbers spiked like this is when the Apocalypse started. But it was stopped by the infamous Winchester brothers. Everything was peaceful after that. Hunters continued to wipe out the demons and of all the other critters. After, many quit being hunters and they got jobs, settled down, have kids, that sort of stuff. Hunters were dwindling and they were worried that on top of the increase of demons, we wouldn't be enough to stop them.

Huffing, she signaled to her boss that she was taking a break and took a bottle of beer and stepped outside. Despite it being spring the night was chilly and cloudy and she rubbed her arms as she leaned against the building. Fae entertained the idea that there were monsters lurking nearby and sipped her beer contently.

stormalli // smol cat lady

i'm in high school and an aspiring

female pronouns
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 15:48 (8 Years ago)

Title: Ezekiel Awakens

[Wake up]

Cool grey eyes snapped open in the blackness.

[It's time to wake up.]

This voice…Inside his head. He’d heard it before. He tried to respond but found that his mouth was pressed open in an awkward gape, filled with dirt. He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything...and yet, that voice. He must

[Get Up]

He knew what this was, it was burrowed so deep inside his internal program that it made his whole body vibrate and ring The voice was heard and his hands shot forward. He began to claw his way through the dirt, lifting himself up further and further through the dark and the wet until finally a stream of light broke through and illuminated his filth covered face.

[Ezekiel...it is time for you to fight once more. Gather them.]

He gave a desperate gasp as air filled his lungs, chest rising and falling with the gift of new life. The angel remained on his knees there over the deep chasm he had crawled out of, draped in the ceremonial cloths of his burial. When he finally tried he could barely stand, dropping for a moment to one knee in order to gulp in oxygen.

“Father?” he looked up at the sky, the sun shrinking his pupils, and hurting his head. He shielded away from the light.
There was no response. The ringing in his head, the church bells, the power of the stormy voice- all gone.

He may have been alive, but he felt so weak, incredibly weak. He wasn't sure if he had the power left to teleport, and had no clue at all that even if he had the energy it was no longer something that was possible for any angel.

The world spun in front of him. He'd never been resurrected in such a condition... but now, now he had a job to do. A mission that he must not fail. He could feel it pulsing through him, that was the only strength he needed. No man nor devil would halt his progress. There were things standing in his way, yes…for one, his blade was gone, missing, somehow. He could feel it resonating with him and seeing as he was currently alive, it must not have been destroyed—but where was it?

Ezekiel walked through the grave yard, nude, filthy. He looked down at his bloody, empty hands. Crawling out of one’s own grave was certainly not easy, even for an angel. He felt...hungry. His vessel was hungry...but first clothing. Then he would nourish this body. After that he needed to find a way to fulfill the task given to him.

He stumbled, and tried to steady himself with his wings..... wings ...He could barely feel them. They were there, invisible, mutilated...but still there. he felt as thought every inch of him was on fire with pain. What...happened to him?

It would have been a strange sight for anyone to see a 6’2 man walk into a bar, but even the startled patrons did not know the gravity, or how strange the event really was. Three burly men turned from their beers, mustaches soaked in stout, to see Ezekiel in all his lean, muscular glory, standing silhouetted in the doorway of the Dogwood Tavern.

“What de’ are you doin.” One finally said after a long minute of shocked silence, standing up to lumber over to the angel that now stood three or four steps in., “you sick fagg*t, walking in her stark assed. Get de’ f*ck out of here.” The man’s face was crunched up in rage, his hands balled into fists the size of sledge hammers.

Ezekiel observed the approaching man. He took note of what he was wearing with casual reflection. Untidy jeans, over washed. Double busted combat boots, and a leather jacket with the insignia of a pair of grey angel wings on the front pocket, symbol that was matched by a large, crudely sewn patch that spanned the entirety of the jacket’s back. Oddly fitting, he thought.

The man approached, but didn’t get too close. He stood no more than an inch or so smaller than Ezekiel and was roughly around the same size. The angel reached out and gripped the mans shoulders a few times, and then his arms, as if to confirm this.

