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Let's hatch it!

Adopt your own Pokémon-Egg!
No item

EHP: 3,072 /5,355

Rarity Alolan
Trainer cynoz
Origin. Trainer cynoz
Breeder cynoz
Obtained 4 Hours and 4 Minutes ago
Bred in the Daycare

Warm the egg

The shell of this egg is very cold. Do you want to warm it?

Received interactions today (49)

YEET_MASTER0515, Pumatje, Tlilkuautli, WalkingOnSunshine, Youyou67190, Yxoul, ImperialHound, Keatah, unknown_kumi, Lemeyx, Kochengsaur, thatswampertguy, Fernando, TheHolyFish, Calliecutie, Aisaka, them3n, BloatedBulbasaur, FlufferBuffer, angel26569, Squeeeeep, Redrose199, loketoke, patrickreyes, dhong43, Iggystar, Noriy, Maybe_Rivulet, Kademcbade, Kimie, Briethecrestie, rexXie, TheNoiceOne, BarnacleBoy, Verenka, Rice, pokefan5934, cynoz, SSnaky, vvangel, Nadgobus, King_Lucario, salandit, catlove64, HyperBeam, Nauxiak, GOTO, Deeeepteam, vintageghost.