-Please be respectful
-If your art hasn't been completed by a week feel free to PM me
-If you don't like your art I will try again and if u still don't
like it I won accept your payment until I show you the art
- After you buy the art since you own it you can edit it however
you want.
-Sometimes I may reject your offer
Hello -FruitCakes- Can I buy some art?
Username: shiny~unown
What art you want: shiny dratini and shiny Gardevoir (separate)
Cost: 20k
Tips?(optional): Evo items and gems
Others: no thanks
Hello old customer of mine :) Can I buy some art?
What art you want:Nabbit running to the right while looking
straight ahead (and not at the screen)
Tips?(optional):5000pd :)
Others:Hi we meet again :)
Hello -FruitCakes- Can I buy some art?
Username: Imbored
What art you want: Tepig, with a Cheri berry hanging by the stem
out of its mouth. If not possible just tepig
Cost: 5k+tips
Tips?(optional): gems
Others: like your art, cheap and nice! Also if possible could you
make it fit the profile picture size? If not that is ok!
Made by Acoustic!
😃 This is Bob! Post him around PokeHeroes to explore the
-|- world! I want Bob To have a good time exploring so help
/ \ Him explore! Users chain: Blaziken_90 Pikachow berrypass
Drakonia $hinyDONuT Imbored[/spoiler] A good shop for dex filling!
Hello -FruitCakes- Can I buy some art?
Username: ThatCatKid
What art you want: My Pokesona: Litty (You can also see her on my pfp)
Cost: 19k PD?
Tips?(optional): Tips are included in payment :)
Others: TY
Hello -FruitCakes- Can I buy some art?
What art you want:Shiny ogerpon
Tips?(optional):none sadly I’m poor DX
Others:why is ogerpon shiny locked 😭😭
“I always come back.” - RyanTheGoofyGoober
“I uhhhmmm..don’t know what I was thinking back then.”- me
Train these!
Random boring corner chespin
Hello -FruitCakes- Can I buy some art?
Username: Drakonia
What art you want: Shiny Hisuian Zorua
Cost: 5000 PD
Tips?(optional): Some mystery items
Others: No text on the art please
"What you do with the gift of life determines who you are"
- Mewtwo
Hello -FruitCakes- Can I buy some art?
Username: Trecko~Pirate
What art you want: Treecko (Sleepy if possible), (separate drawing)
And a Scyther (scar across one eye)
Cost: 20k
Tips?(optional): 20k
Trecko~Pirate I’m a huge one piece fan
Letter for the giveaway hunt:H My Lil Shop
[align=center] Name: Captain
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage[/align]