pops back on PH and i see there has been drama. ummm...ill go hatch
some eggs now
Keys and boxes, keys and boxes, I want lots, I want lots, open to
disappointment, open to disappointment, RNG hurts, RNG hurts
Question: Any reason when i sign up a photo for the beauty contest
the Pokemon i used doesnt show up? I'm using Rowlet so im not sure
if its because the thumbnail image is broken or not
So - start playing PH and GPX again in a long while, yesterday i
caught my first shiny fishing at Emera Beach, and on GPX i hatch a
shiny Rowlet...the day before the Site wide shiny hunt for the same
OMG caught my first shiny on Emera Beach...about time! shiny
Looking for treasure keys - paying up to 15k, any colour PP me
Guess i had better start collecting boxes and keys again
shiny combee males anyone ahaha
Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #285)!
Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #286)!
Congratulations! A shiny Charmander hatched out of one of your eggs
(Chain #100)!
So, its rare i'd do something like this. I started my own blog
today to record my journey trhough life suffering from Bipolar. It
would be massively appreciated if you would have a look and read.
I'm no expert writer and i probably go on a lot but awareness to
what people like myself goes through on a daily basis and the
understanding that my blog could bring can't be a bad thing right?
Buying all your keys and boxes :) drop me a palpad if interested
Starting to think Pokeheroes needs a 'Blacksmith' to make keys for
nuggets or something. Too many boxes not enough keys...1st world
Wow 2 shinies in the space of 9 minutes lol
why are keys so hard to find....i have 121 boxes and only one key
that doesnt even match the boxes!
still looking for keys guys, exchanging normal gems for them
so theres been a new key added? a black key?!
Shiny mega blastoise up in gts for genuine offers. Pretty sure it
was one of the first on the site too :) anyways if you're
interested drop an offer