Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Wishes~( Why is Saffron mad at Robyin? It it because she's not supposed to be here, will she get mad at me ? I'm certainly not from here, did they do something bad? How would Saffron react when they find out what I've done. )~
Falstia was quiet, a very worried and confused look on her face.
“...I wouldn't do that if I were you. I... Know something about you already and... I understand. But... Something isn't right about the robot. Even they stated that they're not from here.”
She looked at her leg to check on it, it looked healed enough for her to walk around on two's, she decided that she would not pick sides band thus just sat at a chesto berry bush in between them, still looking rather confused n
[hold up that's not right! That is not what I just wrote out]
It stinged.
He didn't care if that Valiant was laughing at him. He didn't care if anyone was.
They didn't know.
They would never know.
Electris' comforting smile appeared after a minute. The Jolteon sat by him and squeezed the Umbreon's hand.
Saffy felt calmed.
His worries disappeared for a moment, and he felt at peace.

"p-poor Saffron.."
(“a-all my friends- they - died because I couldn’t save them” she thought)
“EVERYONE RUN!” shouted Robyn towards the lab,
It was too late. Every one of her friends was in there, now they were all dead because of the explosion.
“n-NO-“ said Robyn, shaking
end of flashback
“a-are you ok?” Said bubba, breaking Robyn out of the flashback

Profile picture by me :)
she wanders towards the area he fled to.
"where did you g-go..?"
"Sir... you know... when you found me, I remember you being way worse in terms of mental health... you were so... grief-struck over it..."
Saffron held back his tears, weakly smiling.
"How's Ameris? Have you spoken to her recently?"
"I haven't spoken to her since your incident. I... kept my distance after what happened. I felt like she thought I did something to you-"
"She didn't. I heard her talking to Willow. She didn't suspect you at all. She thought it was..."
"Thought it was what?"
Electris paused, his ears twitching.
He heard a small explosion noise from the sky, and the next thing he knew, a star had crashed into the tree the two were sitting in, sending them both flying.
Saffron leapt towards Electris, shielding him from the impact for when he hit the floor.
Saffy felt his right leg breaking. He didn't care. Protecting Electris was more important to him.
Electris slowly picked himself up and ran to the star, bringing it back to Saffy.
"Sir. I think it's from The Stars."

(“Bye, tincan”)
“Hello, tin-can “ said a voice
“r-ruby?” Said Robyn
“Yes, it’s me your old dead umbreon friend”
“Y-your a ghost now?” Said Robyn
“Yep” said ruby
Robyn hugged ruby’s ghost
“Gotta go now, see ya later “ said ruby

Profile picture by me :)