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Festival Of Blessings (Sign-Up)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Festival Of Blessings (Sign-Up)
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 717
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2024 23:44 (1 Month ago)


As the sound of trumpets rings across the country, the people begin to fill the streets
The time you have been waiting for is finally here, the festival has begun…

Once per year, a celebration of the the three gods that stayed by humanity's side takes place in their honour, an event that lasts as long as the Gods decide it to be in which the nation is encouraged to set off onto "the adventure of a lifetime", slaying monsters that threaten our villages and exploring the world in order to draw the attention of the Gods, and celebrate their legacies.

At the end of each festival, the Gods descend from their thrones and choose one person each, people who proved their worth, and they grant them a gift. This gift is the rawest form of human desire; the ascension to Godhood.

One must understand our world:
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You remember your first festival, where you first celebrated your Gods From birth, you remember seeing your Gods in your dreams, you remember thanking them when your magic finally roused in your body. Arriving to this festival, which may be your first, you might have plans of the God you wish for the blessing from. You may have considered each of the Gods heavily, or simply enjoyed the thought of them. Nonetheless, everyone knows them well.

The first is Fiorella, the goddess associated with justice and order, but most of all, unyielding power. Many pray that they're gifted with a fraction of her strength.

The second is Arlen, the god associated with culture and creation, but most of all, unending wealth. Many pray that they're rewarded by any of his wealth.

The third is Lyric, the god associated with identity and freedom, but most of all, unrelenting fame. Many pray that they'll one day feel some of their fame.

One must understand our magic:
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The way that the Gods’ magic affected you was unlike how it affected others. Primarily, it puts individuals into one of two classes.

Those who's attunement to magic allows for them to conjure spells akin to classic fantasy casters are called Enchanters. The bodies of Enchanters tend to be naturally attuned to manipulating the magic around them in various ways, by channelling their energy from their hearts all the way to their fingertips, they are able to control the wild energy that surrounds them, ranging from more offensive elemental blasts to magical regenerative rituals and spells, in can be everything although it tends to lean onto the more telegraphed side compared to their counterpart.
Despite of this, magic is still not fully understood, very complex and hard to keep attuned with, for this reason Enchanters tend to specialize in one type of magic they gravitated towards, attuning their body towards even more or to instead generalize and master a simple and albeit rather weak variety of spells.
Either way, Enchanters are often varied in their area of expertise and having a bunch to aid you in your adventures is considered a must.
(For example of what could constitute an Enchanter: D&D Wizards and Sorcerers, Catalysts from Genshin and Marcille from Dungeon Meshi)

Those who specialize in close range magic are known as Behemoths. In contrast to enchanters, behemoths wield their magic in a more bombastic and innate way, almost if it is an extension of themselves, specializing in close range bursts of magic or constant alterations of their very body.
Whether it’s by enchanting their arsenal of tools with the elements or by transforming their fists into magical weapons, the nature of a Behemoth’s power can vary heavily from person to person. The direct impact of the magic presents itself in the different ways each user’s body attunes to the power that flows inside them.
(For examples of what could constitute a Behemoth: Luffy from One Piece, D&D Monks, Jonathan Joestar from Jojo’s (this is basically Hamon), Benders from Avatar, Childe from Genshin and Genji(‘s Magic Dragon Sword) from Overwatch)

Feel free to be unique with it! Behemoths can instead be using wind magic and enhancing their legs to move quickly and quietly or an Enchanter could choose to follow a niche school of thought and use their magic in a non linear way.

The classes serve as a guideline, as long as it’s adjacent to either of the two and not too powerful, feel free to really push the limits and definition of each class and try to envision how your personal fighting style would affect the world or how it would affect your character and their body.

One must read the below information :
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• This Roleplay is co-hosted by myself, Funkh and Sterg. We have collectively put a heavy amount of work into this plot, and consider it very different to your typical PHRP. The experience shall be comparable to DND, but should go as smoothly as other PHRPs do. We will be making minor characters together (who may be roleplayed by myself or my co-host) and writing characterless narration to help guide you! We both use European Timezones which closely align with PH's local server time (approximately +2 server time).

• By signing up, you agree to be added to a Palpad group chat where we can discuss plans for the RP ahead, ask questions etc.. You do not have to be active in this group, but we may ask questions directly to you!

