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Realm of the Astrals [Open!!]

Forum-Index Fanmades Realm of the Astrals [Open!!]
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 00:32 (5 Months ago)
Realm of the Astrals


Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

A strange creature walks towards you, eyes bright. With strange traits that resemble earthly creatures and stars that magically float around it, it's hard not to be curious. Suddenly you feel a weird sensation in your head before hearing strange noise that resemble speech of some language you've never heard.

"Dinbsjh-he-hello? Oh, can you underhtand me know?"

It's messy English, but you nod.

"Oh good!" It seems to purr. "You seem very friend, you like to know about use?"

You see a few more pairs of glowing eyes pop up in the caves behind the strange feline, but you nod in agreement.

Astral Lore
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Wormholes opened up near Earth, allowing Aliens to come through and take animals back to their worlds to experiment with. The animals that come back out of these wormholes have been dubbed "Astrals" and feature antenna and rings around their tails, as well as a random mix of the animals that the aliens fused together.
The Astrals also have a superior level of intelligence to that of a normal animal and may even gain the ability to communicate through telepathy with humans. Some of these Astrals have been kind enough to loan their powers to search these wormholes to retrieve new Astrals and items for Humans.

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This NPC is associated with taking care of the Astral babies, organizing events, and keeping track of all the traits found within the species. Her English is not the best, but she does her best to be kind and understanding.

This NPC is associated with planning adventures, crafting potions, and creating new Astrals. He's the smarter of the pair, having taught himself English and learning how to create Astrals. He's fairly shy though, so he mostly sticks to himself and his studying.

"This are important. Ease read!"

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1. All PH rules apply, of course! This is hosted on PH after all :3

2. Art theft of ANY kind will not be tolerated, in or outside the shop. Doing so will result in an immediate block. Please do not use/take any designs that are not yours/you have not paid for.

2.1. If you would like to credit any art off-site, please credit my Toyhou.se: Okami_Scratch

3. Please inform me of all transfers, whether items or designs. This way people on my blocklist don't receive designs and so I can keep the master list updated!

3.1. If you are in my block list, please do not interact or try to purchase designs! That includes trying to get others to purchase for you. Thankies :3

4. When purchasing designs, please do not edit your post after posting. Post a new one so we can avoid snipers!

5. Please do not heavily edit any forms. This way I know can easily see and know what you're trying to do.

6. When making your first purchase, please let me know what nickname you'd like for me to put for the inventory! [A spread sheet that everyone can access so there is no wondering what items you have :3]
-Do not harass others for items or trades. Doing so will result in a warning and/or eventually a block.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 01:15 (5 Months ago)
Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

"We rescue babies. Others, see? You can adopt here!" The feline purrs again

[Here's where stored Cryo-tubes containing Astrals for sale. They will be organised by price, [cheapest to most expensive], with labels to indicate rarity, nickname/title and price above them [there will be dividers between each].
Designs will be in a cryo-tube form in the shop, and will be released into their adult form ~24 hours after purchase. However, everyone's first design will be immediately given as an adult without the waiting period.

Please be sure to send payment after making your post and make sure you haven't bought one that someone else is trying to buy! You will not get the adult version until payment has been sent, and after 2 days the creature will be put back into the shop for someone else to buy.

Rarity will never be the sole determiner for the price, as I'd hate to charge more for a design that's simpler, simply because it has 'rare' traits. So while rarity will have some effect on the pricing, it will mostly be based on the detail of the design.]

The General Pricing will be around 25-200k PD Per Design

One Design Per Person/Per Day
Days are judged by server reset
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None at the Moment!

[Rairty] Name

[center][b]Ordering an Cryo-tube![/b]
[b]Username:[/b] (Your username)
[b]Cryo-tube:[/b] (cryo-tube name here)
[b]Payment method:[/b] (State whether you are buying with PD or nuggets {if available})
[b]Available?:[/b] (Make sure no one else has ordered it, then state yes!)

