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Trainerlevel: 67

Trainerpoints: 4,602/13,533


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
775,163 / 18,019

Battle Babes

Quote from KusuriuriIf you believe this place holds you, it is a prison. If you do not wish to leave, it will become a fortress.


Last Action
Reading the news (18 Minutes ago)


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Newest gifts
rexXie 2 Days ago
rexXie 11 Days ago
rexXie 28 Days ago
GreenTaurus 1 Month ago


Game Records

Trainer ID: #562783827
Registration: 18/06/2021 (3 Years ago)
Time Played: 2064:16 Hours
Total interactions: 2,714,764
Money: 2,088,491
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


Nothing is more comforting than getting a bunch of interactions in while getting labs done, did have the phlebotomist ask what I was doing though 😭
22 Days ago
Is the site lagging sorta bad for anyone else or is that just on my end? I've been having problems with it for a couple days now, I just wanna check in and make sure 😭
30 Days ago
^^" It's been a while since anyone has heard from me I fear, I've sadly been burnt out and have had the game on in the background for the most part. I would love for people to suggest some goals for me to hit so I can work at getting more involved again :D
1 Month ago
"Congratulations! A shiny Audino hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1693)!"

Gosh it's finally over! I still have 10 days left on my cuff, though. Oh well, I can finally work on Paldea tasks!
5 Months ago
Just a warm reminder to those that need to hear it;
It's alright if you weren't able to finish your chores for the day, it's okay if you ran out of energy to do things. We're all human, and we all need to recharge at some point.
It's alright if you didn't complete a goal you had set for the day, you did what you could manage, and just that in itself is very great! Feel free to tell me anything you feel proud of doing this week, even if it's something as small as doing your laundry, or even taking a walk outside <3
6 Months ago
So I’ve been out of state for a few days due to medical appointments (sorry for not being online much to return clicks ;_;) and today I’ll be returning home!
I am also, officially 21, which is crazy to me! I’ve made so many friends on here, and it’s so nice to have you all be here with me as I hit these milestones. 🫶♥️
8 Months ago
More Paldea research tasks- in the middle of a SM hunt :') Hooraaaay...
8 Months ago
Happy pride month, everyone!
This is just a soft and friendly reminder that my account will, and always is, a safe place for any queer person, questioning or not!
9 Months ago
Happy Trans Day of Visibility to my fellow trans family members!
(As well as Easter for those who celebrate!)
I hope you all have an absolutely wonderful day ♡
11 Months ago
If you or anyone you interact with is homophobic & or transphobic, please block me now.
My account is a safe place for other queer and non-cis identifying people.
I've been using this website as an escape from that type of stuff in person, I don't need to be seeing that here.

For god's sake, it's a silly Pokemon game, keep those thoughts and opinions to yourself. It's 2024 now, stop using religion as an excuse to be a bigot, please.

This is the ONLY post I'll be making about this, I can't stay quiet about it any longer.
1 Year ago
Just a heads up, since I'm not the greatest with pricing on here, if I ever lowball you, please, PLEASE reach out to me so I can return what is needed! I would feel horrible if I took more than what was fair.
1 Year ago
Sometimes I feel so guilty for betting on auction mons lol
I only check the missing dex ones and pray that I'm not sniping somehow ;_;
1 Year ago
Happy New Year everyone :)!
1 Year ago
Happy holidays everyone! I hope you all have an amazing and fun day, no matter what you celebrate!
This time of year can be very hard on people for so many different reasons, but please remember that you are loved and cherished by so many. ♥️
1 Year ago
Congratulations! A shiny (mega) Gastly hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1003)!

1 Year ago
Well, today marks my 1 year of being on T :)
To all my fellow trans brothers, sisters & enbys; don't give up!
1 Year ago
"Congratulations! A shiny Zorua hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #2014)!"

1 Year ago
Friendly reminder to try & stay as healthy as you can! Flu season is upon us!
(I've been sick for nearly a week I just want to breathe normal again😭)
1 Year ago
Nearly 2,000 eggs in for this hunt, not a single SM, how do people get multiple in under 2,000 eggs😭😭My luck must be terrible
1 Year ago

˖⁺.꒷꒦♡꒷꒦˖⁺. Welcome, welcome! ˖⁺.꒷꒦♡꒷꒦˖⁺.

Hello there! I'm Rex, it's lovely to meet you!

➜ 21
➜ FtM
➜ AuDHD & Disabled

Audino & Fossil Pokemon collector!

I try to help out in any way I can, my Palpad and PMs are always open! Do NOT ask for free stuff. Thank you.

I also tend to delete past Feeds, just to keep things tidy. Do not panic if some are gone! You may message me about them.

Last Visitors

ZellaneTue, 25/Mar/2025, 01:53
TRUONGNGOCTRIEUSat, 08/Mar/2025, 20:20
VenchuraSat, 08/Mar/2025, 03:19
Darkdragonbz80Thu, 06/Mar/2025, 19:45
ShyShineThu, 06/Mar/2025, 14:10
