Anyone know how to get Normal Gems fast? It's been a while, and I'm
none too sure of where to get them the easiest (apart from buying
them outright).

Happy Halloween, everyone! Hope you all have fun!

Welp, got my hands on a Newton egg. :3

This is a reminder during the heatwave, folks! Drink
of fluids (keep yourself hydrated) and try to stay out of the heat!

You will be missed, draxis1211. This is the
link to my adopted brother's profile, folks. All I'm really willing
to say is, at least he isn't in pain anymore...but he still passed
away too young. He was only 36.

Some of you have already heard, but...my adopted brother died on
Thursday, August 4th, at 2:41 PM (PST). We're going through a bit
of a tough time here, and both my family as well as those of his
own that we're in contact with are...trying to sort the details for
both his memorial service as well as what to do with his body
(whether cremation or donation, we aren't sure). So...I may not be
quite as active for a few days. I'll probably only be on in the
background while I try to help my mother with things.

I wish there were a flute that could raise the chances of your
Daycare eggs being the Event Eggs you're hunting...

So I made a tough decision...spent 400 Nuggets to get the Blue +
Black Flute combo deal. Because I'm tired of my Obsidianix pair not
producing enough offspring.

Your lucky number today is 0 (Nothing happened) >:T

So about two hours ago, I'm going through the clicklist as usual to
try and get my hourly clicks out of the way...about twenty clicks
in, it suddenly triggers the Bot-Checker. Okay, no big deal, I
click fast. Not fifty clicks later, it trips the Check again.
I've been playing too many Clicker Games...

Out of curiosity, what's everyone's highest score for the Hangman

Seems like the site is experiencing a bit of bad lag...couldn't
connect for a few minutes.

Hello, folks. I'll be trying to get an old roleplay back up and
going again (starting from the beginning, because of how long it's
been since anything was really posted in the thread), so anyone
interested in joining a
Post-Apocalyptic Pokémon World RP is free to
click this link and sign up.

Nice to get a new Rotom item from the boxes for a change, rather
than just berries.

You push the red key carefully into the hole, turn it twice to the
left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Refrigerator found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.

Got my first Gothita event egg, here's hoping I can get my second
one before the cut-off time.

*Insert surprised Pikachu face here* I...I got an
instead of a water stone from the Gem Cauldron. Huh.

Ugh...I'd forgotten there was a minigame for the Gem Cauldron. It
started counting down before I realized I had to click the gems to
put them in.

Sweet! Got an Azelf egg voucher (and it's the only one of the Lake
Trio I was missing, too).

You push the purple key carefully into the hole, turn it twice
to the left and... cccrrk!!
The mystery box opens and you look curiously in it...
1x Whipped Dream found!
The key breaks and becomes useless.
Guess the boxes are telling me to start getting newer Pokemon to