“WHAT de’ HELL YOU DOIN?!” the man roared angily, reeling back his fist and plunging it forward towards his ‘attackers’ face. The angel’s hand raised and caught the punch mid motion.
“Give me your clothes.” He demanded, and without another word the biker began to strip down until he was standing there in front of Ezekiel with all of his clothing folded in his arms and held out to him, “I like your Jacket, give it to me.” Ezekiel confirmed.

The biker removed his shoes, placed them on top of his clothing and handed the bundle over. “Thank you.”
And with that, Ezekiel left the man, and the gawking crowed inside the bar.

“It was the craziest thing I’ve ever seen, I’m telling you!” a woman said to the man smoking his cigarette beside her. The woman gave Faelan a glance,eyeing her up and down. Her brown curls were tied back in a fat, tight pony tail at the back of her head, which she was shaking in apparent emphasis as she continued her story, “the place was just…..just…demolished, it was like a bomb went off.” She insisted. The man across from her, didn’t look at Faelan, caught up in the story completely, exhaling a few rings of smoke.

“It’s disgraceful, desecrating a cemetery.” The man said, removing his john Deere hat and then readjusting it over his sparse hair, “What sort of person would do that?”

“Kids playing with firecrackers, I’m telling you it had to be…but that’s not even the worst part of this.” She was frowning deeply now, leaning forward towards him.

“No?” there was a confused, but interested lean forward from him as well.

“One of the graves was dug up.” She said this the way anyone telling a good story does, practically hissing the best part with morbid excitement, though trying to contain it. The man had been about to take another drag, but paused in shock. This was the moment the woman turned to Faelan, sneering a bit.

“looking for the playground, little girl?”

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 19:29 (8 Years ago)

Title: Red.

Red…. It was the only thing that she could see, plaguing her mind with the images of those crimson eyes, and the matching blood that stained the area around her. A mixture of a man’s desperate screams and the snarling of brutal beasts filled her ears. Holly shut her eyes tightly and then the flush of a toilet brought those closed lids to open, letting her monochromatic hues stare at her own reflection in the bathroom mirror. Another woman walked out of one of the stalls and stood next to her to wash her hands at one of the sinks, glancing over every now and then at the sweating woman. Holly looked dead in the mirror her eyes shifting over to woman catching her gaze which seemed to signal the woman to exit the bathroom. Once alone Holly reached to the glass that sat on the porcelain top of the sink, it contents containing a dark golden bourbon that filled the glass halfway…well that was until Holly down the remains, no expression on her face and the burn slid down her throat.

Upon exiting the restroom Holly was greeted with the sight of one of the usuals to the bar standing stark naked in the middle of the room, the rest of the crowd looking dumbfounded at the door. Holly approached the man looking square at the back of his head.

“Jared. What are you doing?” She asked the man stepping up behind him. The large man would turn about and look at Holly, his face as white a sheet. Holly took a big gasp in, trying to look any other direction but down. “You’re naked.” Holly snipped looking for answers.

“A man came in here and took his clothes.” Holly looked to the squirrely man who spoke up for Jared with an amused smirk on her face.

“Took his clothes? Just took them?” The man nodded and Holly looked to the door where everyone’s attention was focused. “Okay then.”

Holly walked past the naked man and out the door to the dark night, except this night there were two moons, one in the sky and one traveling into the parking lot. This was a rather odd sight as she watched the man just non-chalantly wander over the pavement, Jared’s clothes bundled in his arms, no regard for anything. “Hey! Naked man!” Holly yelled out. “You will hand me those clothes back. They aren’t yours.” Suddenly it was as if something gripped her, an odd feeling about this encounter, like some sort of energy. She took a step back on the porch of the bar before forcing herself forward down the steps and into the parking lot after the man. “I said hey!”

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 21:10 (8 Years ago)

Ezekiel halted in the middle of the road, and turned at the torso. His brows were furrowed together over squinted eyes, naked body basted in the sunlight. He would have been undeniably handsome had it not been for the overwhelming oddity of the scene. Standing in a bedroom-sure, standing in the middle of the street--not so much. He did not seem to have any sense of shame, standing tall with his shoulders rolled back in a confident form. The pile of clothing he had taken was still held securely in his arms, one hand on top and the other keeping the boots still on top. The truth was that he didn't, no shame at all. Angel's had never been instilled with the idea that bodies should be covered, that was a uniquely human trait although most angel's did understand the purpose of customs and blending in.