• Only one character per person for now, but you may be able to add more characters in the future. We want to make it such that our characters all bond, in addition to us, the role players, getting more attached to each others' characters. Please ask us if/when you'd like to add more! Please do not post forms in preparation for this time without consulting us, first. Oh, and you're allowed to reserve a form if you'd like to!

• This Roleplay may contain themes of violence, religious trauma, body horror, derealization and similar ideas. It will not be explicit, and we ask you to abide by PH's rules when the time comes for these themes. Don't worry, you'll know when they're in play. If you are uncomfortable with these more mature ideas, please do not join. They will be presented in a PG way, but we still do not want anyone to be uncomfortable. Please take care of yourself and decide accordingly!

• The world has a variety of races which have been developed due to how magic affects the body, so the humans who lived here would have gradually changed into these races. You may make your own race, but standard DND races are our primary races. Do try to keep your races believable and not op!! We may ask you to tone it back if need be. Regardless, the whole idea is basically “humans but with a magical mutation/twist”, this however also means we want to keep everyone to be around the same “power level” of a normal human but with a sort of trade off or twist, we don't welcome the idea of “stronger races”, everyone should be more or less equal.

• We are semi-literate role players, but this doesn't mean you have to have posts with huge detail. Don't feel pressured into being flowery with your language! But we do ask for semi-literate writing which is formatted like your typical piece of prose. This includes making your forms look pretty, you don't have to edit it in any major way because the bare information is just fine, but we welcome anyone who wants to beautify theirs in any way!

One must abide by the following rules :
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• All of PH’s rules apply, as usual.

• Be kind to each other – respect each other in RP decisions and hate the character, not the RPer!

• As mentioned earlier, this is semi-literate. Do try to limit your posts which are only one sentence at a time, but we understand if you can't think of much in the moment!

• Please don’t make your characters overpowered! Throughout the Roleplay, the characters will get noticeably stronger, so it's very much expected that you'll start weaker. Look at the forms of me and my co-host as to how the power level of our characters for the start.

• Romance is fine but do try not to detract too heavily from the general plot. Passing remarks or the occasional slowburn scene is quite alright by us!
Additionally, please do discuss the concept with the player of whoever you want to attempt to romance before attempting anything of the sort.

• Try to not be TOO much of a lone wolf, a little angst and isolation is fine but you should never put the entire plot on pause because of people needing to somehow bait your character into following along, it's a group centered story, don't make it hard to stick with the group. If you are aiming to pursue a plotline like this, please do discuss it with everyone prior. It's what the Palpad group will be for!

• Do not use AI/stolen art in your form to show your character’s appearance. There are plenty of free ways of showing your character, such as drawing it yourself, using a free dress-up game (like HeroForge, Picrew (use an adblocker for that one though) or even GachaLife) even describing them works just fine.

We are allowed to deny your form/s for any reasons we see fit. Please do not try and argue against this. Additionally, we’ll reject you automatically if you're blocked by any of the co-hosts. Sorry!

One must craft an application for godhood:
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not accepting, as of now
(remove all brackets/italics, please!)

Name: (preferably a full name)
Age: (we recommend young adult ages and above)
Race: (Feel free to lead with basically every generic fantasy race, if you have anything more specialized feel free to ask us if it can be done :3)
Class: (behemoth or enchanter? if you're not sure what your character falls into, feel free to post your form anyways and we might be able to help! or just ask us and we can help out)
Magic/Weaponry: (the way in which your character uses magic. you may specify how the magic will upgrade, if you'd like to)
Appearance: (specify their race here, if it's not entirely obvious)
Backstory: (some questions to help you : How has their magic manifested? has it helped them in the past? Why did they come to the festival? Do they feel as though they are in debt to the gods? What are they looking to gain by joining an adventuring party?)
Other: (perhaps provide a voice claim or a song/album that reminds you of your character! any other random info you think of can go here.)

