Forum Thread
Pokémon and Events For Sale!! (TEMPORARY CLOSE)
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Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Pokémon and Events For Sale!! (TEMPORARY CLOSE)
Forum Posts: 497
Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 04:35 (1 Year ago)
Hi! Can I buy
Pokemon (s): any 5 retros
From Box : Any
With item: Any
Payment: PD
Others?: None
Forum Posts: 120
Posted: Mon, 19/02/2024 16:42 (1 Year ago)
Hi! Can I buy
Pokemon(s):Unsorted 2: Clefairy, Clefable, Poliwrath, Electabuzz,
Unsorted 1: Cubone,
Unsorted 3: Pidgeotto, Raichu, Venomoth, Psyduck, Abra, Kadabra,
Kadabra, Magnemite, Magneton, Farfetch'd, Seel, Hypno, Kingler,
Voltorb, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan,
From Box :Basically all except event
With item: Clefairy, Kabuto, Cubone, Pidgeotto, Psyduck, Abra,
Kadabra only one of them, Magnemite, Magneton, Seel, Voltorb. All
of these with everstone
Payment: Pd
Others?:I will leave a tip! (And send another trade because it’s to
Name: Success
Name: 🌑Dark🌑
Luna~ OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 47
Forum Posts: 269
Posted: Tue, 20/02/2024 16:21 (1 Year ago)
Trades sent
Amuu OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 65
Forum Posts: 871
Posted: Tue, 20/02/2024 18:47 (1 Year ago)
No longer needed, deleted!
LeoRia OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 62
Forum Posts: 619
Posted: Wed, 21/02/2024 09:52 (1 Year ago)
Hi! Can I buy
Pokemon(s): This Meganium & this
From Box : Unsorted1
With item: no need
Payment: 2k Pd + some gems
Others?: Thank you ^^
Forum Posts: 24
Posted: Wed, 21/02/2024 09:57 (1 Year ago)
Hi! Can I buy
Pokemon(s): emera shelos
From Box :events
With item:none
Payment: (Paying with PD)
Forum Posts: 19
Posted: Wed, 28/02/2024 13:01 (1 Year ago)
hi can i buy
Hi! Can I buy
Pokemon(s):Diancie (Emera)*1
From Box :event
With item:none
also how much is the price?
Luna~ OFFLINE Trainerlevel: 47
Forum Posts: 269
Posted: Thu, 29/02/2024 17:20 (1 Year ago)
trade sent
The pokemon are not in the Unsorted box and is not for sale and
next time please us the form
Ankaa ONLINE Trainerlevel: 71
Forum Posts: 684
Posted: Wed, 10/04/2024 18:23 (10 Months ago)
Sorry didn't see that it was temporary closed
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Forum Posts: 497
Posted: Wed, 10/04/2024 18:28 (10 Months ago)
This shop is temopraly closed
I Just hatched my Mega Charizard Y
on 22/03/24 and Mega evolved my other Charizard into Mega Charizard
Please interact with it