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fuzzyirulz's Diary/Log
Forum-Index → Diaries → fuzzyirulz's Diary/LogJust found out about the new Diary Topic in the Forums!
Now I'm gonna post like mad!!! Jkjk.
Nothing much happening these days. But when I have the time and when I'm bored, I go forum crazy! haha.
I especially like looking at the Suggestions. Gets me all riled up(in a good way) and wanting to post in the suggestions thread with my own suggestions. :P
Well, I think I should log off now... it's almost 2AM...
Title: Pokemon X and Y!
But so worth it cuz the line up was super long after a while.
I got there early so there were only about 7 or so people before me :D
Oh, and I got Froakie from all the clicking this week.
Can't wait to hatch it!
I bought X for myself and Y for my bro. I want to play more... but I only got one 3DS and bro's using it now... D:
Btw, Riolu, why must you mess with me! Just let me catch you!!!!
Just missing Sugar Shock Munchlax. Oh, well. I'll get it somehow.
But what I really wanted to write about is...
I got my first shiny in my first Pokémon game!!!
I got a shiny Durant! :D
I was wandering in the caves cuz I was lost....
I kept encountering Graveler, Lairone and Durant.
And then SHINY Durant popped up and I was like OMG OMG!!! and caught it with a Ultra Ball cuz I didn't want to spend anytime catching it. :P
I'm so glad that shinies sparkle or else I wouldn't really know if it's shiny or not.
It's a shiny Noctowl!
I was training my pokemon on Route 20 cuz I was bored and felt I needed to make my party to be stronger before battling the Elite Four.
Still haven't battled them yet...
Probably will once I get my whole party to lvl 99-100 cuz I'm weird that way.
Just wanted to post something. :P
Today I broke my plastic ruler by whipping it around in the air and then it snapped...
It snapped at 25.1cm. The inches side is unusable now... lol. well at least I don't need to use inches.
So busy with school work!!! AHHH!
Can't wait til winter break! :D
Anyways, I decided to play Pokemon X again. I've been so busy I haven't gotten a chance to.
I keep falling asleep while playing. haha. But I got a shiny Hawlucha in the process of playing and sleeping XD
Shiny Hawlucha is such a funny color. I new right away it was a shiny pokemon the moment I saw such an abnormal color. No need for the sparkles XD
The Kyurem event is over now and I'm planning to give away 3 of the 7 Kyurems I got.
I wonder how I'll give them away...
Hopefully I can set up some kind of raffle or contest for them sometime soon. :)
Title: First Entry after being back from a looong haitus
So how I got to playing PokeHeroes again is by chance. I was checking my email one day and thought, I need to clean and organize it. So as I was sorting through my emails, I thought "Let's scrolling to the very first of my emails!". And so near the beginning was a PokeFarm email. Out of curiosity, I decided to check what PokeFarm was now like. And oh boy was it different. I logged in and tried to familiarize myself with the game. But it was kinda overwhelming... I looked at my fields to check out my Pokemon.. but they weren't there! 😱 I only had one field... I totally remember having more than one field... I googled but I couldn't find an answer. So I gave up. Defeated, I decided not to pickup PokeFarm.
PokeFarm reminded me of another online Pokemon game I played and so I looked it up and found PokeHeros again. I logged in and the game felt much more familiar than PF. Though, I'm not sure if my memories of PH and PF and mixing together. Cuz I feel like I remember certain features but I don't see them anymore on the site. Like when I read my old feeds, I mention batteries for something and it reminded me of the PokeWalker which I found out was discontinued. I also feel like I remember there were these tiny sprites next to the online user list...
Anyways, after some clicking I started checking PH everyday. So I guess, I've officially picked PH back up. Don't know when life will make me drop it...
Though playing the game all these years later has given me a different perspective on the game now. Or maybe it's cuz there's so many improvements to the game. When I was younger, I probably thought the game was just click click click. But now, I see the interactive aspects and how things really work in the game. Cuz now I can't seem to stop checking PH... OTL
Oh, before I end this entry, about PokeFarm, I figured out what happened to my fields. So there's been talk about PF on PH so I decided to check on PF again today. In my stubbornness in finding out what happened to my Pokemon, cuz no way do I only have one field of Pokemon, I googled Pokefarm reset. What I found was that PF had to change something (I skimmed so I'm not clear on what that something is) and that every account would be set to beginner state. And I guess PokeFarm was then called PokeFarmQ thereafter. Pokemon you had in PF would not be in PFQ unless you transferred them. And so I transferred about 80 Pokemon but I had to buy 2 new fields for em. After the whole fiasco, I don't think I'll be picking up PFQ anytime soon.
