Please remember to give Oliver a berry if you can! Thanks!

Oak is catching up! Please feed or interact with Oliver if you can!

Please remember to feed Oliver a berry if you can! Still beating
Oak by 18 levels! WHOO!

Pokemon Go is pretty cool. It'll be better when I'm traveling
though lol Kills my battery unfortunately.

not gonna lie. pokemon go might actually encourage me to get out
and walk and work out a bit. might be just the motivation i need
right now.

okay. where is everyone that they can get pokemon go? is it not
available in america?

Basically only three days until the oak quest is up and I'm nearly
30 levels ahead of oak! Thanks guys!

why is it so difficult to get moomoo milk?

Please feed Oliver a berry if you can! Thanks!

Remember to feed Oliver a berry if you can! We appreciate it!

How is my Numel doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 65, I
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Numel is on
Level 50, so you're currently in the lead!
yessssss. Nice! Too bad I'm traveling all day Saturday. Hope I can
gain enough of a lead!!

Ya'll are being so awesome to Oliver. We've almost caught up to

Feed a berry to Oliver the numel if you can?

aww, my numel is already at 15. you guys rock!

Hey guys feed a berry or interact with my Numel Oliver please? I'm
gonna go see about getting rare candies because apparently that

How is my Numel doing? ... ... Oh, it's currently on Level 9, I
Well, according to some friends of mine, Prof. Oak's Numel is on
Level 30, so you have to work even harder! But I'm sure you can do
what. i just started.

The contest of the Profs
should i do it?

i wish there was a game you could play to earn PD

You found 1x Jade Orb in this treasure box!
the gods have smiled upon me...

when the treasure box asks me "Are you really sure?" And I'm
like.... noooo :'(