One may view an existing application:
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Name: Beige Acres
Age: 24
Pronouns: He/it/they
Gender: Transmasculine
Race: Post-Human Un-Mortal
Class: Behemoth
Magic/Weaponry: Beige is able to rapidly increase the rate of his regeneration, as well as having an unusual tolerance for pain which often comes across as airheadedness. Beige is able to keep all parts of their body alive, despite how connected these parts may be. If their body were to be decapitated, he could simply reattach the limbs by using its magic. Beige often uses their cleaver to detach their body parts, leading to a gross sight, but one that leaves them looking utterly unphased. If Beige chopped their hand off, the hand could crawl around with almost a mind of its own, before returning to Beige and letting him reattach it. He also uses this cleaver to attack, but the damage isn't great due to its short range and their lack of strength. If he exhausts his magic too much, he will be very fatigued, and even more airheaded. The only way to kill Beige is to remove their heart, placed in the centre of the depths of their chest.
Personality: Virtuoso : ISTP-T. After dying, Beige’s mind was changed hugely, which led him to lose a hell of a lot of feeling for others’ emotions. Beige is incredibly blunt, and would much rather focus on facts rather than feelings, out of sheer understanding. It upsets him that he can't understand others, and feels guilt whenever he sees others feeling things. It prefers to explore the world for itself, using his hands and eyes to examine rather than asking others due to Beige’s elaborate way of thought. He finds socializing rather taxing, but will listen to others if required to.
Backstory: Since childhood, Beige was largely magicless. They had a natural resistance to pain, thick skin, but it was never something he felt largely proud about. But then again, Beige’s memory is hazy on everything before he died. Something crushed the side of their face in, and they were spotted by a powerful healer. The healer took him in their arms and filled his body with more magic, bringing him to a state of thinking and breathing again. While heavily warped, with awful balance and heavy thoughts, Beige was alive, despite being a husk of their old self. They don’t even remember their old self, but they must have been very different. Feeling in debt to the gods, Beige brought himself to the festival, and believed that he received a blessing from the god called Lyric, bringing them back to a more stable form, but one which was far from his old humanity. A green stitched mess, almost brainless, with no sensitivity to life. And as he brought himself back home, his mother sobbed at his feet. She begged for him to leave, for she could not stomach the thought of her poor child becoming this… undead entity. Beige never returned.
Other: partially based on the song called “Beige” by ‘Hi, I’m Chris’... I would link it but it has swearing !!! and yes I did take an mbti test for this guy. im dedicated, I fear. AND YES I DREW THE ART please do not use it ^_^" also, their voice claim is Casey Mongillo !!

slots : 9 / 9
currently : not accepting.
we may open forms back up in future,
but for now, they're closed

Corviknight : Beige Acres the Behemoth
Funkh : Chester Borke the Behemoth
Sterg : Oceiros Sulyvahn the Behemoth
Okami_Scratch : Okami the ???
Undyne : Liza B. Karatcha the Behemoth
~4PR1L : Aliceson Wallace the Enchanter
comfygazing : Blithe Dazzlusion the Enchanter
popplio : Sable Pearl the Enchanter

Trainerlevel: 36

Forum Posts: 118
Posted: Thu, 22/08/2024 23:57 (1 Month ago)

"Alright comrade, the festival has begun! Let's give these gods a show to remember!"
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Oceiros Sulyvahn

29 in human years





Oceiros wields two short-swords. One imbued with fire and the other imbued with ice. Oceiros is able to extend the range of those elements a distance equal to the length of the blade, allowing him to basically wield average-sized swords.

Oceiros tends to almost immediately get attached to others and proudly call them comrades, some even dare call him the definition of being affable. Albeit loud, he's a very considerate and kind person, willing to lay down his life for his dear 'comrades' sans hesitation. Others have also commented how easily he would fall head over heels for any unfortunate woman that dared to make eye contact with him, though Oceiros claims he is working on it.

Oceiros is a relatively tall dragonborn, standing at a respectable 216cm with very soothing light blue scales. Even though he often uses his jade eyes to get the attention of women, he almost always fails. Although he's always wearing this very cheap and almost self-made adventurer armor, with noticeable patches and padding, he never wears a helmet. Probably because nothing fits. Regardless, his face doesn't have any scars and the condition of his body is unknown.

Ice magic is common within the Sulyvahn family, it was expected Oceiros would have some affinity to it. Soon after he reached adulthood, having a relatively jubilant upbringing, he set out with a young friend of his on their very first adventure. The two of them were enjoying their first ever taste of freedom and adventure, exploring faraway lands and anything that caught their attention ranging from caves to remote cities. During a dungeon exploration,the group came across a mage of some sorts and before they had the chance to act, they fell unconscious. When Oceiros came to, he was alone. No sign of his comrade except the short-sword. Soon after a closer inspection, he noticed a big part of his body had turned red and was oddily swollen, as if it was scorched, and the sword he picked up reacted as if his comrade was holding it, with flames enveloping the blade. One person using two different attributes of magic? That was unheard of. Could he...really have merged with his comrade? Years have since passed, and Oceiros' curiosity has yet to be satiated and there hasn't been a moment he hasn't thought about his comrade, even if his soul might be inhabiting Oceiros' body. Oceiros often tends to avoid the topic about his body and how he acquired the other short-sword.

