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[Hell's Greenhouse] (Accepting:Starts Today 2/22)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up [Hell's Greenhouse] (Accepting:Starts Today 2/22)
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 15:32 (8 Years ago)
Hell's Greenhouse

A future world/ horror rp

This Rp will start on the 22nd of Feb/// spots are limited.


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The year is 3013. The human race has expanded exponentially to the point of inhabiting Earth, the Moon, and Mars. The green planet earth once was is no more, all living wildlife (which consists of barely anything)and plants are contained and harvested in massive green houses protected by the Milky Way Republic of planets. Humanities challenges are growing ever more extensive. Resources are scarce, civil war between the planets seems eminent, and hope for the future of life seems bleak and soaked in smog.

A few scientists have managed, through nefarious and quickly diminishing funding, to begin some morally questionable experiments on human subjects in which they infuse animal or plant DNA into the human genes. The result of these complex experiments has created a slave race of humans that have animal or plant characteristics. This race has been kept secret inside the green houses for the last thirteen years, but all of that is about to change as a group of these specialized humans escapes as is thrust out into the strange world of the future.

-Everyone starts in the same Green House on Earth. The Green House is called.(Colby 6)
-There are human and robotic scientists working at the green house, but rarely interact with the creatures, and when they do it's usually for experimentation.
-the beasts are not treated nicely.
-I will accept one person to play the scientist that may help the beasts escape.
-Beasts are known as Hybroids and are practically unknown of in every day society.

Who will you play?

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You are one of the following

+ A human animal hybrid
- you have something like (ears, tail, wings, paws, or other body parts the animal would have.)
- You have the some of the abilities the animal has
- You have at least one thing that humans might want from you. For example if you're a leopard, your pelt would be worth a lot of money. If you're a bull hybrid you might be extremely strong and be a good work slave. If you're a dog hybrid you can sense out illness in people. Birds can feel the magnetic energy of the earth ETS. Some animal hybrids are actually created to be FOOD (I will not accept animals that humans wouldn't have any reason to create, so pitch to me why scientists would have made your character.)

+ A human plant hybrid
- You have colored skin either all over or on certain parts of your body.
- You gain strength from sunlight
- You can make things grow and create your own food from the light
- You are delicate skinned and need to wear protective gear or you may be easily harmed
- You can be a poisonous plant, but there would have to be a reason why scientists would want to create you. Some plant hybrids are created to be FOOD, some of them are created from the liquids they excrete from their pores, such as saps and sugars.

+ A human mineral hybrid (extremely rare)
-These are the most rare and have very hard protective skin, they still look human but might glitter or have a unique shade to them.
-These are sometimes throne into fires for energy
-These are capable of connecting with other minerals to create unique powers
-Highly prized


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+ Must be literate and capable of posting at least several paragraphs of writing at a time per post.
+ Must be creative and versatile. We want this story to go somewhere and have lots of action.
+ No God-Mod
+ No metagame
+ Do Not Mix IC and OOC
+ Do Not Lorebreak
+ Do Not Play Mary-Sues
+ Do Not Play Mary-Sues (yes, it's here twice)
+ Grammar
+ Don't expect someone to come to your character. Put your character in the action. We are not here to babysit you.
+ Nothing over powered.
+ Believably but fanciful characters need to have subtlety and elegance in their creation. Compel me with your character! Make me interested in them, but don't make them so extremely unique that they are pointless (goes along with mary-sues)
+ Rules are subject to change
+ Be active. If you don't post after 2 days I will kill your character in the most brutal way I can think of..and i'll enjoy it.
+ If i don't like your character creation I can deny you entry into the rp. Get over it.

Character Form

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post appearance image here

Having trouble finding an image? Post two pictures. One of the human appearance and one of what they are hybrids of.

Name:(your name is 3 letters long and CAPITAL. They go in front of your ID #)
ID# (This is a made-up number assigned to your character that is 6 digits long and used to identify them)
Species:(use above)
What kind: (If animal what animal, if plant what plant, if mineral what mineral)
Age: (you won't be more than 13 years old but should still be an adult like character. These are creations, not born people. )
Does your character want to escape?: (From captivity)
Why created: (Why were you made)
Physical description:
Other: (anything else?)

post appearance image here

Having trouble finding an image? Post two pictures. One of the human appearance and one of what they are hybrids of.

