Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Pokémon RP → WishesFalstia awoke, she lifted her head and froze, she'd never been around this many pokemon and people without them being hurt or angry, it certainly wasn't something she was a custom to.
She looked around at the others.~(Hm... The little ralts is gone... Pakuona, and the umbreon..err... Saffron, she attempted to recall the others names but couldn't at the moment.)~
~(Where, are the others--could be hurt-- the ralts probably can't survive hurt---must find!)~ She looked visibly worried
She looks Flareskull in the eyes and becomes very still.
To Espy2015

" The small one-- gone -- Hurt?"
Their thoughts came out rough and without rhyme, obviously attempting to communicate, but not knowing a proper way.
Their thoughts came out rough and without rhyme, obviously attempting to communicate, but not knowing a proper way.
"Oh, um... haha. I'm good, bud..."
He shot the Mewtwo a thumbs-up and snapped his fingers in an attempt to summon something. Nothing happened.
He blinked before snapping his fingers again and again, until a small box fabricated into his hands. He took out a small chewy sweet and ate it before throwing the box into the air and watching it dissappear.
"Thank the Stars that worked. I would've been obliterated by sunset..."
He looked to the sky and winked, seeming relieved.
"U-Um... s-sir... May I ask why you do not have access to your powers...?"
Saffron's face lost its smile.
"Don't mention that to anyone. I... uh..."
"A-And you seem off..."
"Ay, Saffo, s'this what you're really like when you're one of us?"
Axel had woken up, and he seemed joyous to have a shot to annoy his friend.
"Listen up, you two. When we get back to Nevada, I'll be sure to-"
Electris interrupted him by loudly sneezing.