(can't think of anything atm)

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 939
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 00:05 (1 Month ago)
Res? also i cant open half the spoilers for some reason
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 717
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 00:14 (1 Month ago)
Accepted !! Also, yeah, there's some weirdness happening with the BBCode for some reason?? We're troubleshooting it now but it's got us baffled LOL

EDIT : fixed !! should be all fine now. Thanks for your patience!!
Trainerlevel: 28

Forum Posts: 170
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 01:11 (1 Month ago)
"No time to think, just act!"
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Name: Liza B. Karatcha

Age: 22

Pronouns: she/her

Gender: Female

Race: Hm... Fish person, if it counts, same as Undyne

Class: Behemoth!

Magic/Weaponry: A stereotypical katana, tinted blueish-silver, although she is able to fixate on certain objects with her eyes, controlling them from a distance. She calls this power 'Envisioning'

Personality: ISFP-T (The adventurer): Creative and ambitious, although prefers to stand alone. This does not mean she dislikes social interaction, just that she experiences it differently than most. She prefers to go in for a reckless attack rather than to strategize.

Appearance: Around 6ft 3, shade of blue skin with red scratches/scars across her right cheek. Long, black hair falls down her back, with purple streaks running through different parts of it. Sapphire blue eyes turn an emerald green as she fixates on objects, partially hidden behind her messy fringe. She wears a lightweight black chestplate complete with shoulder pads that protect her, and denim jeans scratched and old with age. Her boots reach up to about midway of her shins are a shade of green or black, though nobody can tell. Her outfit is complete with a spiked silver cuff on her left wrist.

Backstory: She was gifted with 'Envisioning' at the age of twelve, although at that time it was only with small objects such as pebbles. As she grew up, her power grew, though at this age she can manage bigger objects, sometimes accidentally toppling buildings when enraged. It was in one of these incidents where her family passed away. Through the ruins, she managed to recover her father's katana, and has been fighting with it ever since.

Other: Her voice would sound similar to Ai Hoshino's. A song that reminds me of her would be Respite by Toby Fox :D

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 939
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 02:22 (1 Month ago)
"Im ready to destroy some stuff, are you?"

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Okami no last name as of yet qwq



Demi- Female



Bow and Arrow, or 2 Daggers, depending on the situation. Can transform into a wolf and use wind magic to push her arrow/speed them up.

Quiet and watchful, but once she accepts you, you become a part of her 'pack' and she is extremely loyal. She tries her best to be sweet and kind, but she's typically awkward and can come across as rude or mean.


for the purpose of this rp She was raised by a pack of wolves in the wild. One of the elder wolves was/is also a werewolf so he was able to teach her the Language and basic wind magic. She prefers her (feral) wolf form but will remain in a hybrid form for the sake of other humans who are uncomfortable or in large crowds. Her anthro form is her favorite for stealth attacks. She only came to the festival at the wishes of her late fatherly figure (the elder) because he believed she might stand a chance. She doesn't really believe in the Gods though.

nothing i can think of!

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 52
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 02:33 (1 Month ago)

~[คlเςєร๏ภ ฬคllคςє]~

["ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀʟɪɴɢ ᴏғ ᴏɴᴇs ᴡᴏᴜɴᴅ ᴍᴇᴀɴs ɴᴏᴛʜɪɴɢ ɪғ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴀɴ'ᴛ ɢᴇᴛ ᴜᴘ ᴏɴᴄᴇ ᴍᴏʀᴇ"]


⮘ [ нє/нιм ⯎ мαℓє ⯎ 27 ⯎ нυмαи ⯎ єи¢нαитєя ] ⮚

The fraudulent ex-priest, or a quack healer they could call him. Despite being a renowned priest that is said to be able to heal an army if he wishes to. He was kicked out swiftly by the church the moment the people found out that he has been faking his belief to their God for free food and dormitory the entirety of his stay.. They called him a charlatan, a fraud, hell some may even dear to utter the name of the devil when mentioning his name. But not once did a single soul doubt his magical prowess in medicine.

