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Spicy Doodles. So Spice!

Forum-Index Fanmades Fanarts Spicy Doodles. So Spice!
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Tue, 15/07/2014 20:01 (10 Years ago)
I guess I will make a little art thread for myself of my doodles. o3o

Midnight doodle~ Jack my Dewott( yes he is named after Samurai Jack). Took like an hour or something. My Dewott is tougher than your Dewott. >3

This one is old. D: A female riolu named DS, short for Double Stripe.

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Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Sat, 19/07/2014 23:51 (10 Years ago)
What's will be on the end of the leash? Find out next time on Dragon Ball Z :U

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Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:42 (10 Years ago)
It was an angry arcanine at the end of the leash :B Don't get near him, he bites . . . everyone, except his trainer lol.

Now onto the outline and coloring :U
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Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:44 (10 Years ago)
Oh wow. These look very neat o: Not to mention, very nice, and appealing to look at. Your humans look very good - especially the anatomy. I suck at drawing humans xD So I envy you

May I just ask? o: Do you use a mouse or a tablet?~

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:47 (10 Years ago)
Thank you. ^^ Art school totally helped with anatomy. xD Lots of drawing naked people . . . all the time. e_e

I use a tablet. If I had to use a mouse I would cry. :D;;;;;;
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Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:49 (10 Years ago)
Mouse user here xD
I've been using a mouse to draw forever. I'm just so glad to know that I'm getting a tablet in less than a month (On my birthday).

Overall. I really can't wait to see the finished result :> It looks amazing so far.

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Mon, 21/07/2014 19:52 (10 Years ago)
Oh awesome! :D Tablets are a godsend lol. Just a heads up, the first month or so with a tablet is odd, takes a bit to get used to, so your art might look a little . . . funky at first. xD but don't give up, as long as you use it everyday you should get over the tablet learning curve quickly!

Thank you so much. ^^ I hope you'll stick around to see whatever other art I will spew out onto this thread lol.
Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First shiny Timburr on site!

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Thu, 24/07/2014 08:17 (10 Years ago)
Five minute nonsense :DD;;;;

I love shaymin . . . my favorite legendary. This is how I feel whenever one shows up in that corner. xD
Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First shiny Timburr on site!

Trainerlevel: 71

Forum Posts: 2,853
Posted: Thu, 24/07/2014 08:23 (10 Years ago)
Cutieee <3
Still haven't got my Shaymin after 10,000+ clicks, but it doesn't really bother me haha.
I already have a Shaymin, and Shaymin Sky Form from last summer. xD

Congratz though :> annnddd... Good luck finding more!

[i]"Shinah. It means
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Thu, 24/07/2014 08:26 (10 Years ago)
Oh wow, so much clicking and still no shaymin? ;A;
I hope you get one soon, even though you already have two. xD You can never have too many shaymin. >.>;

Thank you, and . . . yes >.> need that plushie. cuteness overload.
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Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 00:27 (10 Years ago)
finally got the lines done. I procrastinated hardcore on this step cause I really hate outlining everything .-. doing the weight/pressure is fun, but what I have to do before it is so boring. ;A;

Onto coloring! <3 Pretty sure I can finish this later today. Coloring is way more fun.
Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First shiny Timburr on site!

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 08:08 (10 Years ago)
woo flat colors~ -3- shading tomorrow . . . maybe

Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First shiny Timburr on site!

Trainerlevel: 23

Forum Posts: 43
Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 13:40 (10 Years ago)
This looks really great, I love it~ :D

Both made by Iskandar
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Fri, 01/08/2014 19:35 (10 Years ago)
Thank you ^^
Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First shiny Timburr on site!

Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Sat, 02/08/2014 01:39 (10 Years ago)
and it's done. :D

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Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 648
Posted: Mon, 04/08/2014 19:29 (10 Years ago)
such spicy
much impressive
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 21:12 (10 Years ago)
Quick doodle of me in my Rilakkuma kigurumi. I really wish I could wear it but it's summer so it's way too hot. ;A;

I had this idea for a pokefusion for a while, I doodled it up real quick and layed down flat colors.

It's a jolteon/furfrou/zebstrika/arcanine/shiny braixen fusion. xD
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Trainerlevel: 55

Forum Posts: 997
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 21:55 (10 Years ago)
I see what you mean with kigurumk now...
Such spicy
Much cute

I could only see braixen on the fusion tho :'>
Trainerlevel: 39

Forum Posts: 786
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 22:04 (10 Years ago)
really? Most of it is jolteon with shiny braixen colors. xD Then it has zebstrika's horns, eyes, and some body markings. It has arcanine's elbow fluff, teeth, and some markings. And it has furfrou's back legs, paws, and tail with some braixen tail mixed in too. o3o
Collecting Wooper Plushies ||| First shiny Timburr on site!

Trainerlevel: 44

Forum Posts: 648
Posted: Sat, 09/08/2014 23:32 (10 Years ago)
At first I only saw Jolteon and Braixen and then I looked closer and I could totally identify everything :'D DAT KIGURUMI THO