You can even gift me plushies and items
I love pokémon as much as everyone else on here and I got to state
the fact if anyone has duplicates feel free to give them to me
thank you 😊 🙏
Ditto is so cool it can transform into anything or anyone wish
someone could look at my mons and see what they want for their
extra Ditto except for my special mons from events
So what are your thoughts of my event idea? Comment below
Okay hear me out this event was something new and one of you did a
sprite of a pokémon plus evolution and egg well this event egg and
pokémon was Hinafairy like Naruchu but a clefairy that looks like
Hinata hyuga
I had a dream about the next event wanna hear about it?
Now to wait for more gifts 🎁 ☺️
Need help catching Nappy at honey tree
Sometimes I forget the pokémon I had on here like the other other
other day I thought to myself didn't I have a Kirlia with a kimono
in my party then suddenly after checking my storage box low and
behold it evolved into Gardevoir with a kimono ik they are called
event mons and they have names but kimono sounds better wait what
about a Gallade if the talks is male instead of a kimono why not a
haori or is Hoari?
Wait does the pokémon you wonder trade over in a shiny wonder trade
have to be shiny?
Do you guys think their should be more baby variations of legendary
pokémon like how baby l
Latios and baby Latias look like comment pls!!!!!
I'm in need of a lot of ultra balls to catch a a wild Nappy do you
want a gift item for it anyone want to gift to gift
I wonder why they removed it?
Too bad there is no masterball but I'm trying to catch this wild
Someone help I need a masterball