At first glance, all you notice is a handsome face with a charming smile and lustrous hair. His long, silky platinum-gold locks are rare, almost never seen among ordinary people. Complementing his striking appearance are molten golden eyes, each adorned with a teardrop-shaped mole that mirrors the other. A single twinkling purple earring dangles from his right ear (that shows that he is fully, a human), adding a touch of mystique, while a leaf-shaped crown headpiece shines atop his head. With his naturally charismatic smile, it’s easy to trust a man with such delicate features. Paired with his dark blue robe, marking him as a medic, and the white coat trimmed with gold, a clear sign of his experience on the battlefield. You would never believe that this is the same man that was dubbed as fraudulent and got kicked out of the church for 'never actually believing in god' and was 'only there for the food and bed' and as well as 'beautiful maidens'.


⮘ ᴘᴏsɪᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs ⮚
| Laidback | Easy-going | Relaxed | Takes things lightly | Money Grubber | Charismatic | Empathetic |
| a genuine (?) healer | quick witted | Pretty Face |

⮘ ɴᴇɢᴀᴛɪᴠᴇ ᴛʀᴀɪᴛs ⮚
| Manipulative | Doesn't believe in god's omniscient power | Face-con |
| With equally quick grubby fingers | Not athletic AT ALL | Scum | Heartbreaker | Player (?) |

Aliceson Wallace, or more commonly called Alice the Fraud by the village folks is infamously known for his laidback nature of being unable to take any matter seriously to the dismay of the pope. Before his identity as a swindler was revealed to the public, he was revered as a holy figure due to his miraculous miracle medicinal skills. However, unbeknownst to them, Alice is anything but 'holy' or 'blinding' in terms of his personality. Behind the close doors, Alice is a mischievous individual who often drinks and curses at god. He often indulges in many types of pleasure like money and food. On days that he doesn't need to clock in, he is often sleeping away or trying out new types of alcohol trending in the market. He enjoys having conversation with beautiful people and is a face con.

There is a reason why despite being called a fraud, Alice's medical skills were never doubted. Not even once were his skills questioned by the general crowd. This was because Alice's healing magic were really just as magical as the rumors. If a patient came in with a knife wound in their stomach, the patient would then leave the room with an intact stomach. This is not just limited to wounds, but also any kind of poison aliments and discomfort in general. Women often come to him in order to seek comfort during their menstruation in hopes of lightening their discomfort.

And not once did Alice fail them. He has always welcomed his patient into his private room with a charismatic smile that seems to wash away their worries. And each and every single time, no matter how severe the the pain was there was always a solution.

Moreover, healing spells aren't the only types of magic he is proficient to. He is comfortable with casting blessing and enhancements and as well as basic magic manipulation (e.g shielding, rebound, counter, basic elemental manipulation). Alice is confident in his understanding of magic and can easily absorb it from the nature around him. If anything, some may even say he was egoistical, saying that even if the gods above didn't give him this gift, he would still somehow learn it.

Perhaps he'll learn to regret his words one day.

~ ʙᴀʀᴛʜᴏʟᴏᴍᴇᴡ ᴛʜᴇ ᴀᴘᴏsᴛʟᴇ ~
Alice's staff that he stole from the church before he left. (Yes he named it himself) (No it isn't the staff's official name) Bartholomew's length from the top of the bottom is slightly taller than Alice himself. It has a warm glow and a constant flow of mana surrounding the top of the staff. If you look closely, you can see the wings around the staff moving as if they were alive, thanks to the flow of mana.

In a faraway humble town, a son was born. He was the apple of his parent's eye. He was both beautiful and energetic bringing joy to the townsfolk wherever he went. He was a bubbly child who was blessed by the gift of gods at birth, so much so that he has never experienced a day of sadness within his childhood. However, the same don't apply to the those around him. Even before the child's age has reached double digits, wars between nations has commences, and the poor humble village whom just so happens to lay on the nations borders bore the front brunt of the violence and bloodshed. It was inevitable that people would have to partake in the war whether they wished to be or not. For the sake of their friends, for the sake of their family, they fought. The bright child watched. He cried at their pain. He mourned for their death. And he learned from their loss.

He used his gift for magic to help his companions, his family, his friends. Though at first he was unused to the cruelties of the war ground and often cried. He couldn't believe his world was now overcrowded with crimson. Afterall, he was just a child that was loved by god.