After what seemed like a long moment of considering this girl that was calling out to him, he finally pulled his eyes away from her and looked down at the stack of fabric. Then once again he turned his gaze on her.

“I need these.” He said, his tone deep and resolute. As if that were all the explanation he needed to give he then turned himself back around and began walking away.

He hadn't expected persistence, and he wasn't at all feeling in the mood to deal with a uppity hairless ape. He turned a second time, and this time all the way around. He was so filthy, from head to toe, covered in the residue of his earth prison, and the blood from his fingertips was beginning to soak into the clothing, although the superficial wounds were already healing at a rate far superior to that of a human's natural capacity.

"I heard you." Ezekiel said. His voice was touched with a slight tinge of annoyance, and his intense silver gaze on her was as relentless as her yelling out for him, "You don't have to keep shouting at me." He was so calm about the whole situation that it was as if he registered no fault at all with what he had done, taking that man's clothing.

To the angel, all of this was something within his sphere of rights. He was angel, these were people. He looked over their souls and in return they should be happy to give him whatever he asked for, be it food for his vessel, shelter...clothing. He shifted his head forward a bit, looking at her like she had lobsters crawling out of her ears. what was she yelling about ?

He could smell the scent of alcohol on her from where he was standing, the waft of scented air passing by his nose. He lifted his head a moment, inhaling it and then his eyes hawked back to her, locking with hers.

"You are intoxicated." He knew what liquor did to humans, but hadn't seen such in a long time. Rarely had he ever seen a human woman drink something as strong as what this girl was pushing back. That was something he usually saw the human males doing together as some sort of bonding/ rutting ritual.

Trainerlevel: 9

Forum Posts: 11
Posted: Mon, 08/02/2016 21:27 (8 Years ago)

Title: Faelan George | 21 | Medic

Faelan listened in to the whispers as she sipped her beer, not noticing the commotion going inside the building or in front of it. A dug of grave? Plus all the stuff going on right now? It couldn't just be a coincident. As she pretended not to care, she could feel the woman's eyes on her. She must be suspecting that she was listening in on the story as well. The man however was clueless and was wrapped up in the story. Hearing the woman sneer, Fae stood a bit taller and looked at the woman with a smirk. "Why would I when I want to know what happens in your story?" She smiled and chugged the last of her beer then she turned to the door. "As much as I want to know, I gotta go back to my job." She said with emphasis on the last word.

Opening the door all she found was chaos. Men were naked, women screaming. Jaw almost to the floor, she quickly went up to the old biker. "What the hell are you doing?!" She grabbed a towel from the bar and handed it to him. "Cover up. Which way did he go?" She asked the man after hearing his story. "Him and my friend went that way." He said pointing to the door. Fae huffed and stomped out. Of course the drama had to happen during her shift. She had enough to deal with anyways.

She stopped and watched the woman yelling at the man that was naked with the cold gray eyes. Fae didn't move toward, tense. Something was dangerous about the man. She could feel something coming from him and it made her stomach drop. Faelan decided to wait it out and if the woman needed help she would.

stormalli // smol cat lady

i'm in high school and an aspiring

female pronouns
Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 00:28 (8 Years ago)
((Don't mind me, I'm just gonna be writing The Amazing Adventures of Ray while you have your gathering. :b

Just a shorty post this time though.))

Tuesday, May 18th in 2083
Location: Chicago
Time: 20:09
Weather: Cloudy

Rounding a corner, Ray emerged to the more lively streets and slowed his jogging down to a walk to avoid any unnecessary attention. Not that it helped much, one tends to turn a few heads when sporting a blue mohawk. Usually, Ray didn't mind any odd looks but it was kind of an inconvenience when you had a pretty noticeable bloodstain on your shirt. Realizing how bad it must've looked, the lad hastily buttoned his denim vest up since the outer layer of clothing had only suffered few drops of damage. Hopefully they'd come off. Not that Ray minded that much though, the vest already had few stains that would remain until the end of the world. Blood was tricky like that.

