Just starting to recover from food poisoning. I still have no
energy to do anything (including eating). So, how have y'all been?
Kinda wish I had another friend to sign up to PokeFarm, and add me
as the one who referred them. Sadly, I am a lonely girl. XD
I can't do this no more.... I'm going to break my chain. Goodbye
Note to self: Get a Male Super Shroom for LuckyLady
Can anyone he.p me? What's the correct answer for "What's your
favorite dragon Pokemon?"
If you feed any of my Pokemon a berry, let me know. I'll return the
favor. Either today (if you have any Pokemon in your party I
haven't clicked) or tomorrow (If I already clicked the Pokemon in
your team). :)
Stuck on the Show respect to an old man.
I always thought it was respectful to ask someone how they're doing
in return (if they asked you).
Him: That's none of your business.
Well then....
That retro Typhlosion is a jerk. Took forever to catch it. ;-;
YAY! Got 2 of the 3 retros! :D
I have another Female Combee up for sale for 3 hours. Get her while
it's hot. :D
Comment here now if you want the reward for if I win with Lily. I
will be giving one shiny plushie away! And Whatever DP I have left,
I'll spread around.
I have a male and female Combee FUR. Offer anything
releaseable/sellable (I'm probably going to sell it really cheap
depending on how many I have).
Post on this status what mutable plushie you want for if I beat
Town's mini quest!
Please share that I need help. I'm trying to earn with nuggets or
more coins as a reward.
If I manage to beat him, I will TRY to give a random person a
wonderful reward! No garuntee though.
Please help Lily! I need/want to beat Oak this time!
The Combed I have in auction is female! :3
Anyone want a combee? Breeding them.
Got a breeding pair of the current event Pokemon UFT
Switched it to the current event. For now at least