The bright child that was once the apple of his parent's eye was no longer a child, much less bright. He was now a practiced and treasured war veteran that has saved plenty in the battlefield. Every single time he sees an injured soldier enter his tent his stomach drops. He quickly realized that no matter how many times he mends their wound they were just going to get injured in the battlefield once again. By then, his bright world had long shattered. Surrounding him are no longer kind faces of the village folks that raised. Now he is surrounded by soldiers who may die at any moment, at any sword strike.

No matter how well he bandaged them up, no matter how proficient he was at magic, no matter how much he did, he was just a child after all. Realizing his power was trifle compared to the battlefield, he started praying to god every single night wishing for the war to end. For his people to no longer suffer, for his loved ones to no longer disappear one day without a funeral for them to properly mourn for.

He prayed and prayed. He healed then prayed. He prayed until his legs went numbed. He wished for his sky to become blue once more. He wished to no longer hear cries on the battlefield. He wished soldiers no longer had to open his tent for their wounds to be healed. He wished for his world become just as bright and magical as it was in the past.

But days of praying turned into months. Months of praying turned into years.

Somewhere down the lines, what used to be a child, has now became a man. The man has long stopped praying to the gods above for hope, for salvation. His skills has grown grounded, and scars were scattered around his body like stars.

The war has ended, but hope was lost.

Fun Fact: His favorite type of alcohol is champagne due to it's sweetness and fruity tart! He dislikes the bitterness and spice of vodka and tequila, and hates the strong fermented taste of grain from whiskey. He prefers to only have beer on party days of long drinking and wine for close conversations. Otherwise, he considers champagne for his go-to for private solo drinking as he enjoys marveling at the bright golden luster as he twirls it around the glass, pointing it towards the light.

If you ask him on a simple level on why he does it for several hours on some days, he will say it was because he enjoys the colors and that it'll make the champagne taste better that way. But if you ask him on a deeper level, he will say that it reminiscent the color of the bright world he used to dream of due to it's golden hue. Though it is unfortunate that no matter he drinks, his mind will no longer dillude far enough for him to dream of the bright world once again.

Fun fact ik :)

[tl/n "Are you an Idiot? ^^"]
Trainerlevel: 43

Forum Posts: 429
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 04:47 (1 Month ago)
Co-Host Form :O
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Name: Chester Borke
Age: Somewhere in his 50's
Pronouns: He/Him
Gender: Male
Race: Human
Class: Behemoth
Magic/Weaponry: Chester is the most straightforward, basic kind of magic users, encapsulating the very basics of being a Behemoth. Chester embues his entire body with magic in order to enlarge and strengthen each muscle, transforming his more frail looking, old man physique into something adjacent to "peak human performance".
His fists are additionally enchanted to hold kinetic energy in order to make them move quicker and hit harder.
However due to the passage of time, despite his attunement to magic, he struggles to really output the same power as he once did.
Personality: A gentle old man who is a bit past his prime, he likes to tell old stories about his time as a young adventurer and all the festivals he had the chance to partake in. He faces everything with a sense of whimsy and optimism as it almost feels like he is incapable of ever truly acknowledging the idea of failure, always trying to find small wins in everything. He seems to take great pride in presenting himself a mentor like figure and thus he tends to flaunt his experience as a sort of display or skill.
Appearance: An old man with graying hair that seems to practically stick up at all times and a well kept moustache. Equipped with a desaturated red handkerchief around his neck, a cream colored button up, a well worn brown coat and some long adventurer boots, he aims to try sell the appearance of s retired adventuring veteran while also giving a sort of "fancy wagon driver" energy to those less acquainted with him.

Backstory: Chester is a man who has seen multiple festivals come and go throughout the years, that much is certain as he doesn't try to ever really hide his time as an adventurer during his prime however he never really gets into the details of who he has travelled with during all those festivals or if he has has any life or family waiting for him after the festivals. He is a secretive man who enjoys having a sort of air of mystery around him, all that is certain is that he eventually decided to take a step back from focusing on becoming the next "winner" and instead become a wagon driver that would use his navigating experience to help newer participants to perform better in their own attempts to attain godhood.
Other: He has a horse named Power and he has a very prominent transatlantic accent that makes him sound straight out of an old commercial

Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 764
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 05:35 (1 Month ago)

Blithe Dazzlusion

"Friends, Foes, and those who've yet ta decide, delight yer eyes 'pon 'llusionary's finest acts!"