Name:(your name is 3 letters long and CAPITAL. They go in front of your ID #)
ID# (This is a made-up number assigned to your character that is 6 digits long and used to identify them)
Species:(use above)
What kind: (If animal what animal, if plant what plant, if mineral what mineral)
Age: (you won't be more than 13 years old but should still be an adult like character. These are creations, not born people. )
Does your character want to escape?: (From captivity)
Why created: (Why were you made)
Physical description:


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The Green houses

The outlying city

waste lands



Accepted list

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The_Legendary_Starlord - Acceptance Pending
KiraAnne- Accepted
viki123- Accepted
Dean_Winchester- Accepted
Finhawk- Accepted
Tweek_Tweak- Accepted
Dantelion- Accepted

Trainerlevel: 32

Forum Posts: 195
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 18:28 (8 Years ago)
Name: "K A I"
ID# "459103"
Species: "Animal Hybroid"
What kind: "Red Panda"
Age: "19"
Does your character want to escape?: "Yes and very badly. He wants to see what's beyond the walls."
Why created:" He was made to be killed by hunters. To use his head as a trophy and his pelt as a coat."
Skills: "Very agile when it comes to trees. He has also a keen eye. Usually winds up sticking his nose into trouble."
Weaknesses: "He is a horrible swimmer. Also not so much of a good fighter either when it gets to hand to hand combat."
Fears: "The scientists. And guns. Especially guns."
Likes:" Trees and places to hide."
Dislikes: "Water and guns. And also gunpowder and needles."
Physical description: "Well a basically a man, but with a bushy red tail. He has claws made for climbing up and down trees. He has also long and pointy ears that he likes to groom. Kai's face is pretty furry and a white lining that makes him look like he has a mask on."
Personality: "Funny and useful when times needed. He is also likes to steal and is a good escape artist."
History: "He was created by some scientist. They said to themselves that he was going to be a good prize for hunting sport. He over herd that and noticed that they were going to run some more tests. He suffered a lot... Like hell itself was punishing him. When released into the greenhouse, he hid for severa days, hoping to meet someone else."
Other: He has a thing for drills and long strong sticks. He uses them to fight whatever was would get in his way. He trains by hitting the nearby trees and throwing the sticks like a spear.
Quote from "Peter Quill AKA Star Lord" I was just a Kid when I left earth and I had no Idea What the Universe had In Store For me.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 18:31 (8 Years ago)
I made a few edits to the profile skeleton, please adjust the form you submitted to match and then I will look over it. Also please quote the skeleton so that everything is in proper format. Thank you!

edit: Please change the age to reference how long it's been since your character was created. Cannot be more than 13

Trainerlevel: 5

Forum Posts: 1
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 19:16 (8 Years ago)
Name: ABB
ID#: 184942
Species: Flora
What kind: Cedar Tree
Age: Since Creation; 6.
Does your character want to escape?: Not entirely. She sort of 'goes with the flow' when the others make their move to escape.
Why created: Anti-fungal and Insect repellent properties
Skills: Strengthened by the sun, bark-like skin covering vital parts of body, when lacking food she can receive nutrients from sunlight and water
Weaknesses: Fire, lack of water or sunlight for extended periods of time
Fears: Being burned while alive.
Likes: Water, sunlight, stability, company
Dislikes: Fire, when she's stripped of bark or leaves
Physical description: Her hair is composed of branches and vines. Bark covers the vital portions of her body, while the rest of her body is a soft, yet supple substance (like if you were to peel away bark from a tree). Her skin varies, mostly the color of wood and moss.
Personality: She is somewhat of a 'free-spirit', and tends to go with the flow. It's almost like it was bred into her to cooperate. That doesn't mean she's unfriendly though, she actually enjoys the company of others.
History: She was created six years ago. Used for Oxygen production, as an Anti-fungal, and an Insect repellent, she's used to cooperation and following orders. She likes the stability of the Greenhouses, despite the unfair treatment of herself and others. At least she knows there will be sunlight, water, a place to take root.
Other: Not currently, I reserve the right to add on as I see fit.
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 1,284
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 20:00 (8 Years ago)