Now he only needed to get to his car. It would help quite considerably if he could remember where he had left the thing. That was the problem with dumb big cities, everything looked the same. Stopping in the middle of a sidewalk, the hunter took a quick look around as he tried to discern which way he should wander next but only ended up drawing a blank. Letting out a frustrated puff of air, Ray scratched the side of his head as he came to a conclusion: He had managed to get himself lost. "Awesome."
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 01:59 (8 Years ago)

Title: Is it really you?

‘What in the hell was wrong with this guy?’ That was the thought that pierced her mind as his eyes locked with hers. She felt odd, like she knew this man but what she was thinking couldn’t possibly be, ‘he…he’s gone…’ her mind tried to reassure her but she took a step forward to the naked man and reached up a gentle hand to his face very slowly. When she touched the flesh of his square jaw she felt something move through her and then a face flashed in her mind from that bloody night, the face of her husband….

This man was her husband….

But her husband was buried….

He was under the ground!

Maybe the red-eyed man pulled through and he doesn’t remember her or this could be a horrible trap. Coming back to herself, she snatched her hand away quickly putting it behind her back. She had to get a feel of this ‘being’ that maybe was her husband. She had to take this rather delicately.

“Well, as they say, it’s 5’o’clock somewhere.” She responded a smile instantly painting over her lips masking the turmoil that was storming inside of her about this possible illusion. “Um, hold…hold on…” She rolled up her sleeve revealing a wristband, and looked at the flesh on top of her arm like she were peering at a wristwatch rotating her arm back and forth suddenly causing a screen to appear on her skin. She pressed the picture of a car,

“Locate me.”

An engine roared and around the corner came and odd vehicle which looked like a car but it was driving itself and had no door handles. It was hauntingly shining red as the sun reflected off the metal body. It would pull up behind her and she would turn around. “Trunk” The trunk would pop open and she would reach inside grabbing a blanket. “Give poor Jared back there his clothes. I have some things you can have back at my house.”

She was trying to control her breathing around him, but being intoxicated was making it a little hard to keep the anxiety down, stumbling slightly as she walked up to him, brown curls bouncing on her shoulders, handing the blanket out to him. “Come on take it. I can patch you up and you can shower at my place. It’s not too far from here.”

Running through her mind was the possibilities of what this could be. It was only a couple weeks ago when her husband was torn apart by menacing invisible dogs called hellhounds.

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 12:42 (8 Years ago)

Poor Ray, at least the adventures of Ray are entertaining. He'll be picked up next. Ray is actually the only one he knows for sure he's supposed to pick up. He was given one name and face when he woke up, and it's Ray. So he doesn't even know he's supposed to get these other girls yet.
My goal is to have him leave these two girls, and he goes to get Ray, and then after he finds him it will be revealed that these two girls were the other ones on his list. I can easily see the two teaming up to go find out what happened at the grave site (where Ezekiel rose).

For a moment Ezekiel just stared at the woman, not understanding why she was looking at him with such—what could only be described as—heart breaking devotion. The look only lasted for a moment but the angel looked into her and a flood of memories that were not his own flashed inside his mind.

A hand raised up a came down across the woman’s cheek, casting her into the wall. ”I SAID GET BACK!”—the sound of teeth grinding together, dogs barking in a wild and excited symphony.

A man collapsed to the floor, his chest blossoming like a rose as everything was pulled out of him, by the force of massive invisible claws, spraying the walls and the floor around him. I'm so-sorr the words gurgled past dry heaved screams of absolute agony.

Ezekiel blinked his eyes and looked directly at the woman standing in front of him. He knew her now, this was the woman who had been cast to the floor by the man he had just seen in his vision, and it wasn’t just any vision of any person. He had been reliving the memories of his vessel-this vessel. Yes, he knew the woman, and she knew him—though not nearly as well as she would have hoped considering he was not at all who she would have wanted to see. This body might have once belonged to her late husband, but it was his now. It had been repaired and built just for him.

He was neither compelled nor saw any reason to point this out to the woman, her feelings were of little concern to him. He’d have turned and continued on his way had what happened next not been such an absolute shock to him.

