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Trainerlevel: 25

Trainerpoints: 1,655/1,899


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Spiritomb607,368 / 10,981
Celebi382,154 / 4,281


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Newest gifts
Gold1 8 Years ago
quillink 8 Years ago
HjonkGhostTrashPanda 8 Years ago
felipehug 8 Years ago

Shiny Hunt

quillink is currently hunting Spiritomb.
Hunt started: 12/06/2016

Chain: 1

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


quillink hasn't collected any medals so far.

Game Records

Trainer ID: #450942089
Registration: 08/11/2015 (9 Years ago)
Time Played: 207:56 Hours
Total interactions: 25,474
Money: 308,683
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion


GUESS WHO BACK?!?! (Maybe....)
8 Years ago
one more celebi egg!
8 Years ago
When you put your headphones and suddenly ... it seems that the world calls you to get tired and take them.

My life
8 Years ago
8 Years ago
well, I'm giving a short break (a few days "travel") so I will not have net for a while. But I come back very soon!

Please someone say you'll miss me ... anyone?
8 Years ago
You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

5x Dragon Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

8 Years ago
My next shiny hunt will be a Gloweon!
8 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Zorua hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #125)! Your PokéRadar reset and needs new batteries.

8 Years ago
for the reds ones!
8 Years ago
You push the brown key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Soothe Bell found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
(...Meh i can live...)
8 Years ago
You push the brown key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1,652x Pokédollar found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
(You know what they say.... the 3rd is the best right?...right?)
8 Years ago
You push the brown key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

8x Nanab Berry found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
(F!@$& Fist!)
8 Years ago
time to open my lucky...................help
8 Years ago
by Felipehug

Hey guys you can win one Ho-oh, Mega Gengar, 500k, 300nug, 8 Mega ables and other legendaries.

Spread the hashtag #DragonLipeRaffle and donate 1x Dragon Gem to get 1x ticket.

[Delibird Delivery] || [About this Raffle]
8 Years ago
667 boy thas a lot of games chips!
8 Years ago
By AwesomeDude365
I've had enough and I'm finally leaving the game. Not doing this to start any drama; I'm not that type. I'm going to make this a raffle. To participate, just spread this hashtag.
1. 500K+Mega Metagross+Mega Rayquaza+ Palkia
2. 300K+ Mega Gyarados+ Dialga
3. 100K+ 50 nuggets+ 18 boxes and keys (combined)
If no one participates, then I'll just release all the pokemon. Thank you PH.
8 Years ago
You push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

9x Grass Gem found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.

(meh is just more green)
8 Years ago
(You currently have "594" Golden Game Chips)
Shoud keep them or try my luck in the Legend Mode?
8 Years ago
You push the light blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...

1x Lansat Berry found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
(YOU HAVE 1 JOB BOX!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 1 JOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
8 Years ago
You push the dark blue key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curious in it...

3,959x Pokédollar found!

The key breaks and becomes useless.
(.....................,i'm not lucky today...............)
8 Years ago


Last Action
Reading the news (4 Years ago)

Last Visitors

AnkaaSat, 14/Oct/2023, 19:09
BandiSat, 15/Jul/2023, 20:19
YoHomieAtlasThu, 13/Jul/2023, 22:50
NekoplantWed, 12/Jul/2023, 05:41
firefireeeeWed, 12/Jul/2023, 02:04