Name: ARI
Species: Animal Hybroids
What kind: Axolotl
Age: Created before 8 years when he was 17
Does your character want to escape?: Yes.
Why created: He was created because of regeneration skills of Axolotl. He can grow back any organ. Mainly created for donating organs, no one really cared about him, so he needed to learn how to stitch himself up. Now he works on stitching other Hybroids.
Skills: Regenerating and stitching up people. Also can breathe in water.
Weaknesses: Doesn't work in groups, moody, doesn't really do much to care about himself, needs a lot of water
Fears: - Losing his mind
- Staying his whole life in Colby 6
- Social situations
- Rejection
- Scientists and doctors
- Huge Hybroids and people
Likes: Books, Coffee, Sleep and Classic Music
Dislikes: Indifference, Scientists and doctors, Direct orders
Physical description: He is slender and short standing at 5'2''. His eyes are blue and his hair is soft pinkish-white. He is pale with soft skin that is pink on some places. His tail is a bit longer than half of his body. He has gills that are located on his throat, but couldn't be seen from first glance.
Personality:He doesn't really like being near other Hybroids or humans, but if you meet him he will try to make laugh. Staying away he looks at changes that happen in Colby 6, he is very observant. He also learns fast.
History: He was created against his will and most of his organs are taken more then once. He doesn't like how scientist treated him or other Hybroids, he suffered most of time when they removed his organs leaving him to stitch himself. He planned ways to run away but to him it was only day-dreaming.
Other: Nothing
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 20:05 (8 Years ago)
Please add working photos to profiles to be accepted

Trainerlevel: 12

Forum Posts: 474
Posted: Wed, 17/02/2016 22:50 (8 Years ago)

Name: DAT (Direct Assault Testudine)
Species: Human-Animal Hybroid
What kind: Snapping turtle
Age: Since creation; 9
Does your character want to escape?: Yes
Why created: She was made to be a living deadly weapon. A strong warrior to be used on wars
Skills: a strong and dangerous bite, Hard shell/armor, can breath under water for a few minutes
Weaknesses: Limited vision, Low agility and speed, cannot stay too long on land or water, Average intelligence
-Lacking water
-Getting lost
-Being stared at
-Thunderstorms (Mostly because of the noises)
-Public spaces (not really used to, at least)
Likes: Fish, birds, swimming, wet zones, sleeping, Pop music, raw vegetables (specially sweet potatoes and beans), watermelons and puns
Dislikes: Anything too sweet, Garlics and onions, walking long distances, Metal music, Rock music, direct orders, loud noises, crocodiles, Dinosaurs, Cheese, kidney beans (she prefers other types), etc
Physical description: DAT is very tall, standing at 7'1". She has a dark tan skin, her eyes are deep black. Her hands are pretty normal, except for her nails, which are claw-like (same applies to her feet). Her hair is straight, brown and short (But also a bit soft). Her structure is slender. Her skin is very rough to the touch(but can be damagd easily, as normal skin). Her tail is very short, and her shell is spiky and hard, as well
Personality: DAT 223451 tries to act as a normal DAT, an obedient and useful testudine. But when she is not at training and alone, she is pretty much tries to be kind and funny, but she also a bit jerky (Sometimes makes fun of others)
History: DAT 223451 was created 9 years ago; cloned from another DAT. She was different from other DATs. Instead of being the typical obedient DAT, she was the opposite, tho, she tried to act like a normal one. She was trained like any other DAT in fighting strategies and to follow orders. She started to hate Colby as years passed by. After 9 years full of training and suffering, she became pretty strong, but her weaknesses and fears increased
Other: Loud noises annoy her, as any other turtle. Also, she doesn't have ears, only a membrane. even though she doesn't have teeth she can talk, because her beak is shaped like 3 sharp teeth and she does have a toungue(also, i'm in my exams week, so I might be inactive)

Avatar by Crypt

Bought in jack n Bryce's cafe, art by nearclear

Don't starve >:3

Trainerlevel: 8

Forum Posts: 2
Posted: Thu, 18/02/2016 01:50 (8 Years ago)

