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Dragon Weather Castform Don't have an account yet? Register now!
Trainerlevel: 26

Trainerpoints: 158/2,053


This user's party is empty.

why is this soo true?

= Water-types are nice, compassionate and strive to get along with people. They love making friends, socializing and finding commonalities with others.


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Newest gifts
xX_trashpanda_Xx 1 Day ago
OliverTheOtter 4 Days ago
xX_trashpanda_Xx 5 Days ago
xX_trashpanda_Xx 5 Days ago

Badge Showcase

Set #1
Set #2
Set #3
Set #4


Game Records

Trainer ID: #100535859
Registration: 29/08/2024 (6 Months ago)
Time Played: 132:29 Hours
Total interactions: 116,534
Money: 22,781
Starter Pokémon: Feraligatr


4 Days ago
a wild mega autumn alakazam appears!
me: what the-
5 Days ago
im sorry everyone... but i've got to focus on school so i won't be here... for probably four years. I will be on for the rest of this month before i get off for a long time. don't worry i will come back, because how could i ever forget this great community?
10 Days ago
looking at my poll results for the first one so far... and (still questioning why 5 of you put crush) at least I'm no one's worst nightmare 🙂
ooo we split for a tie on whether im a raccoon or an eevee... technically im both, but you guys can debate which I am more of

now for the third poll's results so far... im guessing the logical people asked the questions "how are you playing games then? and speaking?" and the answer is fluffy magic ✨
for the other questions "are you soft and fuzzy? can I pet you?"... yes i am soft and fuzzy, and if you ever meet me i prefer you ask first but the answer is almost always yes
30 Days ago
so the most amount of times the fastest human can click in one second is 16 times... i click 15 times on average, 13 being my slowest and 17 being my fastest... assuming I maintain a constant speed at fifteen for ten minutes I should have around... 9000 clicks... how many zeraoras do you think I could meet?
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
so i want to clean up and sort my boxes again... who wants some eevees? XD
1 Month ago
adopting random eggs time :D
interaction exchange? <3
1 Month ago
By $$ti84 - 9 Minutes and 39 Seconds ago.
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

EDIT:: Because so many people joined, if you add to the prize pot, it will increase your chances by x1.01 to x1.25 depending on value. (You can gift or send priv trade w/comment)


1 Month ago
By $$ti84 - 7 Hours and 9 Minutes ago.
GIVEAWAY (by$$ti83):
I have been very busy lately, so I am giving away all my items including PD, that would be 500k PD+many high valued Pokémon. I will still visit once in a while, maybe doing shiny hunt.
1 lucky winner will win it all!!

1. repost the entire message
2. have at least 20 hours of playtime
3. heart this post

1 Month ago
I just realized I haven't been online in a few days... welp there goes my daily streak... but this is just to let you know that I am alive and well
1 Month ago
1 Month ago
does anyone feel like they really know me?
2 Months ago
2 Months ago
maybe some birthday luck on this giveaway? Good luck to everyone btw, even though it's a game of chance XD
2 Months ago
party time!!!! in like 7 hrs... i need sleep first
2 Months ago
okay so I'm going to go according to server time and date, which says it's the fourteenth of january...
2 Months ago
2 Months ago

future shiny hunts/goals

Starly Shiny Hunt:
250 Flying Gems:
250 Normal Gems:

Feebas Shiny Hunt:
3000 Water Gems:

Get 9 shiny eevees:

Kalos Legendary Eggs:
150 Dragon Gems:
75 Fire Gems:
75 Bug Gems:

dream point counter: 5

nugget counter: 50

adopted babies

Name: Snoopsnooop
my favorite things: being near trashpanda, giving her plushies, and eating all her candy! ^-^

Name: Commander
my favorite things: stomping around, practicing my roar, stealing trashpanda's candy from Snoopsnoop ;D

Fun fact: Commander was the name of my first Charmander when I played Pokemon Red for the first time

Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage


Last Visitors

Orca~Yesterday, 22:56
UndyingThu, 27/Mar/2025, 10:52
DestroyercamWed, 26/Mar/2025, 17:02
Espy2015Wed, 26/Mar/2025, 16:08
SkellartTue, 25/Mar/2025, 06:00