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Trainerlevel: 46

Trainerpoints: 5,608/6,393


Pkmn Name Level EXP/EHP
Polstamnos281,920 / 2,437
Koffing (Retro)302,242 / 2,791

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Eevee16 hasn't collected any medals so far.

Shiny Hunt

Eevee16 is currently hunting Jirachi.
Hunt started: 03/12/2024

Chain: 5

Game Records

Trainer ID: #30275748
Registration: 19/04/2016 (8 Years ago)
Time Played: 687:31 Hours
Total interactions: 115,050
Money: 1,449,028
Starter Pokémon: Typhlosion



I want to find a new job soon
2 Months ago
A pet peeve I have, is when someone constantly demands something over and over when you clearly state no.

Does anyone else have a pet peeve?
2 Months ago
I want to say thank you to -Vannah-, OMFG_HE, and KimChayVegasPete for helping me complete my Sinnoh Dex.
4 Months ago
Congratulations! A shiny Pansear hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #48)!
5 Months ago
Where....? Where? Just where?! ... Where did I place it?

Oh, hey Light16!
Urgh, you're wondering what I'm doing? Well, I'm actually quite desperate right now, I lost a really important item. I've searched my whole lab and I still can't find it.
... ... Actually. Actually I think I lost it on a rumble area!
Yeah, right, now I remember! I gave it to one of my Pokémon and sent it out on a mission. It must have dropped the item somewhere in the Silent Forest.
Can you help me, please? I really need this item. It's maybe worth thousands - no, millions - of Pokédollar!
Please send your Pokémon to the Silent Forest and tell them to search for a brown sack. But don't open it!!
6 Months ago
Here is my pokemon go trainer code 3199 2354 7682, if anyone want to friends on pokemon go
3 Years ago
By LuckyLady - 25 Minutes and 21 Seconds ago.
By Emie

Hii, I'm pretty much struggling with this contest so here's a little giveaway :D

All you have to do is give a berry to Chloe , like this post and share it!

There will be 3 winners:

1 - 150 nuggets
2 - 3 Nebula stones
3- 50 000 PD

Please share :) #chloekarp
3 Years ago
By Kojofuu - 7 Minutes and 2 Seconds ago.

So I have some a lot of berries I want to give away. 1k, to be exact. There will be 2 Winners (500 Berries Each). Like and share to enter, ends when there are at least 30 participants!
3 Years ago
The winner of the #light16dragonite giveaway is LuckyLady
3 Years ago
Prof. Oak: Alright, so when you are ready for a contest, meet me at the Emera Square! I'll be there every Monday.
Prof. Rowan: Good luck, Light16! I'm sure you'll beat him on a weekly basis, pah!
Prof. Oak: ...!! And you, Rowan, you should show this kiddo a little more respect! Kiddo here worked so hard for you, that should be honored with a badge or something.
Prof. Rowan: *grunts* Well alright. Here, have a badge, Light16! You really deserve it - thank you for your great help!
3 Years ago
Hi everyone, I thought about doing a quick giveaway that ends tomorrow at 8pm.

Interact with Dragonite in my party, heart the feed, and comment fed or interact with dragonite to be entered for the giveaway.

Grey feather and a random shiny
3 Years ago
How much is a Magearna Egg Voucher worth?
3 Years ago
By Kojofuu - 5 Hours and 1 Minute ago.

So, here is another simple giveaway since I’m not really in a good mood.

Prizes: 2 Cramorant (Gorging) 2 Marshadow (Zenith)
Winners: 4

Please share and like. Thanks.
Ends when there are at least 30 Participants
3 Years ago
The winners of the #lightupspring21raffle are up.
1st place: ShinyZygrade
2nd place Kojofuu
3rd place Maract

Congratulations to all three for winning the #lightupspring21raffle. Since the raffle was a big hit, I am sending 2 lucky people a random shiny, and those two lucky people are:
Cherry_Blossom and every.

Thank you everyone that had participated in the #lightupspring21raffle. I will have another one soon after my college classes for the summer are over.

3 Years ago
Hi everyone tomorrow is the day for the winners to be announced for the #lightupspring21raffle. I am really excited about this one because there have been a lot of submissions of nebula stones and gems for the raffle for the prizes. I wish everyone good luck tomorrow when I draw the names at random after midnight on the 4th of May.
3 Years ago
Results of Magearna's Raffle:

★★★ Congratulations, you won!! An egg voucher has been placed in your Item Bag. ★★★
Your chance of winning was 1.25%.

I didn't think I would win it. 😳😳😳
3 Years ago
I actually missed counted when counting the days for the #lightupspring21raffle. Its actually 10 days left.
3 Years ago
Congratulations! A shiny Houndour hatched out of one of your eggs (Chain #1044). Still no shiny mega😔
3 Years ago

Hi everyone, I've been thinking on what to do for a raffle since I haven't done one for a while now, so this raffle must have something big. I've decided since I got a special gift from my best friend that I love dearly, and I really want it to level up. So I thought what could be better than to have my Magearna in my party from my best friend to level up and to gather items for my next hunts. #lightupspring21raffle

To enter you need to either send the following with the hashtag #lightupspring21raffle :

Cosmog summoning item=300 tickets
50x normal gems = 100 tickets
5x Fire gems= 10 tickets
5x Ground gems=10 tickets
5x Ice gems=10 tickets
5x Electric gems=10 tickets

Also interact with Magearna in my party😁🙏


1st : Magearna egg voucher + a random mega pokemon and a random shiny pokemon

2nd: Purple feather and 37 dynmax crystals

3rd: 8 retro starter egg vouchers and a lugia egg voucher

Ends May 4th at midnight. Winners will be announced the next morning I am on.
3 Years ago



Last Visitors

marinaspencer_Sat, 01/Mar/2025, 17:27
R4KUUUFri, 28/Feb/2025, 19:28
ItzWeasellFri, 28/Feb/2025, 19:15
BaklannichFri, 28/Feb/2025, 17:38
-ShiningRayquaza-Fri, 28/Feb/2025, 15:43


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Gojirath 8 Days ago
Eevee16 15 Days ago
Eevee16 15 Days ago
Eevee16 15 Days ago