[ 30 | Fae/Faer, He/Him | Enchanter | Cthonic Teifling | ⁠°^° | CV: Ueda Kanda ]


[ introduction ]

First string member of the Dazzling Illusionary Circus, Blithe acts as the namesake's Illusions Master. From the moment guests step under the big top to the moment they return home, all are under faer spell. Having been with the circus for over 15 years, having seen the rise and fall of many ringmasters, Blithe is one of the oldest members and thus acts not only as the ringmaster's assistant but also as a mentor for many of the other circus members.

Despite faer sunny exterior, there is still many things that the circus doesn't know about their most senior member. Much of what happened before fae joined the circus and faer early years in it are rarely talked about, though there are rumors that fae refuse to worship Arlen

[ appearance ]

An almost middle aged teifling with pale purple skin, Blithe is quite small for faer age, only about 120cm (4 ft). Fae sport fluffed up and slightly wavey light blue hair pulled into a low ponytail with blue scelera filling up the entirety of faer eyes leaving only goat like pupils that are hidden behind purple tinted glasses. Fae sport more goat like features, with curling indigo horns and fluffy ears, a fur tipped tail whipping behind faer, sharp teeth poking out from thin lips. Fae enjoy acessoring, often swapping our faer earrings and septum piercing depending on faer mood. Stage makeup is also a staple of faer wardrobe, red eye paint covering over infernal markings and an ugly scar between faer eyes. Clothes befitting of a circus performer barely fit within an admittedly small wardrobe, full of articles that conceal any somatic casting fae may do, all ostentatiously patterned. Faer forearm crutches are equally decorated, blending in with billowing cloaks and ponchos yet sturdy enough to carry faer weight.

[ personality ]

ISTJ - Logistician | 6w5 - Guardian
Perpetual holder of the braincell, Blithe always strived to keep a cool head and rational worldview. Survival is always faer first priority, everything else comes before that but faer've expanded faer world to also encompass faer troupemates, not just faeself. Fae takes pride in faer position as a mentor for many of the newest members of the troupe, always ready to teach and encourage them to work towards the stage. Faer quite practical and has a knack for directing others into the skills that best suit them.

At times though, fae can loose sight of the bigger picture, much too focused on certain details which can make fae quite overbearing. In situations such as managing the circus, this becomes an asset but when working with other creatures it becomes more a detriment than anything that could help. Faer quite frugal, never willing to spend more than necessary and hoarding as much wealth as possible both in currency and in relationships. This cements fae as a staunchly loyal companion who, even if proven to be detrimental, will still hold on to any connection fae can.

[ magic ]

Blithe is a master of illusions, having learnt from old books and experience. Due to faer years of experience, fae can create detailed and realistic illusions with only faer active imagination as well somatic components. There is little fae can't recreate though large scale ones do require considerably more time to cast. Fae is also capable of conjuring up more than one illusion though the more fae conjure the less realistic they become. Motion is also quite difficult, requiring an indepth understanding of how something is supposed to move, the muscles that facilite the movements, the mindset which each illusion pushes and pulls into an action. Fae can mimick small motions, such as the rise and fall of a breathing chest, a lethargic blink, or even the flaps of a mouth, but anything more complex than that is out of faer reach. Perhaps with a large enough conduit made of the right materials which can be seen as an extension of the user's own body, that may change.

But as impressive as the illusions may be, they will only ever be that. Incorporeal and temporary.

[ backstory ]

In a nameless yet bustling port city, an equally nameless child of the infernal lived among the flooded cobblestone streets. The child was lucky enough that faer teeth was sharp enough to pierce through fish scales and thus lived by stealing from the fishermen and fishmongers. It was survival but the child found a yearning for a better life, one where faer could sleep without worry for drowning and could eat something other than raw fish. More than anything, fae wished that even for one day, he too could blend in with the crowds rather than the sea.

This small wish came true when a traveling circus came into town. This caught the child's attention, not for the festivities, but because all the fishmongers had closed up shop for the day. And so, the child watched the circus through the beige flaps of the big tent that had seemingly appeared overnight, wondering exactly what could have captured everyone's attention. It was then that te child was captivated buy the world shown to fae beyond the cloth, a world of high flying genasi, dragonborn who could tame even the fiercest of beasts, halflings who juggled fire while being juggled in turn by a firbolg, and at the center of it all, a teifling pulling every string.

