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I'm Feeling Lucky

Searching for: Posts from SpicyPants.
Posted: Tue, 08/05/2018 00:26 (6 Years ago)
I'm trying to figure out how to draw again. it's been like a year and i'm out of practice. v.v a messy sailor moon sketch that took 2 hours which is way too long for something like this.

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Posted: Tue, 16/01/2018 19:55 (7 Years ago)

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Posted: Fri, 09/12/2016 22:36 (8 Years ago)
Thank you so much~ ;o; which costume do you want from me?

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Posted: Fri, 09/12/2016 04:39 (8 Years ago)
Could anyone make me a Fluffy Costume? o: In return I can make any of the costumes from Dragon's Maw Manor for you. (Beast, Spooky, or Reaper costume)

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Posted: Thu, 24/11/2016 19:50 (8 Years ago)

Name: Damien maybe?
Goat cutie
too sassy, kinda angry, stubborn

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Posted: Mon, 15/08/2016 22:59 (8 Years ago)
If you read the furvilla confessions tumblr, you'll see what's up. I haven't read the situation all the way through yet but it seems to be a problem with the owner of the site. Seems he may have taken it offline out of anger/revenge.

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Posted: Sun, 14/08/2016 00:18 (8 Years ago)
I was blessed by the fvilla gods for breeding today ;o;
I bred a kitsune bun, red jelly, moon butterfly, and a striped pearl. like wut. where is the luck with my wabbits!?

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Posted: Wed, 10/08/2016 01:12 (8 Years ago)
Would anyone be interested in trading me a Mythic Costume? I really want one. xD I can offer any of the costumes from Dragon's Maw Manor.

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 19:30 (8 Years ago)
I actually tried 2 other browsers and it still didn't work. Then after I sent the bug report about it, the button worked and I was able to get my weapon. xD

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Posted: Fri, 29/07/2016 18:48 (8 Years ago)
It seems I've run into a glitch. -.- I completed repairing a weapon but when I click the "complete" button it's just forever loading and I never get the weapon back. Never had this happen before. >_>

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Posted: Thu, 28/07/2016 23:52 (8 Years ago)
I'm gad they did it too. It needed to be done. xD and yay new species is released! I wanna see the giraffe version o3o

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Posted: Sat, 23/07/2016 18:48 (8 Years ago)
Really pretty *o*

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Posted: Sat, 23/07/2016 07:01 (8 Years ago)
thank you o: I think that ended up being the 4th or 5th background I had changed it to, didn't expect it to be so pretty looking so I kept it. xD the links you have on your awesome profile were super helpful in coding my profile. still took me a while though. v.v I finished coding Kota's profile too, just need to finish his paintie now.

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Posted: Fri, 22/07/2016 23:05 (8 Years ago)
I think I've finished coding my profile
I might go back and separate each section with a border, but kinda lazy atm, so for now just one big border. xD

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Posted: Wed, 20/07/2016 01:51 (8 Years ago)
I have finally mastered the silver concoction medicine so now I can make 100% potency potions of it. ^^ I wanted to focus on this one since it's the cure for the severe illness that stops your villager from doing anything.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2016 19:24 (8 Years ago)
Sent the PD, thank you so much ^^

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2016 19:00 (8 Years ago)
Would 300FD for 480k PD be okay? My ID is 52819. There is a 'transfer currency' button on my profile.

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Posted: Tue, 19/07/2016 18:48 (8 Years ago)
What's your rate of PD to FD?

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Posted: Mon, 18/07/2016 21:31 (8 Years ago)
I have a bunch of female black spiders I'm looking to trade for other animals or fc. They are undomesticated.

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Posted: Mon, 18/07/2016 18:13 (8 Years ago)
okies, my villager id is 135655(tba)

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