Info about Traits/Rarities
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Rarity is determined by the number of Uncommon [UC] and Rare [R] traits a design has, regardless of how many traits total it has. That said, a design could have no additional traits and be a rare design, or have 4 additional traits and be a common design. To be considered an uncommon design, it needs to have 3 UC traits or 1 UC and 1 R trait. For rare designs, it must have 3+ R traits or 2 UC and 2 R travel.
3UC or 1UC +1R = UC
2UC + 2R or 3+R = R
"But what if it has 2 UC and 1 R? Or simply 1 R?" - It would likely fall into the lower category. So, in the 2 UC traits and 1 R trait example, I would label this as an Uncommon, not a Rare.

What About Event Traits?
While event traits technically are their own category, for the purpose of eggs purchases and such, event traits are classified as rare. Even though some of these traits may be simpler than others, the idea is that they are only available certain times of the year or via a DNA vial and there for hard to obtain. This does, however, tend to lead to an increase in "Rare" designs during these events.

Why Cryo-tubes?
These creatures are typically found and rescued from their environments after being abandoned during the developmental stages. Their bodies haven't fully developed and removing them before they are adults could potentially harm them. However, most of the time they have fully developed and are simply shy or nervous about coming out, which is why it takes some time to receive the adult forms.

The babes do not show the possibile traits that the adult could have, only a simplified version of the designs, patterns, and colors it could have.

What are Starlings?
Starlings are alternate line art beans! They don't really have any additional bonuses other than sometimes containing exclusive traits and having a unique line art that makes the personality of the creature "pop" more. They are breed-able, but the special "magic" that makes them into starlings is not guaranteed to be carried over (it's a very low chance, same as the chance to find one in adventures or getting one in a normal pairing).

Because of their unique line art, changing traits is forbidden. You can, of course, change colors if you'd like with potions like any other design.

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Sat, 05/10/2024 03:23 (5 Months ago)
Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

As the female Astral guides you around, you notice something that appears like a map a child would draw. Another male Astral notices your gaze and approaches you cautiously, dipping his head in greeting.

"Greetings Traveler. I apologize for my companion, I've been trying to teach her English from the books I've found. It appears you have some Astral companions (or you are interested in them). We are able to go exploring to retrieve items for you, as well as rescue other Astrals."

He leads you over to his workbench, which is simply a flat stone surface covered in paper, pens, and what appears to be a random assortment of rocks, leaves and flowers, some of which you've never seen before.

"I do all the planning for trips to ensure everyone's safety. But Astrals love exploring new places, so let me know when you want them to send them out! You can send up to two Astrals at a time."

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Close to the sun, this planet is extremely warm and full of volcanos. Astrals love sunbathing on this planet.
Possible themes: Fiery/Bright themes

This planet is warm and full of lakes. Astrals love taking dives into the hot springs located around the equator.
Possible themes: Aquatic themes

Of course, Earth is new to the Astrals as well. They like playing in the forest, picking flowers, and collecting feathers. They better not bring back anything poisonous again...
Possible themes: Forestry themes

This planet is very dry and desert-ty. Astrals like to play in the red sand and take dust baths. They swear there's vegetation, especially near the caps, but I think they're just messing around
Possible themes: Desert/Sandy, Fossil themes

This planet is fun for skydiving, apparently. Astrals also love finding tornados to ride, claiming it's extremely exhilarating. It's a miracle they don't get hurt.
Possible themes: Cloudy or Feathery themes

This planet has beautiful lightning storms all year round. While Astrals can't breed, some enjoy going on "dates" to watch these storms and see the stars along with the planet's rings.
Possible themes: Stormy themes (+More cloudy themes)

This planet is fairly cool but has a decent amount of large lakes as well. Astrals who prefer to swim in cooler temperatures and snow love this planet.
Possible themes: Split themes? (+More snow themes)

This planet is full of frozen lakes and lots of snow. Astrals love playing games in the snow and collecting ice shards. Better watch out for frostbite!
Possible themes: Icy themes

[center][b]Sending an Astral out to Explore![/b]
[b]Astral:[/b] (link + name)
[b]# of times:[/b] (number of energy to use)[/center]


"Of course, you can have you Astrals train with me! Training helps to increase our stamina and helps us to find rarer items."

"Explore gives experience two!" The female chimes in.

"If you want to train your Astral, just let me know! You can send up to two for training, in addition to the ones you send on adventures."