And so every night, the child would creep back to the tent, watching the foreign world where the villagers were the outsiders with rapt attention and awe. It was as if a meal had been placed before faer hands and fae only had to reach out and grab it but it's aroma alone would sustain faer empty stomach. And once the banquet ended, fae would sneak back under faer threadbare waterlogged blankets and dream of an illusion as beautiful as the reality separated by a layer of hemp. But eventually, fae would be caught, a strong hand trapping faer in a table of quickly rotting food until the teifling who had found a home on position 0 under beaming spotlights extended a hand towards faer.

Welcomed into the Dazzlusion family, the child was given the virtue name of Blithe for faer parent's wish was for fae to be a bringer of a indifferent happiness, spreading jolly without a care. But a child with no innate attunement to the magics had little worth in a business which favored behemoths. Especially not one who was barely fed and whose legs were slowly losing their strength. Thus, the newly names Blithe dug though the circus storage and unearthed crumbling tomes that spoke of magic that could be learned by even the most unlearned of minds as long as one had imagination. Thus, despite faer slowly failing body, fae threw faeself headfirst into the study of illusory magic. With the help of faer's parent, Blithe clawed up to usurp the position of Illusions Master and as the circus traveled from town to town, fae made it a point to visit any bookshop fae could and hoard even more knowledge.

And now another festival draws close and the Dazzling Illusionary Circus will once again raise the curtains on the most spectacular of shows, all directed in the shadows by their stalwart Illusions Master

•°. * иσвℓє ρυяρℓє * .°•
•°. * тнє вєαт σf ℓανєи∂єя є¢нσєѕ σи, ι'м иσт α ωιт¢н σя αиутнιиg * .°•
•°. * яє∂ αи∂ gяєєи тяυℓу gσ ωєℓℓ тσgєтнєя * .°•
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 599
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 09:02 (1 Month ago)

Sable Pearl

22 years old


Probably genderfluid but the festival is on so he doesn't really care about that rn



Although Sable finds magic exciting to study, actually using his own magic is a whole different story. He doesn't like being close to it, doesn't like the idea of it being his, and instead often calls it her "staff's magic" instead of her own. He finds lightning magic the most interesting to study, the action of being able to summon and manipulate lightning incredibly appealing. She has much to learn, though, as her only feat so far is creating a little jolt that barely toasted his morning bread, or another that didn't go quite as far as it should.

loyal . arrogant (?) . goal-oriented
Though his voice is soft and careful, Sable has experienced enough backhanded compliments for him to be anything else than direct in his conversations. She acts confident through her sheer bluntness, but time will reveal that she is terribly nervous in just about anything she does. She's the type of person to stop at nothing to fulfill her goals when she has her heart set on something, but it may be hard for her to gain the needed motivation. She doesn't handle expectations very well.


i'll draw him soon but. this for now.

Growing up as the second child in a respectable family, Sable has always had multiple eyes on him, both judgmental and kind. Sable always thought, as is typical for families with skyscraper egos, that his magic would be quite a spectacle when he gained it. Yet, when the time finally came for him as a adolescent, way older than he should've been according to family tradition, every expectation came to a crashing halt when she discovered her magic could never compare to that of her older sibling's. Sable was, although his family would never phrase it this way, shoved to the side. This wasn't ideal, obviously, but Sable was content to sit idly by and just come to terms with his weak magic - if it hadn't been for the fact that his older sibling had disappeared shortly before the festival of this year took place. Suddenly, attention was brought on her, hurrying her out the door, requiring her to take her sibling's place in the festival.

For songs, I had imagined Sable fitting both the insert theme Kakusei from Kamen Rider Blade, and the song sister by Eve. (no link for this one as it deals with pretty heavy topics)

*divider credit picrew credit
Trainerlevel: 48

Forum Posts: 717
Posted: Fri, 23/08/2024 10:35 (1 Month ago)
@ all accepted !!
Trainerlevel: 19

Forum Posts: 42
Posted: Sat, 24/08/2024 02:32 (1 Month ago)
darn, I came in way too late and looking at this now I would love to join but sadly I was simply too late.
Win some you lose some, of course when I happen to not be paying that much attention to this site a good D&D one pops up lmao.


behold the shiny beta giraffe!


Trainerlevel: 13

Forum Posts: 4
Posted: Sat, 24/08/2024 08:21 (1 Month ago)

Title: late

was late to this - sad
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Thu, 05/09/2024 15:38 (1 Month ago)
res? (shoot nvm, how do I delete posts qwq, didn't realize y'all were full)
These guys are cool

Also bring back rps, been to long