A vehicle the likes of which he had never seen came reeling towards them, it moved oddly, with a jerky mechanical movement- the auto drive technology still something rather new to the advancing world. It splayed beams of yellow light over them, bright even in the sunlight. The angel did not even register this metal body as a car, instead all that passed his mind was that the glaring lights and shine were coming from some sort of threat, some sort of attacker.

In a whirl the Angel tossed down the clothing and drew back his fist, slamming it with indiscriminate force down onto the hood of the car, making the metal bend inward around his curled fingers. The chassis buckled, as did the front axle, smoking curling up from the newly exposed engine.

Once this heinous act of impromptu car abuse was over, Ezekiel lifted his fist out of the dent and looked around at the car, confused and slightly put off that such a large and menacing thing was in fact only a vehicle. He stepped back and looked it over a bit, head tilting to the side before he glanced over at the woman who likely owned it. His eyes then flickered to someone new that had stepped out from inside the bar, watching the scene from the front porch. His silver eyes locked with hers, but he said nothing.

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 09/02/2016 16:32 (8 Years ago)
Her mouth hung open, but no sound came from it, just a face of pure terror as she saw the hood of her car bashed inward like a tin can under this man’s fist. Then an almost silent wheeze escaped from her throat. She shut her mouth tightly, creasing her lips together using her teeth to bite them shut before parting to take in a deep breath. Then it clicked that there is no way her husband could even possess that power. Yes he was strong but not to this degree and that set off an alarm in her mind that basically crossed off the possibility of this being her husband.

It was a slow gentle movement as she took a couple steps back from him, dropping the blanket to the ground. Her arm bent moving her jacket back and exposing the pistol holstered on her hip. Her fingers felt the release on the holster, snapped it open, and then switched the gun’s safety to off. Then her hand rested on the grip, waiting. “Who are you?” Her voice trembled but she kept the confidence of the Marine she was.

“You and I both know that you aren’t the owner of that body.” The fingers that rested on the gun trembled against the metal finding it hard to stay still. Her voice remained calm but a pressure welled up in her chest, like someone was gripping her lungs tightly. She looked at him with eyes filled with pain and a slight flame of anger.

Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 199
Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 18:56 (8 Years ago)
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Thu, 11/02/2016 18:58 (8 Years ago)
(Ultra Magnus, please post an application in the RP SIGN UP's First. Link to it is on the top of this pace)

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Sat, 13/02/2016 04:09 (8 Years ago)
Alexander was looking through photographs he took while walking around his small hometown. He thought that all the pictures were charming in their own way. His eyes glistened when he saw one with bird that was just opening it's wings for flight. He opened file on his computer and sent photos from his camera to file on computer. He will later go and check photos, again, but now he is going to library.

Walk to library was quiet. There was not a lot of people on streets. He focused on his destination, but he stopped anyway. Just to look at flowers. There was some drops of water on it from spring rain. For him it was discovery of day. No monster facts he could find in library were as interesting as this flowers and how they moved when wind started blowing easily.

He felt eyes on him. Realization came over him. He was standing and staring at flowers for sometime. He knew people weren't really comfortable with it, so he moved on. Library wasn't that far. He was there in less than five minutes. He opened glassdoor. Librarian just looked at him and nodded before getting back to reading her newspaper. 'It's weird thing they call them news paper and they aren't made of paper anymore.' He thought to himself.

He sat down at his table, sure there was no one else here, because who reads books anymore or does research. He pulled out one book he was reading for past few weeks. This book was part of The Supernatural Books series. He heard some hunters talking about them and that they were real stories from hunters that saved the planet from Apocalypse back in 2010. Aperiantly a world should of have ended then but it didn't. He rolled his eyes. 'Like that is possible!' He thought finishing the last page of book. Somehow this books, all of them, even unpublished at time, ended up in libraries.

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 15/02/2016 13:00 (8 Years ago)

Ezekiel made a slight noise of malcontent, looking at the woman who proclaimed so boldly that this vessel that had been given to him by the sheer grace of Heaven, and God himself, was not his to use. Such a thing made his eyes narrow and his face grow serious and pityingly scolding.

