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Trainerlevel: 6

Trainerpoints: 38/113


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Carvanha10 / 10
Tangela23 / 19
Inkay31 / 37
Weedle10 / 8

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


xBladeRunnerEX hasn't collected any medals so far.


Last Action
Viewing a Userprofile (4 Hours ago)

Game Records

Trainer ID: #84741230
Registration: 19/03/2025 (9 Hours ago)
Time Played: 1:41 Hours
Total interactions: 2,978
Money: 8,876
Starter Pokémon: Cyndaquil


Official first post! 🥳
I’m very friendly so feel free to reach out.

My goal is to own the highest level Zangoose. <3
Today, 16:31

About Me

The names BladeRunner, my favorite Pokemon is Zangoose, and i’m a Hoenn baby.
My favorite type may be either Fire or Ghost types.
My IRL hobbies are playing basketball, spending time with friends, playing board games or video games, reading, and trying new food spots.

I am a Christian, a sinner saved by grace. If you need a good friend, I can be there for you. Just hit me up.

Last Visitors

Zao_56Today, 18:28
Espy2015Today, 18:20
Purple_GuyToday, 17:56
Orca~Today, 16:56
RainbowsToday, 16:33