I would like an egg!
Name of egg: Rainbow egg
Do you have a discount card: nope
What you are willing to pay:35k :)
Other: i'll breed em after i see em hehe
Accepted! I will start on the breeding in a second
Yoyoni-Stardust: “hey, Drakonia! We found an egg in the breeding
Corner, it seems to be from your hearfangs! It’s yours to keep. It
seems to be hatching!”
I would like an egg!
Name of egg: cave egg
Do you have a discount card: nope
What you are willing to pay:15 k
I would like an egg!
Name of egg: forest egg
Do you have a discount card: nop
What you are willing to pay:20k
Other:i'll probably breed these twowith my other hearfangs!! ive
been working on some art of my rainbow hearfang actually :D
I would like an egg!
Name of egg: Wing-Ear Egg
Do you have a discount card: Nope.
What you are willing to pay: 12k
Other: Breeding with Blister and Kenoko’s kid (the one with pink
head mutation)
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are"
- Mewtwo
(I have alot of hearfang work to do know, so I will be offline for
a bit)
Breeding: Yoyoni-stardust:” hey, MysteryMew! I found an egg from
your hearfangs, it’s yours to keep, it seems to be
I would like an egg!
Name of egg: sheep!
Do you have a discount card: nop
What you are willing to pay:20k
I would like an egg!
Name of egg: night!
Do you have a discount card: nop
What you are willing to pay:30k
Other: WAHOO!! NEW EGGS YAYAYA i have plans to breed these twoo !!