Aaw now I’m sad I wanted the shiny in the dream shop so I could
gift it :(.

Time for an unexplainable question(I wonder if any of you guys have
noticed this b4) if a magneton is just 3 magnetites stuck together
wavy does it weigh exactly ten times as much?!?

I feel like its somewhere *idk where* but anyone know how you get
trainer points do they come naturally or is it 1 for every 100
interactions!anyway i would really like to know

Anyone got a female autumn ampharos I’ll give another male and 1k

*Power lens*A Pokémon held item that increases the Special Attack
stat by 50%, but reduces the Speed stat. Uum I have not had an
attack miss in this game the point of it reducing speed is?!?

I feel smart now I search up an item(in berry market) that I’m
going to sell (only) moo moo milk and honey then I sell them 1 Pd
under the lowest seller you can just earn em right back I made 876
just off of honey.

Can u breed a combee and Vespiquen or is combee only able with gems
and pokéradar(my excuse is that I just started the game about 3
weeks ago)

Inkay has been caught hmm according to my calculations inkay is
just a psychic type not a cuttlefish.

(Me after I get 10k interactions) yes another quest can’t be much
harder than that.Then they pop up with this