"You humans and your--" he looked the woman over, the judgement in his voice so profound it gave his words a second tone that lilted behind the first, "unfounded sense of possession. You, all of you, walking around and pressing your flags into stone and claiming things as owned when truly that could never be. You tell me that this is not my body to use, girl-" Silver eyes grew bright with the shine of blue grace, flashing in ways no human eyes could possibly manage, "-You'll come to understand that this body has been for me to use since its conception."

With that he reached up a hand and connected two finger to her brow, "Let me show you." and from his fingers came a whirlwind of knowledge and images that displayed for Holly what the angel and been through since he had been resurrected here on this earth again. From crawling out of her husbands grave to finding the clothing, to the feelings of anguish he had felt when realizing that it had been so long since he'd seen life.

These images had been given to Holly willingly by Ezekiel, but what Ezekiel had not planned on experiencing was a wave of understanding that came with touching the girl. The moment his fingers connected with her brow, and the wavelengths opened up for him at his beckoning he realized that this was one of chosen.

"You...." he said, his eyes widening slightly, "You will come with me now." With a tightening of his lips he touched her brow again, but this time to render the girl completely unconscious. Her whole body would go limp, and she would collapse against him. He lifted her body over his shoulder like a downed deer and closed his eyes. He searched deep, trying to decide if he had the energy to teleport in order to avoid any more questions. He could sense the faintest pull in a certain direction that told him that if he indeed managed the teleport, that he could hone in on his next target, the only one currently visible to him. Only by chance had he made the connection with this girl, allowing him to see that she was also one of his chosen. The others would reveal themselves all in good time.

He decided that he would simply have to make the leap, and in a flurried symphony of feathers the angel disappeared from view and the girl along with him. In this state he followed the tug of purpose he found himself reappearing in the middle of a large a busy city, one that made it certain that he would not be noticed-as too many things were already going on. Everyone was moving so fast.

The angel slipped to the side of the bustling crowds and lowered the woman to her feet, keeping her steadied there before tapping her brow again to wake her,

"Holly Ashwood." He said, knowing her name now, from their shared connection, "We are hear to search out the second of your kind." he explained, though such an explanation would seem incredibly vacant when taken into consideration that he had just kidnapped her, and uprooted her from everything that had become familiar to her since her husbands death.

"The man we must find is here in the city. He is close by."

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Tue, 16/02/2016 01:18 (8 Years ago)
Holly was in all truths, frightened and slightly intimidated when she saw the blue glow of the mystery man’s eyes, fingers grasping tightly to the butt of the gun, ready to draw the weapon at moment’s notice. It was not in this woman’s nature to display fear in the sight of possible enemies. “Your’s since conception?” This phrase ultimately baffled the young woman.

As his hand reached up her hand flinched drawing the weapon, but the tips of his fingers reached her head her fingers slipped, the weapon dropping to the pavement. It was like a film was being played through her mind, images flashing by her one by one in a sequence of events that made in click as to what exactly this thing was….an angel….her enemy. But the feelings he gave her where the one’s that he felt, not her husband’s. Her husband was no longer on Earth, what stood before her was his shell now being used by another being of celestial force.

His words then broke the darkness making her blue steel colored hues open to peer into his as he made a statement about her. “Wait what?!” Before she could do anything his fingers touched to her head again, and everything went black……

“Holly….” It was a taunting voice, almost sing-song like.

“You know what you must do.” The vision of eternal crimson swirling about in a vast space of nothing. Chains reaching out with meat hooks and clamps, digging into the swollen flesh of a screaming man. Her husband.

Suddenly sounds started to pierce the silence, car horns, people talking, the clicking of a woman’s heels. And then she heard her name, the words sounding a bit muffled but she understood. “What? What do you mean?” Then it was like adrenaline shot to her brain as a warning signal went off in her mind shooting her awake bringing her to her senses. “Where did you take me?!”

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 13:36 (8 Years ago)
Sorry for the short post

Ezekiel seemed to ignore Holly’s question all together, and instead he calmly looked out upon the sea of people that crashed it’s waves into each and every shining building and swept along past them to-and-fro with practiced ease.