Title: TAC 101591

Name: TAC
ID# 101591
Species: Human-Animal Hybroid
What kind: Dog
Age: Three years of age. With her hybrid genes that makes her around 20 years of age.
Does your character want to escape?: TAC really doesn’t know if she wants to escape or not. She just wants to make people happy.
Why created: Her name is an acronym for Tactical Assault Canine. TAC is a specialized breed of dog used for military, law enforcement, and security details. An underground drug lord specifically had her genetically cloned from his previous pet.
Skills: Heightened senses such as smell, taste, hearing, and sight. Also her agility is boosted. Can also sense sickness and find objects easily. She also is equipped with fighting instincts and was trained in basic combat.
Weaknesses Her strengths are also her weaknesses. Her heightened senses pose as some great skills but when it comes to things such as loud noises and bright light she can’t handle it. Dog whistles are the absolute worst. She is also very colorblind. Has a shorter lifespan than a normal human.
Fears: Being a disappointment.
Likes: Sparring, playing fetch, staring off into the distance looking at nothing but at everything.
Dislikes: Baths, Loud noises (though she is trained to tolerate them), and the freaking shock collar.
Physical description: Other than the fluffy white dog ears, tail, and snowy hair TAC looks like a completely normal young adult. Her eyes are dark brown like those of the Swiss Shepherd she shares her DNA with. Her skin is pale accompanied by rosy cheeks which paint a look of almost pure innocence on her. Her build is rather toned yet slender still so she can remain agile while in combat.
Personality: TAC just wants to make you happy, no matter what she has to do. This trait makes her a very obedient and subservient being, quick to follow orders even though she may not like the outcome. Her loyalty is something that is hard to break. But when that loyalty does snap, and she finds you an enemy, her mood changes in the complete opposite direction. TAC has the ability to become hostile at a moment’s notice and even becoming sadistic when triggered to do so.
History: It’s been three years since the creation of TAC 101591, a clone of a past TAC which was owned by a powerful drug lord who has heavily funded the Colby Corporation and their work. Just like TAC 101591’s originator, for her first three years alive she was trained heavily in combat and defense, her appearance was also well kept up for the pleasure of her future owner. She waits in The Greenhouse now, training day in and day out, waiting for her Master to come take her away. Every now and then her training consists of retrieving escaped hybroids.
Other: -TAC (Stands for Tactical Assault Canine.)
- She also goes by the name Pasha.

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 12:15 (8 Years ago)
Attention all members of this RP. I will be opening up an RP thread in the RP forums for this story line, so please look there to continue. Those that are pending may not post until accepted and all new members must still post profiles here. Any questions, comments, concerns, or plotting can now be done here in this thread.

Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 17:16 (8 Years ago)

Title: WIP

Name:C O B
ID# 772379
What kind: Cat
Age: Created four months ago
Does your character want to escape?: Extreme desire for freedom.
Why created: Created for infiltration purposes and
+Night vision
+Excellent climbing
+sharp claws
+Intensified senses
+Always lands on feet
+Can't swim
+ laser pointers
+Can only digest meat
+Sleeping in trees
+pushing things over
+being touched too much
+not being touched enough
+not being fed on time
+being trapped
+delicate things close to ledges
Physical description:
Striking blonde hair with dual colored eyes adorned with small black slits, much like the feline he was spliced with. He's got a lean, athletic body with a spine he often arches as though he were truly a cat. He has cat like ears, a cat like tail, and sharp teeth. There is a single stripe of fur running the length of his spine which stands up when he's upset.
Personality:He's akin to a common orange tabby, and has a bit of the street sass to back it up. He's fickle and might changs his mind three or four times before settling on a final choice. he's instantly bitter to new people, but slowly warms up to them over time. sometimes the warming up process can be very quick and you'll find him bothering you when you really don't wish to be bothered, in fact being clingy and interrupting your peaceful, quiet alone time is one of his favorite things, right below invading your personal space while insisting you respect his.
Recently created, COB isn't really used to the Greenhouse and has already decided that he /hates it/. He sees what the other animals are going through and begins hatching a plan of escape using his specialized feline skills. Having a brilliant but easily distracted mind he will need the help of the other animals to form an escape.
Other: Catnip

Trainerlevel: 93

Forum Posts: 1,612
Posted: Mon, 22/02/2016 23:46 (8 Years ago)

