Forum Thread
FNAF Fan Group
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Pokémon Fan Clubs → FNAF Fan GroupTitle: FNAF Fan Group
Lolbit looked at HOS "I would like to take some tests on you, if you don't mind?" Lolbit asked HOS
Vanny then replied "Lolbit, they're not test subjects. I am sorry for what she just asked you, But she meant well, But when did you get sucked in; perhaps, lolbit and I could find what caused the time paradox." Vanny stated to HOS
Title: FNAF Fan Group
"Then once we got your oxygen levels at that certain time, we could potentially reverse the time paradox." Vanny stated to HOS

Name: The best mime ever
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage[/align]
Hai there #amaris

Me: *at school*
My dad: *checks grades*
My dad: *sees an A-*
My dad coming to beat the shell out of me

Name: The best mime ever
Adopt one yourself! @Pokémon Orphanage[/align]
Hai there #amaris