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After "hatching", Astrals are very weak and only have 2 stamina. However, while out exploring, Astrals will gain 1 experience for each energy used, or 2 experience for each energy used while training. Each time they level up, they will gain 2 additional energy points, for a total of 10 at max level. If your Astral levels up after returning from a mission or training, please avoid sending them on another, as they are still "tired".

[Level 1] - X/10
[Level 2] - X/25
[Level 3] - X/40
[Level 4] - X/60
[Level 5] (MAX)

What about finding rarer items?
Every time your Astral levels up, the chance to find rare items increase by about 0.5%. So while it is not a huge increase, it does increase by a decent amount once they reach max level.

[center][b]Training my Astral![/b]
[b]Astral:[/b] (link + name)
[b]# of times:[/b] (number of energy to use)[/center]

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Mon, 07/10/2024 23:30 (5 Months ago)

Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

"When you're out adventuring, your companions will bring back items. Not all these items are useful just yet, and sometimes they don't bring back anything at all, but lots of these items can be used to craft potions to give your Astrals energy, change some of their traits, or other effects. Feel free to look through my 'cookbooks' and let me know when you're ready to craft!"

There's a cauldren over a fire in the corner of the cave, with shelves full of various materials and some premade potions. On the table next to the cauldren is a 'cookbook' of various potions, their effects, and the ingredients required.

Recipes may change as I get used to rolling and test the frequency of items
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Energy Refresh Potion
Completely restores all energy points! More adventures :3
Ingredients: 10x Salt, 10x Seaweed, 10x Strange Cactus, 10x Pine Needles, 10x Honey Combs

Double Energy Potion
Your companions gain 2 energy per reset! (Permanent upgrade, per Astral)
Ingredients: 7x Diamonds, 7x Pearls, 7x Opals, 7x Moissanite Gems

Trait Removal Potion
If you don't want an optional traits, use this to remove it! (Can not remove needed traits, such as tail/feet/etc)
Ingredients: 3x Tree Bark, 3x Snake Skin, 3x Dandelion Fluff, 3x Sea Glass, 3x Amsonia Flower, 2x Glow Lichen, 2x Oyster Shell

Color Change Potion
To change specific spots or shades on a design! (May need more than one for multiple shades/colors)
Ingredients: 5x Charcoal, 5x Water Lilies, 5x Pine Sap, 1x Bottles of Rainbow

Common Rarity Change
To change a specific trait to any other common trait. Can use this in addition to a DNA vial for customs.
Ingredients: 3x Volcanic Rock, 3x Pebbles, 3x Moss, 3x Misc Feathers, 3x Bag of Stardust

Uncommon Rarity Change
To change a specific trait to any other uncommon trait. Can use this in addition to a DNA vial for customs.
Ingredients: 5x Fish Scales, 5x Malachite, 5x Lizard Tails, 5x Eagle Talons, 5x Firefly, 5x Oyster Shell

Rare Rarity Change
To change a specific trait to any other rare trait. Can use this in addition to a DNA vial for customs.
Ingredients: 5x Coral, 5x Sand Dollars, 5x Strange Fur, 1x Rabbit Feet, 1x Fossils, 1x Bottles Of Rainbow, 1x Lightning Rod

I wonder what this does? (Can only be used while breeding)
Ingredients: 15x Diamonds, 15x Pearls, 15x Rabbit Feet, 15x Fossils, 15x Bottles Of Rainbow, 15x Lightning Rods, 15x Opals, 15x Moissanite Gems

[center][b]Making/Using a Potion![/b]
[b]Potion:[/b] (Potion name here!)
[b]Astral:[/b] (put the url here, or say N/a to put it in your inventory for later!)
[b]Method:[/b] (Crafting/Using)
[b]Payment:[/b] (Pre-made/crafting) [/center]

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 01:36 (5 Months ago)
Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

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Valentines: February 1st - Feb 28/29th (Valetines themes + Increased Breeding odds)
Easter: March 15th - April 15th (Easter/Spring themes + Bonus Chances for Eggs on Adventures!)
Halloween: October 1st - October 31st (Spooky/Autum Themes + ??)
Christmas: December 1st - December 31st (Christmas/Winter Themes + ??)

None at the moment!

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 03:29 (5 Months ago)
Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

"Breeding? May have genders, but no breed. Just science." The female says.

The male chimes in to explain a little better.