-Drawing: namitokiwa-
-Photo: Source-

Name: PAF
ID# 300712
Species: Human-animal hybroid
What kind: Golden poison dart frog
Age: 6 years since creation.
Does your character want to escape?: Yes. PAF no like da Green House.
Why created: To poison and kill people. Mostly for assassination purposes. Obviously.
>The poisonous skin part is kind of an advantage
>Rather fast
>Good swimmer
>Lack of physical strength
>Dry air and cold weather can render him rather useless.
>Somewhat weak personality
>Liking people and then ending up poisoning them. That would suck.
>The scientists
>Tasty insects (crunchy ants are the best ones)
>Forests, plants, vegetation
>Talking to nice people
>Accidentally killing people that he wasn't supposed to murder
>Large open spaces
>Dry and/or cold environments
>Fighting and arguments
Physical description: The rather short man has a lean body, almost appearing as weak and fragile, which isn't really true. However, he doesn't exactly possess much physical strength other than his legs that make him quite the fast runner. The man appears as a normal human being except for his skin that is very much like a frog's. Said skin is also bright yellow which harshly contrasts with his black hair and dark brown eyes. The skin is coated in a rather strong poison that prevents impulse transmitting between nerves and leads to paralysis and heart failure. He also has the disgusting frog tongue that he uses to eat disgusting little critters. It's all very disgusting.
Personality: PAF is a rather calm and mellow fellow. He's rather sociable and enjoys company, so the 'might accidentally poison my buddies' -part is kind of a downer. That still doesn't make him a lonely brooder, he's just rather careful around others nowadays and does his darnest to keep everyone at an arm's length. The frog-man is also somewhat timid and isn't a fan of arguments or direct conflict. He really doesn't like angering people since that pretty much always ends badly. He's no saint though, even though he stresses about possibly poisoning someone random, he doesn't really have great problems obeying the scientists when they make him kill some poor fella to assess the efficiency and speed and whatnot of his poison.
History: Mixing up a human and a highly poisonous frog seemed like the perfect idea. Some training and the creation would be the perfect assassin. Except one teeny tiny problem was overlooked. An assassin that has bright yellow skin isn't such a great assassin after all. However, since time and money had already been invested in PAF, he couldn't just be swept under the rug as a failure that easily. The scientists are currently trying to figure out if they can change PAF's skin pigmentation without altering its poisonous properties. So far, there has been no luck. Though if the assassin plan is doomed to fail, the poison can just be extracted from PAF and sold, which is already being done at regular intervals.
Other: That's it I think. I might add stuff tomorrow if I suddenly feel like it. I hope my lil' Paffy Froggy's fine. :b
Quote from Commander ShepardI'm Commander Shepard and this is my favorite post on PokeHeroes.
Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Fri, 04/03/2016 13:11 (8 Years ago)

Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 103
Posted: Tue, 08/03/2016 19:43 (8 Years ago)

ID# 591788
Species:Animal Hybrid
What kind: Horned Lizard
Age: 8
Does your character want to escape?: Yes
Why created:
Horned Lizards Have tough skin and high tolerance to heat making them useful in areas too hot for humans. They can go several days without water and have claws good for making burrows. These burrows can be used for temporary shelter.

Horned Lizard Hybrids have rough skin and tolerance to heat up to 130 degrees Celsius. Their nails are strong and can easily break through rough dirt and over turn rocks. While not prone to break they do shed making them weak for a time afterwards. Their skills at burrowing are excellent and make good for mining near hot and heavy machinery. They have also seemed to maintain their eye ability of spurting blood giving an interesting entertainment for the scientist.

Blood spurting
High Resistance to heat
Water Reservoir

Cold - will be come sluggish and will most likely die under 40 degrees.

Fears: Birds, and loud noises.
Likes: Dark warm places, Sunbathing, and running.
Dislikes: Cold, Nightime, high pitched noises, snakes, and females.

Physical description:
Head - Short sandy brown hair that hides horns. Rugged and unkempt. Blue eyes and thin lips.
Body - Tanned skin slightly rough to the touch. Scientist have determined he has many small scales that make his skin but provide just as much protection as normal skin. Slender frame with muscled arms and legs meant for running and digging.
Inside Colby 6 - Plain white shirt and brown trousers.
Outside - (Will steal) Black jacket, white shirt, brown trousers, and black sneakers.

Personality: Very shy and does what he is told. Until he disagrees in which case he is likely to flee using his claws to defend himself. He is wary of anything new but wants change and a place to call his own. He wishes to leave Colby 6 so he can go into hiding and live his days peacefully.

Creation date: July 15 30XX
Age: 8

Test Protocol History(Age 1)-
Test One: Placed in heated chamber heat slowly raised to 150 degrees. Signs of heat stroke after 130 degrees.
Test Two: Placed in cooling chamber heat lowered to 30 degrees. Subject in critical condition heat has to be raised slowly and manually. May not survive.

Test Protocol History(Age 4)-
Subject has shown the ability to project blood from its eyes. It has proven entertaining for the scientist. Forcing the subject to feel threatened they have made it project its blood. It seems to take shorter and shorter amount of time. Either subject is becoming constantly fearful or is learning to control it.

Test Protocol History(Age 7)-
Test Ninety-Two: Subject has made large series of tunnels within dirt room provided. Its claws excel at digging as expected. They do break against metal however giving enough time (5hrs) may break through rock.


Trainerlevel: 17

Forum Posts: 41
Posted: Tue, 08/03/2016 19:45 (8 Years ago)