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fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 01/02/2022 21:38 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 18/01/2022 12:18 (3 Years ago) | While I was exploring the Enkanomiya in Evernight mode in Genshin Impact, the dimness of everything made me think of this song. Now I have it on repeat lol ~There could be two fractions in the dark and they need to be added together~ ~But I don't remember how to add fractions~ [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 23/12/2021 08:06 (3 Years ago) | Listening to this because someone made a cover of it, but I only heard the humming part in someone else's vid. So I had to find the source XD [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Wed, 22/12/2021 08:23 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 21/12/2021 10:40 (3 Years ago) | But now I'm listening to The Best of Liszt and reading Pianist puns in the comment section lol [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Mon, 13/12/2021 07:03 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Thu, 09/12/2021 19:13 (3 Years ago) |
It's been a year since my last diary entry. A bit surprising, but at the same time it's not. I've never been really good at keeping a diary, nor am I good at writing how I honestly feel without the fear of someone thinking worse of me. I don't think I'll ever overcome that fear, but I don't mind that I don't overcome it because it's not a completely bad thing to have a little hesitating before speaking. Because I want to be somebody who has some tact and not somebody who hurts others because I don't try to be a better person. In this year and a half time I've been back, I've wanted to quit PH at least 3 times... But I haven't... The reason I ultimately don't quit is because the people that make me feel like quitting aren't worth it for me to quit. When I quit PH, it will most likely because life (like last time) made me forget about PH, or because I feel like I'm satisfied with my time here and deciding to move onto something else, or PH shuts down. Quitting PH because of someone's actions doesn't feel right to me. But if I do quit because of someone, whatever then. Whoever they are probably just sucks that much lol Speaking of negative things, drama. It's been the thing that dominates my PH experience this time around. Looking back to when I first started playing PH 8 years ago, drama had no place in my experience. Probably because I was still pretty innocent, I didn't see the drama. But even so, I feel like the fact that drama is such a thing now, says something about why I've wanted to quit at least 3 times. And well... the reason I'm even deciding to write this entry is because of drama haha. I have a rant entry here and it's about auction sniping. And a feed someone made reminded me of my rant, so I decided to revisit my diary and then it resulted in me writing this. A little update on my rant: ![]() The person I was ranting about got
banned so I won't be unintentionally contributing to their goal
I don't visit the AH as much as I did then because I have a big chunk of my Pokedex complete. All that's left is the rarer pokemon, more recent pokemon, and event pokemon. When I do visit the AH, it's because I'm bored and wanting to see if there is anything good for auction. Because there usual is nothing I need there, I don't have the chance to snipe. When there is, I'm probably waiting to snipe it. Like I said previously, it is how things run here so that's the way it is. If the AH system ever changes for the better, I will fully support it over the current system. While I'm on the topic of updates, I might as well write updates to some of my 7-8 year old entries haha. - I don't play Pokemon X anymore, and I still haven't beaten the Elite Four. 😅 Maybe one day. Maybe... - I traded my Shiny Hawlucha with someone on PH for a Shiny Eevee... or was it Vulpix... long ago. I had totally forgotten this happened until I read my old PMs - Like I guessed, I haven't continued playing Pokefarm but still playing PH. I feel like I'm sticking with PH for much longer than I expected haha. I don't know when I'll write my next entry, but hopefully it will be because of something good. [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Mon, 06/12/2021 06:26 (3 Years ago) |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Mon, 22/11/2021 23:51 (3 Years ago) |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 09/11/2021 23:55 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Fri, 29/10/2021 19:18 (3 Years ago) |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Mon, 25/10/2021 00:05 (3 Years ago) |
But what I don't like about the event is it feels like progress feels slow and impossible. Here's some bad, quick, inaccurate math: So based on my interaction speed on a mobile device, it is about 100 clicks per minute. So if I were to divide the 50,000 daily click average suggested to possibly obtain the SM it would be: 500 minutes, that being 8 hours 20 minutes. 8 hours and 20 minutes straight of clicking a day for 11 days straight is crazy.... I understand getting SMs are hard and getting a chance to get one is already pretty nice. And I also know users won't be spending 8 hours straight playing. Rather they will be splitting up their interactions throughout the day. But still 8 hours is too much time for people to spend on just interacting. Let me go off topic kinda: So I've played all sorts of mobile games where I've grinded for games willingly to get event items. But it didn't require me to spend 8 hours everyday to obtain the item. It would only take me 2 hours a day for the event. But I'm the procrastinating type so I push all those 2 hours to the last 2 days and I still manage to get the event items. This current event doesn't allow players enough flexibility to obtain all the rewards. So players have to choose between SM or everything else. Players should be allowed to play anytime during the event and still manage to have a chance to obtain the SM and other rewards. I recommend knocking it down to half the daily interactions currently suggested to get the SM at the very least. Or extending the event duration so players don't feel demotivated. Personally I feel this type of event style is great because of the various rewards, but maybe implementing an Event SM right off the bat without users being familiar with this event style was not the best move. Also I would like to mention that clicking is boring. 8 hours a day of it is extra boring. The reason I procrastinate for my other games despite only needing to play 2 hours a day is because the gameplay is also kinda repetitive and boring. So clicking for 8 hours for this event sound unfun, unmotivating, and unfriendly. In addition to 8 hours a day of clicking, the clicklists have been acting up, the game constantly asks if I'm human, and my finger will miss the egg/pokemon when I'm distracted (because I'm bored so I'm multi-tasking), and sometimes the egg/pokemon aren't all aligned in the same spot despite my finger being in the right spot. All these little factors really deter players to aim for the SM despite it not being impossible to get. So although interaction rates may have gone up for this event, it will immediately drop back down. I think to get more and more players to stay engaged, the events should have the right balance. [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 23:09 (3 Years ago) |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Sat, 23/10/2021 05:36 (3 Years ago) |
Description: Cannot scroll up and down pages. Screenshot(s): cannot provide because it will prove nothing. Device/OS/Browser: One Plus 5T / Android 9 / Chrome Edit: Nevermind? I tried opening a new tab in Chrome and it works. But the original tab doesn't work. 23/Oct/2021 19:55:07 [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Sat, 25/09/2021 21:16 (3 Years ago) | Noa has such a nice voice 🥰 [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 21/09/2021 20:58 (3 Years ago) |
The music vid is so awkward and amusing XD [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Fri, 17/09/2021 15:29 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Tue, 14/09/2021 20:47 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Mon, 13/09/2021 13:54 (3 Years ago) | If you haven't heard it before, here's the unlooped version: It's from the xue hua piao piao meme. [Read more] |
fuzzyirulz OFFLINE ![]() Forum Posts: 175 |
Posted: Sun, 29/08/2021 03:17 (3 Years ago) | [Read more] |
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