Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → Wishes~(Must—Find— small friend I can here them!)~
Shel looked at the others and reared her head in the direction of the sound.
"S-So... s-sir... why e-exactly are we in this d-dimension...?"
Saffy turned his head away.
"Needed to get something for the wife. It's our anniversary in two weeks."
"Sweet, but er, what else are ya not tellin us, Saffo?"
"Yes... s-sir, why don't you have your p-powers...?"
Saffy stopped and turned to the two Jolteon. He raised his hand, and a faint, flickering black orb of magic began to form, barely holding its shape.
"S-See? I have my powers, you absolute dolts. Now, can it."
"S-Sir... you're supposed to be one of the gods assistants... I-I've seen you... you're way more powerful than this..."
Saffy paused again, he turned around to face Electris, seeming both mildly infuriated and slightly crestfallen.
"Luna sent me here. She and the Stars sent me on a holiday with you two because I've apparently 'over-worked'. And to add to the 'joys of a holiday', she removed my abilities. There, satisfied, you idiots?"
"Ah, delightful. So, she sent us to...?"
"You can call it the Pokémon Dimension, if you will. It's actual name is-"
Saffy was interrupted by Electris loudly sneezing again.

"Araysh! i-i'm near a smooth-ish boulder! that's i-in a tiny clearing.!"
she shouts as loud as she possible could.
She swims up and finds her pokedex on the ground
(“Thank goodness it didn’t break “ she thought)
she looked at herself, she was hurting alot and couldn’t move
(“I wonder if there’s anyone around who could help “ she thought)
In the coronet highlands:
“Hey, let’s get going back to our campsite “ said flareskull

Profile picture by me :)
she looked at the ground, still feeling shamed
"but i'm glad i found my way back to where you and the others are. i won't do that again.."
“Flare!” Shouted bubba, worriedly
in the crimson mirelands:
When Robyn woke up she saw a bunch of wild Pokemon gathered around her
“h-hello” she said weakly
She noticed that she now had vines gently wrapped around her injured leg
“Th-thanks “ said Robyn

Profile picture by me :)
For Spiders17
Her leg was swollen now from searching, but she seemed not to notice the pain.
she faintly smiled,
suddenly, out of nowhere, pakuona flinched.
"you just talked to me..! and i'm okay no need to worry!"
she looks at Flastia leg,
"your leg.! l-let me help.!"
Pakuona used life dew!
" i hope that helps a little.!"
“Falstia? I'm... I'm sorry, okay? I didn't want to scare you off with that scream. I'm tired of this, you know? Getting corrupted from the inside by my own memories.”
[Edit: I know it’s his thoughts by the way]

Profile picture by me :)