“You ask a lot of questions.” He said, finally looking down at her, possibly even a bit annoyed, and while he had been absolutely stark naked a few moments before he was fully clothed now, from head to toe in the outfit he had stolen from the poor biker. They all seemed to fit him perfectly, although the leather jacket and biker boots didn’t seem to really fit his oddly stern personality., “I told you already that we are searching for a man. He’s young and lost and somewhere here in the city. We’ll have to locate him by foot… I’m not sure why I can’t hone in exactly upon his location, but my senses tell me that he’s not too far away. I will know him if I get close enough. It would be easier if I can touch him.”

He looked back out at all the people and took a few steps forward, ”God must be testing me.” He said, mostly to himself, and then he spoke to Holly, “try to keep up. I won’t be able to easily find you again if you get lost. It was by chance that I found you this time.” He understood at this point that he’d have to really work hard in order to find this person, his powers felt so weakened. He was amazed he had mustered enough of it to transport both himself and Holly into the city.

"We need to find Ray..."

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago)
((Random post because studying started frustrating me. I definitely won't be posting again before Friday evening though.))

Tuesday, May 18th in 2083
Location: Chicago
Time: 20:13
Weather: Cloudy

It was definitely no use standing around in the middle of a sidewalk while looking like a lost child. No way Ray was going to find anything, let alone his car, if he didn't even look. Nowadays most cars had some handy tracking thingies so you could easily see where the darn thing was with your phone or any other fancy device. However, Ray was kinda cheap and he had figured he didn't need any fancy additional stuff. A car was made for transport for heaven's sake, anything else was rather useless. Now he kinda hoped his car wasn't an ancient piece of junk that had seen way better days. Maybe if he could track his way back to the vicinity of the building where he had sliced and diced that shifter, he'd be able to discern which way he should go from there. There was just one slight problem, any common murderer knew that going back to the damned crime scene was the stupidest thing you could possibly do.

Such were the thoughts of Ray as he heard something interesting. "I swear, a man and a woman just appeared out of nowhere. There were so many people around that I wouldn't have even noticed it if they hadn't appeared right in front of me."

It took Ray few seconds to pinpoint the person who was talking, a woman judging by the voice. A second female voice joined the first one as the lad finally spotted the two of them. "Oh yeah, and where are these teleporting people now?"

Two middle-aged women, a brunette and a redhead, were walking down the street towards him. The first voice turned out to be the brunette as she spoke again. "They just slipped into the crowds and I lost sight of them. Maybe they were aliens or- Stop laughing, Darcy!"

Even though Darcy the redhead seemed to be amused, Ray was less so. The two women paid no attention to the young man as they passed by him, the crazy alien-lady was busy trying to defend herself while Darcy was too amused to take too much notice of a random blue-haired lad. Aliens were certainly crazy talk but randomly appearing people less so. Maybe they were a pair of rakshasa, those nasty things could turn invisible. Though why they would be walking on a busy street and randomly turning visible was another thing entirely.

Since he only had three measly silver bullets and no brass on him, it would be foolish to go looking for these things but Ray wasn't exactly known for being reasonable and calculating. He had the benefit of tons of witnesses, nothing was going to gut him in the middle of a street, right?

So without much further thought in the matter, Ray set out in the direction the two women had came from. He certainly wasn't opposed to killing another thing that night. Two monsters in one day all by himself, that would certainly show Mike. Though he currently possessed no way to kill a rakshasa, let alone two, and there wasn't even any guarantee that those people were rakshasas or that they even existed. The last option became a disappointingly likely possibility as Ray made his way through the other pedestrians and he could spot nothing out of the ordinary. Maybe the crazy alien-lady was just that, crazy.

Perhaps he should just go buy a sandwich or something and get back to his lost car -problem.
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Fri, 19/02/2016 03:36 (8 Years ago)
Holly ran her slender digits through silken brunette tresses in a sign of distress as the angel ignored her completely. All of her tactics instructors were now screaming at her in her mind, she let the enemy take her to unfamiliar territory. The demon did mention that angels, though lacking common sense, were tactful and clever. The thought occurred to her that this angel might know that she was working with the devil, then again there was a chance he had no clue. Each step she made from now on was to be a delicate one and after a couple seconds of silence and contemplation Holly looked up to this angel who was inside her husband’s body.
“So this person, Ray. Why is he so important?”