So yea, I see myself playing PokeHeroes for at least a couple of months at the very least before I go poof again haha.
Title: Rant

So sniping auctions is a thing. I get
it... But I don't like it. I snipe too, but that's because I
learned I have to snipe for things I want or pay a high amount for
Sometimes I just wish the Auction House was like a stereotypical auction. Where a bunch of people gather and the highest bid win within the time frame.
The stereotypical auction favours the rich, but at least people have some shot at winning if they are willing to pay a little more.
The current auction system favours those who are online(have time), have money, have fast fingers and/or fast internet.
Sounds like lots of ways to win! NOT! If someone else has all the above and all you have are a couple of those, you're not gonna win.
Like I said before, you can always interact more and get rich then you could bid more and win.
But can you bid 8x more than the average price? Especially when there are hundreds of Pokemon?
Yes, this is a game. I can play or not play. But don't you want more people to play (with)?
Auction House been like this for years and I don't think it will change. But I just wanna say, that the cycle of sniping in auctions will eventually cause a lot of players to avoid the AH and then avoid PokeHeroes entirely.
Players quit for a variety of reasons, but the vicious sniping is probably one of the few reasons they quit. It's because it's no fun.
Btw, I don't mind the average sniping, but when people mass snipe it just annoys me... Like if you sniped 6/10 auctions I'm bidding on, it's okay. We all want Pokemon. But if you snipe on 9.9/10 of the auctions I'm bidding on.... (Oh especially when they bid on everything around the one your bidding on, then when it's time, they snipe yours...)
Very funny. So much fun.
But yea, just wanted to rant despite nothing will change.
If you read this and I sniped something from you, I'm sorry but I did it cuz that's the way things run here.
If you read this and you've sniped something from me before, no hard feelings.
However, if you're reading this and you're the type who is that annoying sniper, well congratulations on reading this! I thought you were nice but I was wrong... I won't tell you straight to your face cuz I'm sucking it up cuz PH allows sniping (and I don't like confrontations like most people do). Good luck on your goals. I'm probably gonna be contributing to your goal unintentionally, but whatever. I hope you meet your goal soon so more people can have "fun".
Sometimes I just wish the Auction House was like a stereotypical auction. Where a bunch of people gather and the highest bid win within the time frame.
The stereotypical auction favours the rich, but at least people have some shot at winning if they are willing to pay a little more.
The current auction system favours those who are online(have time), have money, have fast fingers and/or fast internet.
Sounds like lots of ways to win! NOT! If someone else has all the above and all you have are a couple of those, you're not gonna win.
Like I said before, you can always interact more and get rich then you could bid more and win.
But can you bid 8x more than the average price? Especially when there are hundreds of Pokemon?
Yes, this is a game. I can play or not play. But don't you want more people to play (with)?
Auction House been like this for years and I don't think it will change. But I just wanna say, that the cycle of sniping in auctions will eventually cause a lot of players to avoid the AH and then avoid PokeHeroes entirely.
Players quit for a variety of reasons, but the vicious sniping is probably one of the few reasons they quit. It's because it's no fun.
Btw, I don't mind the average sniping, but when people mass snipe it just annoys me... Like if you sniped 6/10 auctions I'm bidding on, it's okay. We all want Pokemon. But if you snipe on 9.9/10 of the auctions I'm bidding on.... (Oh especially when they bid on everything around the one your bidding on, then when it's time, they snipe yours...)
Very funny. So much fun.
But yea, just wanted to rant despite nothing will change.
If you read this and I sniped something from you, I'm sorry but I did it cuz that's the way things run here.
If you read this and you've sniped something from me before, no hard feelings.
However, if you're reading this and you're the type who is that annoying sniper, well congratulations on reading this! I thought you were nice but I was wrong... I won't tell you straight to your face cuz I'm sucking it up cuz PH allows sniping (and I don't like confrontations like most people do). Good luck on your goals. I'm probably gonna be contributing to your goal unintentionally, but whatever. I hope you meet your goal soon so more people can have "fun".
Additional Edit:

Ya, I understand snipers can help get people bidding higher. But it's still annoying as heck. If you want me to bid higher, I will if I want it. But if you make me bid higher cuz I now need it cuz someone keeps sniping em, then I'm not longer a happy camper. If you want me to bid higher, I will if it meant I had the equal chance everyone did. I know this would hinder certain goals but what is it you want? A few happy campers or hundreds of happy campers?
Another Additional Edit:

Snipers can also get people trade more
instead and in turn interact with others more. I'm probably sure
they do, but how many more people do snipers make people unhappy
and leave? How many more people could have enjoyed the game and in
turn traded more and interacted more?