"Because our genetic make-up, having a large variety of traits from many different animals you see here on Earth, we can't actually breed. However, I've been going over some of these reports," he waves to a stack of paper with an ineligible foreign language, "and it appears we can take some samples of DNA from a few Astrals, as well as any DNA vials that are found while exploring, to essentially create a new creature."

Of course, people are going to find some Astrals that would love to see a combination of (or whatever other reasons), and I'm not one to deny! The working theory is that they can splice DNA from 2-6 Astrals to make new creatures using the alien technology! The composition of traits is entirely random (as it's hard to isolate genetic material) and can sometimes even contain other random traits that the 'parents' don't have.

You can also use specific vials to get desired outcomes. Every person who has an Astral that contributed a DNA sample will receive one! Although in one person pairing, sometimes one cryo-tube can produce twins (and they never look the same...)
[Using more Astrals does not increase the odds of getting twins]

Status: Open!
[center][b]Fusing Astrals Together![/b]
Astral 1: (Username + image link [name of Astral is not needed])
Astral 2:
Astral 3: [optional]
Astral 4: [optional]
Astral 5: [optional]
Astral 6: [optional]
Specific DNA vials?: (if you want to guarantee traits such as Common Cat Tail, you would use a common tail vial here)


"As I said, while out exploring, there's a good chance that we can find DNA vials which can be used to create custom Astrals. If you want to do this, you'll have to have vials for each trait that is deemed 'needed', but if there is any other additional traits you wish for your Astral to have them you are welcome to bring me those too!"

You'll notice that DNA vials are sperated solely into rarities such as "Common Ears" rather than specific traits such as "Common Tiny Triangle Ears". This is so that there are no abundances of unwanted traits and because I'm lazy lmao

Fees for creation will be around 20-200k PD - based on their complexity + detail
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[center][b]Crafting a Custom Astral![/b]
[u]Main Traits[/u]

[u]Extra Traits[/u]
Front Legs:
Back Legs:

Pattern Details:
Anything Else:[/center]

Using vials is very simple. If you have a specific uncommon tail that you want, you simply put the specific traits you want and the vial in the form [ex: "Uncommon Fish Tail"], and the vial will be removed from your inventory. You can apply rarity changer potions to achieve higher rarities. [ex: You want a Rare Body but only have a Common Body vial. You can make a rarity change potion and apply it by making a note such as "Rare Dragon Body (using Common Vial and Rare Rarity Change)"
Eyes will automatically be Common, as those are free. So if you want one of the other eye shapes, you need potions for UC/R upgrades. Additionally, please make a note if you would like lashes or not (female/male)
In the "extra traits" section, "N/a" or leaving it blank is a totally fine and will not take a vial from you. You only need a vial if you're adding something there.
For "Colors", feel free to give hex codes codes/specific shades or simply something such as "blue, green, black, white". And for "Pattern Details", you can be as simple or as vague as you want. For example, you can say something as simple as "black leopard", or provide pictures of mood boards or any ideas you may have [ex: see through tail]

To-do List

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Tue, 08/10/2024 06:21 (5 Months ago)

Rules/Lore, Adopts, Explorations/Training, Crafting, Events, Breeding/Customs, Visual Trait List

"I sketches, so you can see traits here!" The female says.

There appears to be a large sketchbook full of sketches showing all the different traits that the Astrals have been found to have, as well as notes describing what they look like and how often they are found.

"If I find more traits, I add!"

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~Main Traits~


Tiny Triangle




~Additional Traits~
-Front Legs-
None yet!

-Back Legs-
None yet!



Small Bat
Small Feathered

Shark Fin and Torn Ver.


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~Main Traits~


Fluffy Innards

Extra Fluffy
Fluffy Scales

Long Cat
Double Cat

None yet!

~Additional Traits~
-Front Legs-

-Back Legs-

Long Pointed



Mushroom Growth


Show hidden content

~Main Traits~
Extra Fluffy

None yet!

Extra Fluffy


Mega Feathered
Double Cat (Long)
Multi Tail (4) or (5)

None yet!

~Additional Traits~
-Front Legs-

-Back Legs-

None yet!

None yet!


None yet!

None yet!

Show hidden content

~Main Traits~
None yet!

