Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Wishes"i-i did not get that l-l-luxury."
"would you like me to explain my side.?"
"i-i'm done with this."
she began walkng back to the star crash site
they sat down at the edge of the crater with bubba and flareskull, clearly not wanting to talk with pakouna after all of… that
Ruby glared at pakouna.

Profile picture by me :)
Electris dropped the Star on the ground. It started to hover, radiating it's brilliance.
Saffron slowly limped to it, weakly smiling.
"Didn't know you would send this over."
He picked up the star and smiled, gazing at the sky again.
"What do you even want me to do with this...?"

The wind blew faster than normal…
suddenly lightning struck towards ruby. ruby only just managed to dodge it
The clouds began to rumble above araysh, lighting was about to hit him.
“ARAYSH-“ shouted ruby

Profile picture by me :)
"Oh, it's Glitch."
"T-The S-Stars?"
"Yea, uh... you don't have to address the guy like that. He's a chill dude."
Saffy answered the call.
"S'up Princess, w'd'y'want?"
The voice from the other side seemed energetic, but had a slightly calm demeanor to it. They seemed younger than Saffy.
"Heya Saffy! See you recieved my star, huh?"
"Yea, yea, yea... um... why you send it?"
"...For fun, I guess..! Something to entertain you three, hehe."
"I have a phone. That's more entertaining than the entirety of your life, Glitcho. And you're a demigod who's lived for 300 of your years."
More silence. The other person seemed embarrassed.
"Jeez man, you take banter way too seriously. You're remembering me of that Valiant I saw a few minutes back. Literally shouted at me to delete a photo of them."
"I thought you said your camera doesn't work?"
"That's the thing. It doesn't."

"That's no way to respect a Prince. Nor The Stars."
The other person seemed even more embarrassed. They let out a shy laugh.
"SaffSaff... it's seriously not much of a deal, silly. Anyways... been anywhere yet?"
"Nope. Just been staying around with Elec and Ax."
Electris leapt up to the phone.
"Elec says hi. He's looking at the screen right now... heh."
"Oh, hi Electris! Yanno, you three should try hunting for blossoms just north of where you are. The Star I sent you-"
The call disconnected.
Immediately after, Electris loudly sneezed, and Saffy screamed at him for disconnecting the call by doing so.