Maybe a small hardcore group of players is better than a big happy community? 🤷
Maybe a small hardcore group of players is better than a big happy community? 🤷
Title: Shiny Wonder Trade lol
I found out you can check to see a Pokemon's history in the WT, so I checked out Gyarados. And it seems like he was traded once before he was traded with me.
Today, WT gave me Shellos (East). I think I'm content with my trade since I like his shiny colour.
Also checked to see who got my Houndoom's history to see if he got traded away again. And funny enough, he got got traded with another Gyarados XDDD
If you were following along, whoever traded Gyarados with me got (another) Gyarados back XD
Just today, the userbar broke and no one can see notification icon. I joked saying, "At least the logout icon still works".
The Hoenn berry battle started a few days ago. It's my first time joining a berry battle. Currently, the ranklist hasn't updated so gotta wait patiently for my rank.
The berry battle is the only thing getting me to use the berry garden. I didn't use it much in the past because it was soooo annoying to plant berries one at a time. So before the berry battle, I was level 13. Now I'm level 22 lol. And I've unlocked every field and seed maker. Even bought premium for the extra field.... (I'm in too deep...)
Well, just yesterday a new update has changed the planting of one berry at a time (on mobile). Now I'll look forward to using the berry garden when there aren't any events.
Speaking of updates, there's been quite a few in the time I've been back. And I feel like it's actually the best time to be back haha.
The Item Market is an update that has made a huge difference in my enjoyment of the game. In the past I felt I didn't make much progress and I just spent my time clicking. But now, I'm earning a lot of PD from selling items pretty quickly. It's great!
Another update that's been really nice is the Dream World Gem update. It makes collecting DP more worth the effort. Before it just felt optional if you wanted the plushies.
Another related update that's nice is that Gems don't get used if you fail at the Gem Cauldron. The thought of failing felt really intimidating so I never bothered to boil gems. But now it's not, so all I have to worry is getting em gems.
Pretty happy with all these updates.
Title: PH Maths
I usually don't give it much thought. And other users just answer, CLICK!
Yea, it's obvious. But you know, clicking gets old after the first 20 clicks LOL.
But anyways, I was bored and it got me thinking, how much PD do you get for clicking a lot anyways?
Math times!
During SCS (Speed Click Saturday) I notice I click about 100 clicks per minute. SCS is about 10 minutes long and cuz I'm clicking like crazy I can get to about 1200 clicks. Which isn't exactly 100 clicks a minute. But it's at the cost of a really tired hand.
So for the math to be realistic and not destroy fingers, we'll say 100 clicks per minute.
Clicking 1 pokemon gives you about 12 PD.
So if you were to click for an hour straight, it'd be...
60 minutes x 100 clicks = 6,000 clicks x 12 PD = 72,000 PD
Now this got me thinking... Nuggets...
Nuggets are pretty much $$$
My brother likes to justify his purchases with math of how many hours of work he put in to buy something.
So like if a meal is about $10 he'd be like it's worth 1 hour of work. Or if he buys something expensive he'd be like that was day's worth of work.
So, how much are PD to nuggets to real life $$$ to hard work?
I've never bought nuggets before, so I don't know the exact cost of nuggets, like if there's service fees. But let's just say 100 nuggets is $1 USD. I'm Canadian so there's a conversion cost for me OTL, but let's just stick with USD.
K, the tricky part of this whole math thing is choosing a number for 1 hour of real life work... the realistic and safest option is to choose a minimum wage number... But where I live the number is slowly going up... So my math won't be accurate in a few months or years time... America's minimum wage is about $8 and the minimum where I lived used to be $8 for a while... So I'm just gonna choose $8 because I just need a number at this point.
An hours worth of nuggets would be...
100 nuggets x $8 = 800 nuggets
Alright, let's compare!
1 hour of clicking is 72,000 PD
1 hour of real life work is 800 nuggets.
Let's convert the nuggets to PD cuz there's no common denominator beside them both being PH currency.
To do that thought I need to choose a conversion rate... But the numbers have been fluctuating upwards a lot.... It was 1500 for a long time. But it has been going up... up to 1600, 1700... and now the Item Market sells em for 1900+ @.@
This is too annoying so imma just choose 1500 because I don't think it will ever go lower than that.
800 nuggets x 1500 PD = 1,2000,000 PD
One... one... ONE MILLION?!
1 hour of clicking is 72,000 PD
1 hour of real life work is 1,2000,000 PD
The difference!