Hearts - [Valentine's]

Heart Tipped - [Valentine's]

Snowglobe/Glass - [Christmas]

Heart Twist - [Valentine's]

None yet!

~Additional Traits~
-Front Legs-
Heart Rings - [Valentine's]
Snowglobe/Glass - [Christmas]

-Back Legs-
Heart Rings - [Valentine's]
Snowglobe/Glass - [Christmas]

None yet!

Candy Cane - [Christmas]

Hearts - [Valentine's]

Heart Rings - [Valentine's]
Bow - [Christmas]
Wind-up Toy - [Christmas]

Hearts - [Valentine's]

Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Thu, 10/10/2024 00:43 (5 Months ago)

[Reserved for future additions]
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Tue, 05/11/2024 03:14 (4 Months ago)

[Reserved for future additions]
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 00:44 (4 Months ago)
Officially Opened!

Hello and welcome to the release of my species, the Astrals!!! I hope you enjoy your stay!
Not everything is set in stone just yet as I learn to navigate rolling loot and making tons more traits for the species. Additionally I hope to have events in the near future, add more potions, clean up the shops, and make the banners to make this store great! But I hope you enjoy never the less, and I hope you all stay around through this journey <3

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 00:46 (4 Months ago)
Congratulations on your opening of Realm of the Astrals!

Ordering an Cryo-tube!
Username: SensGirl25 (SG25)
Cryo-tube: Neon Leopard
Payment method: 70,000 Pokedollars
Available?: Yes

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 373
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 01:20 (4 Months ago)
Ordering an Cryo-tube!
Username: GlitchMode
Cryo-tube: Grey-scale Tribes
Payment method: 45k pd
Available?: Yes!

Whoops, forgot the nickname. Maybe just Glitch for short?
𝒞𝓊𝓇𝓇𝑒𝓃𝓉 𝒮𝓉𝒶𝓉𝓊𝓈

ℰ𝓍𝒽𝒶𝓊𝓈𝓉𝑒𝒹 24/7
𝒜𝓁𝓈𝑜, 𝑔𝑜 𝓉𝑜𝓊𝒸𝒽 𝑔𝓇𝒶𝓈𝓈 :𝒟

Trainerlevel: 75

Forum Posts: 2,099
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 01:38 (4 Months ago)
Sending an Astral out to Explore!
Astral: Nova Viogreen
Location: Saturn
# of times: 1 (just to stay safe)

Credit to Veris

Trainerlevel: 66

Forum Posts: 1,733
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 01:49 (4 Months ago)
Ordering an Cryo-tube!
Username: Sheezusx2
Cryo-tube: Leopard Royalty
Payment method: 65,000 PD
Available?: Yes
Trainerlevel: 74

Forum Posts: 2,070
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 01:53 (4 Months ago)
Ordering an Cryo-tube!
Username: BlackReshiram
Cryo-tube: Orange Stripes
Payment method: PD
Available?: Yes
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 656
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 01:58 (4 Months ago)
Ordering an Cryo-tube!
Username: Dellatae
Cryo-tube: green stars
Payment method: pd
Available?: yas
Hi I'm Sunny, I’m a Satanist, I'm 18, I'm gay(MLM). I'm transgender/demiboy[female to male/gender queer].
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 02:06 (4 Months ago)
Thank you all for the overwhelming support 😭
I'm at work rn but as soon as I get a chance I'll send the beans out! and roll loot
Please make sure to give me a nickname and send payments so I can send y'all your adults right away!
Trainerlevel: 68

Forum Posts: 394
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 07:44 (4 Months ago)
Ordering an Cryo-tube!
Username: tord
Cryo-tube: Ginger Vibes
Payment method: PD
Available?: yes!
inventory nickname as tord, please! :)
Trainerlevel: 51

Forum Posts: 656
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 11:31 (4 Months ago)
Name in inventory as Sunny please and thank you ❤️
Hi I'm Sunny, I’m a Satanist, I'm 18, I'm gay(MLM). I'm transgender/demiboy[female to male/gender queer].
Trainerlevel: 73

Forum Posts: 1,026
Posted: Wed, 06/11/2024 20:16 (4 Months ago)
All currently available traits have been added to the traits list so everyone can see and access! I'm working the the spreadsheet now :3