She decided to go along with it for now, play the safe game and keep out of harm’s way. She read the bible as a child, and it was general knowledge of how powerful angels were, though most believed the winged creatures to be of myth and legend. If she were to get in a fight with him, who knows what would happen. He did seem rather weak, it would be the perfect time to strike, but he had some sort of plan in action and she thought it would be beneficial to learn of this plan. For a moment her eyes broke away from him, looking into the crowd of people that moved on by the small alcove they have seemed to appear in.

“And how do expect me to find someone out in the middle of all these people without any hints as to what this Ray looks like?” She questioned him again as it was something that had to be done.

Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Fri, 19/02/2016 14:56 (8 Years ago)
His bracelet vibrates, informing him he got new message, while Alex was still in library. He wasn't happy about anyone interrupting his studies. Irritation could be seen on his face and he walked outside to read what was so important because he never got calls or messages. He hoped it was just notification so he can go back to weapon book he was reading. It was quite old book with weapons that were now held in museums but it also had some of, kind of new, weapons, inside. He got his thoughts back to message.

Unfortunately, for him, it was from number he didn't recognize. He thought right up that it could be new job and he got happy. Reading through message he realised it wasn't really one of nice kinds of jobs. It was about following someone and getting informations and pictures. He wouldn't have took the job if it weren't for weird description of people he needed to follow. Apparently they appeared in middle of crowd. ''Like they teleported or something.'' Read in message. He was intrigued. Even though he didn't want to admit it. He understood they might be monsters and it will be easier if he can catch them on camera. He already started to calculate how long it would take him to get to Chicago. From his town it would be less than two hours ride if he went right away.

He walked to his home and went to basement. It contained different kinds of weapons, what is reason he never let anyone in. Some of weapons were made especially for him, but some he got through black market. Only a few of weapons were actually registered or bought in normal weapon market. He went to his dagger closet to check on his trustworthy daggers. He packed three different ones, silver long dagger, pure brass dagger that he could throw and Jagdkommando Tri-Edge Dagger of 7 inches. For last one he almost sold his soul, literally. Fortunately he exorcised the demon and took it. It wasn't really stelling, he just charged what he has done.That boy didn't need it anyway.

He just took his Sig Sauer P226 and bullets he made for it from different materials. He was now ready to go. Locking first his basement them house and turning on alarms, he walked to his car. It was one of simpler older models that still had everything he needed. With its metallic grey paint, it looked much better than it was. Truth was, he didn't take it to professional mechanic since he got it, mostly relaying on his own or friends skills. But he did a lot to keep car at least clean and nice smelling, no one could say differently, and he enjoyed smell from the moment he sat in. He put radio news on knowing he will get bored of it fast. But it was a habit for him.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Sun, 21/02/2016 19:14 (8 Years ago)
Sorry for the short post, I'm sick today

"He is like you, special." He said simply, "Why you are special is not a question I need to be asking. My duty is to carry out my mission." The truth was that as Ezekiel looked around at the bustling crowd, and took mental inventory of what energy he had and what powers of his he could call upon..he was beginning to question the same things. How was he going to find one person amongst so many when he could barely keep himself upright. If he kept displaying himself so openly he was bound to be found by the wrong sorts of creatures.

"I thought that by now my brothers and sisters would have come to my aid, but perhaps....perhaps that is just part of God's plan. Maybe I need to redeem myself." He wasn't sure what he had done to earn god's wrath, but he couldn't think of any other reason why his father would be ignoring his silent prayers for aid...or why he had left him in the ground for so long.

"We are just going to have to walk and if I am able to touch him I will know." After saying this, Ezekiel began to do just this, reach over and touch the people around him, having no idea that this was absolutely socially unacceptable, and people didn't seem to really be liking that a strange man they did not know was randomly brushing his fingers over their shoulders, or foreheads. He didn't seem concerned with the rude comments of shock and outrage that followed after him as he swam through the crowd.*