ok, i won my first match, anyone wanna go for round 2?

i havent been active lately... this harvest moon like game is too
distracting xp

where the heck did i get the star piece??? O_O

ok, thanks to the people who joined my quiz and bled me of my pokes

ok, i am hosting another herochat quiz! go spread the word! prizes
includes some special rarity pokes so spread the word! in 30 mins
time go to herochat and enjoy!!!

apparently i already won the WTS code twice but wasnt able to
redeem the first one O_O

ok, to the kind people who gifted me plushies i ask for your
patience since it might take me a while before i can gift back!

OMG, i beg you guys to gift me a litwick and/or mismagius plushie!!
imma try my best to gift back

ou push the green key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!! The mystery box opens and you look curious in
it... 3x Dragon Gem found! The key breaks and becomes useless. and
this happend twice in a row!

i may burn or fizzle out, i may fall over and pout, but i hav'ta
leave this room cuz i am already worn out (with internet)

Seriously, what is up with these adds? im getting 7 friend requests
in less than 24 hours...

WOOOT, my first legend! (it doesnt break the chain right?)

rayquazaaaa!!! haha, never knew how hard it is to get him when you
had to start from zero :(

my charger is back!! still wont be online as much tho, classes are

oh man, im getting double of mysterious pokes of the same gender!
might make another quiz soon XD

help my eggs come out for their shells! they need more loving.

You push the gold key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!! The mystery box opens and you look curious in
it... 36x Event Points found! The key breaks and becomes useless.

changed my mind, i no longer want to join the mareep event, too
much of a hassle XD

oh, and to all kind souls who reads this, i would LOVE it if you
could send me any of the following plushies: , muk, duskul,
gothika, and snorlax ^_^

i probably wont be that active in a couple of days, my charger went
missing and i cant go online without it