Forum Thread
Lupine’s Art Shop | CLOSED
Forum-Index → Fanmades → Fanarts → Lupine’s Art Shop | CLOSEDShop status : CLOSED! (for now!)
- Added all finished comms to the main page
Last Updated : Mar 6, 2025
Rules & Things to Know 🌿
1. General rules apply!
2. I expect payment to be sent as soon as I accept the order, I will accept payment when I send the completed order (you may combine pd and nuggets, as long as the payment is equal to the price)
3. Terms of Service
4. Credit my : lupiine
5. Please upload the art to a character storage website! (eg. If you do not have one, I have codes!
6. Feel free to comment here, pp, or pm!
7. I am always accepting art trades! Pm or pp me for those
**Nuggets are always the priority payment option!
1. Ferals! Anthro is only for regular fullbody and custom! Anthro must have clothes on, even custom
2. Mammals, I am most comfortable with canine/feline-like!
2. Pokemon (eg. eevee original character, not machamp)
3. Regular characters
4. Multiple orders at once! (However, please use a different form per commission)
5. Multiple characters in one artwork! Maximum of 2 characters (Second character half off)
1. Humans!
2. Birds, reptiles, etc. More on a case-by-case basis!
3. Gore/NSFW/etc
4. Fanart (art that is not an original character, eg. pikachu with no edits)
1 . . . x1 Chibi + x1 Custom - @MeepTheMareep02
Posting . . .

Belongs to @BlackReshiram

Belongs to @purries

Belongs to @MeepTheMareep02

Belongs to @MeepTheMareep02

Belongs to @Hunterz_Wolf

Belongs to @Okami_Scratch

Belongs to @Mewshine
Belongs to @

Belongs to @Sheezusx2

Belongs to @Sheezusx2

Belongs to @Sheezusx2

Belongs to @BlackReshiram
I’d like to order a fullbody chibi!
Username: BlackReshiram
Reference: Greenie
Payment: PD
Notes: She's a curious little soul. Very inquisitive!
he c:
Honestly do whatever, I don't mind (just keep the accessories)
Username: MeepTheMareep02
Reference: Flashpoint the Ninetales, if you have issues drawing Flashpoint, you can do Calyx instead
Payment: 600k PD
Notes: Both characters have personality and design notes. Would like Flashpoint to be in a more dynamic pose (not just a neutral standing one)
Finished Pieces 🌿
also if you don't think much of feral art idk what to say, my character is quite literally a ninetales??? they didnt ask for critique on their art or entire genre or art style? i don't particularly like some art styles but I simply do not order from shops whose styles i don't like
fyi my art starts at 200k PD for sprites and I've asked for 500k for a unshaded halfbody. there are PH users willing to pay for art, and art from some of the most popular shops can *start* from 1 mil PD
they didn't ask for price comments so this is unsolicited and uncalled for.
Being honest, you are going to receive backlash for your comment, since a large amount of the PokéHeroes community is supported by artists. Your post was completely unnecessary and uncalled for, especially because she was not asking for criticism on prices or her art.
Although I am not an artist, here is what I can say for the artists that I do know, including Lupine.
Each artist has a particular style and preference. Some may prefer to draw ferals over humanoids, or vice versa. It does not make them any less skilled as an artist.
Everyone has different areas of expertise, but artists are constantly improving their work. With such a large art community online, I can only imagine the pressure to keep up their work as they compare it to others. There is enough comparison in each artists' mind without comments such as yours.
Considering the quality of Lupine's art in regards to ferals, I would say her art is reasonably priced in terms of PD. In fact, when customers do order from her, I wouldn't be surprised to see tips being left, based on how much more they see her art being worth.
I know plenty of artists who underprice their work, but even as a customer, the price isn't up to me. The price is up to the artist, and they may take feedback from the customer if asked for it.
Is her art cheap? No, but that's the point. Good quality art isn't often easy to find, and it won't necessarily cost pocket change for you, even in a Pokémon website. Quite frankly, an artist has to work for their art and the quality results. In return, the price should cost your work in terms of the payment.
Regardless of your opinions on Lupine's art or prices, the public forum isn't the place to voice it. A simple DM could have been fine; even so, she never asked for your opinion. Her art quality and prices are not for you to decide.
I fully intend on commissioning Lupine once I have enough PD. She is a wonderful friend and artist, and we have worked together many times in the past. I am proud to see how much her art has improved over the years.

TBH I'm sick of this 'Your art is too expensive, you need to lower your prices' stuff from people. Like, just don't order FR?? Besides, the art is reasonably priced imo, she's a very good artist.
Literally this ^^. 200 nuggets is literally two dollars, and that's considered expensive for art by PH users. This quality art in real money typically goes for like 10-20 dollars USD for and unshaded fullbody in my experience, depending on the artist. Just my two cents
I really do agree that PH has become spoiled by cheap and free art. Just remember that these lovely people have no obligation to even take fictional currency as opposed to real money; for many people art is their main source of income. Like everyone else has already said, if you don't like their art or their prices, you don't have to buy it!! Learn how to draw yourself
Username: MeepTheMareep02
Type: Chibi
Species: Sheep
Moodboard/Inspiration: based on Merope! intended to be an alternate form for her. the main inspiration was a fantasy, galaxy themed character, motifs including ribbons, round bells and wings. not all the galaxy-themed accessories must be included but i'd at least like to keep the 4-pointed star/sparkles motif!
main colour palette being white. navy, yellow/gold and cyan (cyan accents are a must)
Payment: Nuggets
Notes: As discussed in PMs, you can PM me for further discussions!
I’d like to order a fullbody chibi!
Username: MeepTheMareep02
Reference: Calyx; please read her design notes tab as I've had several issues with inaccurate details~
Payment: Nuggets
Username: Okami_Scratch
Reference: Boop!
Payment: PD
Notes: I will be back for more :3 (lemme know if you have any questions about the design)
Username: Sheezusx2
Type: Chibi
Species: Cat
Moodboard/Inspiration: Literally just a long-haired Calico cat, haha
Payment: Nuggets~
Notes: I have another two that need customs, but they're just Siamese cats. They're not really supposed to look any different from regular cats, except maybe collars or some pink outfits that my OC would dress them up in. So if you're willing to take slots for three customs (Calico + two Siamese cats) lmk! Also we can discuss details over Discord if that would be easier~ Thanks!!

Username: BlackReshiram
Type: Regular
Species: Suicune/Hisuan Zoroark
Hope fusions are okay! Basically needing a Royal Character for this kingdom. I'd like for them to be a suicune(quadruped) base that's black with blue wispy bits. If possible can you include jewelry, a kitsune mask and possibly a cloak?(If the cloak is too much, feel free to disregard it) Creative freedom for everything else!

Payment: PD
Notes: I realized I don't have a design from you yet. Hope this is okay!