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FNAF Fan Group
Forum-Index → Fan Clubs → Pokémon Fan Clubs → FNAF Fan GroupPsy-Psy screams “YOU WILL ALL FEEL THE WRATH OF BLACK MARKER!!”

All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel.
Where they stopped, nobody knows...
Within Kid's Cove is the Prize Corner. It was filled with balloons and plushies. It also held a large blue box with purple stripes. Inside this simplistic box, laid in wait for the music box's end, was the Marionette. The being who had given life to the animatronics and let them continue living in order to get their revenge. Sensing a nearby commotion, the eyes of the Marionette lit up...
Title: FNAF Fan Group
Lolbit appears in a tv, then walks out of it "Hello friends, omg HI TOY. BONNIE! She yelled
Lolbit then comes in Marionette's room " Marionette, we have a bit of a problem here" lolbit said worringly.
Title: FNAF Fan Group
"What do we do with this thing" GlitchTrap asked
"They, arn't a THING" She raised her voice at him
"Okay whatever Toy. bonnie, where's Vanny?" he asked
"Idk, but, I am going to take Psy-Psy and try to wake them up" Toy. bonnie walked off holding Psy-Psy.

All around the mulberry bush, the monkey chased the weasel.
Where they stopped, nobody-
The blue and purple box's lid opened, split down the center like twin doors. From within, the Marionette rose, standing up. She tilted her head, her ever present smile wide. Seeing Lolbit, she tilts her head, the limited light of Kid's Cove catching and illuminating her purple tear tracks. "Whatever seems to be the problem, Lolbit?"
Title: FNAF Fan Group

The Marionette tilted her head. "Interesting. We may have to find the source of this... universe folding. It just wouldn't do for the universe to collapse on itself before our revenge."
The Marionette floated out of the box that housed her. She looked over to the other beings who had found their way to Kid's Cove. "How peculiar~."
Title: FNAF Fan Group
sourt, maybe a opened worm whole?" vanny stated
"And don't worry, toy. bonnie may have them because she is the most trustworthy person here." vanny said