1,2000,000 PD / 72,000 PD = 16.66̅6̅
So... 16 hours of clicking would be about 1 hour of real life work >.<
I can see why some people would rather pay for some things.
But you know, even if money could buy you lots of PD, a game is a game.
Math can be used to convert all sorts of things into money back and forth. But what does it all mean to you at the end of the day when you have loads of currency. Are you happy with where you are? Are you happy with having a lot of things? Are you at peace with yourself? Are you at peace with others in your life? Are you eating well? Are you sleeping well?
Haha, this math post has turned into a TED talk all of a sudden.
What I'm trying to say is that life should be enjoyed. The value or amount of things shouldn't control how we do things all the time. In moderation a little math to figure out the value of things to help us make decisions is good. If you're passionate about numbers and go into a profession about them, great. But I think there times where you have to see if numbers of things are controlling your life or not. Are you enjoying what you're doing? Are the people around you happy too?
I'm not trying to say no to numbers, no to math. I rather like the occasional math here and there.
I'm not trying to say no to being high achievers.
I'm not trying to say no to collecting what you like.
I'm not trying to say yay to communism. (It's the current topic of the decade so feel like I have to acknowledge it.)
I'm just trying to say that we should all take care of ourselves. See what's truly important.
Totally not intending to have a mini TED talk, but it is what it is.
What I intended to end off my post with was a mention, that I have noticed there are probably other users who have done PH maths so I could've just looked them up. But doing the math myself helps me get a better understanding of it and doesn't hurt to have it written down for myself.
Well, I'm tired now after writing this post. So much longer than I thought it'd be lol. Somehow it always is.
It's been a year since my last diary entry. A bit surprising, but at the same time it's not. I've never been really good at keeping a diary, nor am I good at writing how I honestly feel without the fear of someone thinking worse of me. I don't think I'll ever overcome that fear, but I don't mind that I don't overcome it because it's not a completely bad thing to have a little hesitating before speaking. Because I want to be somebody who has some tact and not somebody who hurts others because I don't try to be a better person.
In this year and a half time I've been back, I've wanted to quit PH at least 3 times... But I haven't...
The reason I ultimately don't quit is because the people that make me feel like quitting aren't worth it for me to quit. When I quit PH, it will most likely because life (like last time) made me forget about PH, or because I feel like I'm satisfied with my time here and deciding to move onto something else, or PH shuts down. Quitting PH because of someone's actions doesn't feel right to me. But if I do quit because of someone, whatever then. Whoever they are probably just sucks that much lol
Speaking of negative things, drama. It's been the thing that dominates my PH experience this time around. Looking back to when I first started playing PH 8 years ago, drama had no place in my experience. Probably because I was still pretty innocent, I didn't see the drama. But even so, I feel like the fact that drama is such a thing now, says something about why I've wanted to quit at least 3 times.
And well... the reason I'm even deciding to write this entry is because of drama haha. I have a rant entry here and it's about auction sniping. And a feed someone made reminded me of my rant, so I decided to revisit my diary and then it resulted in me writing this.
A little update on my rant:

The person I was ranting about got
banned so I won't be unintentionally contributing to their goal
I don't visit the AH as much as I did then because I have a big chunk of my Pokedex complete. All that's left is the rarer pokemon, more recent pokemon, and event pokemon.
When I do visit the AH, it's because I'm bored and wanting to see if there is anything good for auction.
Because there usual is nothing I need there, I don't have the chance to snipe. When there is, I'm probably waiting to snipe it. Like I said previously, it is how things run here so that's the way it is. If the AH system ever changes for the better, I will fully support it over the current system.
I don't visit the AH as much as I did then because I have a big chunk of my Pokedex complete. All that's left is the rarer pokemon, more recent pokemon, and event pokemon.
When I do visit the AH, it's because I'm bored and wanting to see if there is anything good for auction.
Because there usual is nothing I need there, I don't have the chance to snipe. When there is, I'm probably waiting to snipe it. Like I said previously, it is how things run here so that's the way it is. If the AH system ever changes for the better, I will fully support it over the current system.
While I'm on the topic of updates, I might as well write updates to some of my 7-8 year old entries haha.
- I don't play Pokemon X anymore, and I still haven't beaten the Elite Four. 😅 Maybe one day. Maybe...
- I traded my Shiny Hawlucha with someone on PH for a Shiny Eevee... or was it Vulpix... long ago. I had totally forgotten this happened until I read my old PMs
- Like I guessed, I haven't continued playing Pokefarm but still playing PH. I feel like I'm sticking with PH for much longer than I expected haha.
I don't know when I'll write my next entry, but hopefully it will be because of something good.