Forum Thread
Xern's Poke Dex Sales !
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Xern's Poke Dex Sales !This is a new Forum for Selling/Trading Pokémon run by Xern, Dark_Fire, and SilverShinyCharizard
(Everyone has their own boxes and seperate trade/sale forms. Please use the appropriate form that is connected to the right person)
I will be looking for others to help me with the shop. Any help is appreciated!
This Forum is only for Non-shiny Pokemon. Mega-ables, Gigas, ect. can be bought here.
These are my boxes that are up for trades/sales: (Asking for multiple Pokémon at a time is allowed)
Please understand they are my Pokémon and if I do not want to trade one then that will be my final answer. You may always find another Pokémon if one is off limits.
If you are wanting to ask for a Trade/Sale for Pokémon in my boxes copy and fill out this message and post it to this Forum:

Hello Xern! I am interested in:
(Name of the Pokémon you'd like)
I'd like... (Number of them you'd like) ... of them!
From: (Name of the box)
With everstone: (N/Y)
I will be: (Trading[Post what you'll be trading in return here as well] or Buying[Contact me for prices])
Tip: (They aren't needed but are appreciated :))
I'd like... (Number of them you'd like) ... of them!
From: (Name of the box)
With everstone: (N/Y)
I will be: (Trading[Post what you'll be trading in return here as well] or Buying[Contact me for prices])
Tip: (They aren't needed but are appreciated :))
This is Dark_Fire's tradable boxes:
For Trade/Sell
To ask Dark for a Pokémon from his box copy and fill out this form:

Hello Dark_Fire. I would like to buy a
(Pokemon name/Number)
Password: (Your favorite color)
(Pokemon name/Number)
Password: (Your favorite color)
Hello! I'm Silver
right now I don't have a for sale box (boxes are expensive 😅), so until I do, feel free to ask for any Mon in:
these three boxes
I might say no, but I also might say yes, especially if I have several of them
if I have more than five of the same mon in these two boxes, you can ask for those as well
If a Pokémon is priced at below 250 PD they are free. Unless you ask for 10+
Up to third of the payment could be a non-PD related payment (Charizard lines, Chikorita lines, Items, ect.)
Now, the following Pokémon are absolutely off-limits for trading away for me (but if you have them and want to give them to me, yes please):
-The Charmander line (including retros, shinies, mega-ables, megas, and gigas)
-The Chikorita line (including retros, shinies, mega-ables, and megas)
-Any named mons you find in my boxes
These are absolutely off-limits for trading, please don't ask for any of them!
I also accept bug, ground, and poison gems as payment! Please contact me with pricing
Form for pokemon:
Title: Basic Prices for Sales !
!These prices are not 100% true. They are just a base for the true price of a certain Pokémon! I will always check prices before a sale!

Starter: (First Evo):100-300 PD
(Second Evo): 400-900 PD
(Third Evo): 1,000- Depends on Stonks
Easy Pokémon: 100-600 PD
Medium Pokémon: 500-800 PD
Hard Pokémon: 900-3,500 PD
Legendary Pokémon: 10,000- According to Stonks
Event Pokémon: 20,000-50,000 PD
Giga Pokémon: 150,000-800,000 PD
Mega Pokémon: 5,000- Depends on Stonks
(Second Evo): 400-900 PD
(Third Evo): 1,000- Depends on Stonks
Easy Pokémon: 100-600 PD
Medium Pokémon: 500-800 PD
Hard Pokémon: 900-3,500 PD
Legendary Pokémon: 10,000- According to Stonks
Event Pokémon: 20,000-50,000 PD
Giga Pokémon: 150,000-800,000 PD
Mega Pokémon: 5,000- Depends on Stonks
Item add-on Prices:
I may not have the item you want, especially a Mega Stone so ask and I will let you know

Berry: 50 PD
Honey: 100 PD
Everstones: 150 PD
Gem of your choosing: 500- Depends on Stonk prices
Evostone: 1,000-3,500 PD
Mega Stone: 200,000 PD
Honey: 100 PD
Everstones: 150 PD
Gem of your choosing: 500- Depends on Stonk prices
Evostone: 1,000-3,500 PD
Mega Stone: 200,000 PD
I would like to buy a Pokémon: Shiny Luxray and Shiny Absol
Password: uhh.. blue? (I don’t have a favourite colour)
With Item: everstone
Tips: Plushie + 5k PD
☽ •。° ✦ Welcome ✦ °。• ☾
To my void
The endless world with no
☽ •。° ✦ Escape ✦ °。• ☾
that'd be 150k pd
i adopted a non-shiny victini for you to trade whenever you have the money tho! (the shiny's not for sale unfortunately, and it'd cost almost two million anyways)
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
that'd be 500 pd, if that's alright with you? if yes, please set up the private trade!
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
Thank you for your interest in my Eevees! They would be 100 PD each. Equaling to 500 PD all together! (Without tip)
The Eevee with a firestone is being traded at the moment.
Password: Purple :3
Item: none
Tip: 5k pd
Extra - Anything else?: Idk what your prices are for these (just know the ones for Xern’s mons), so when you’re ready, could you palpad (or pm) me about it? I’ll also pay in advance too ;)
~Thanks in advance and have a nice one :)
sure, would 500 pd for all of them (together) be alright with you?
if yes, please set up a private trade!
also do you want any evo stones, e.g. sun stone or leaf stone for gloom, too?
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
that'd be 3.5k pd; if that's alright with you, please set up a private trade
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours
i'll look if i can find one with a different ot?
edit 2: i'm working on this, sorry for the wait
What's that Pride Flag? (with gem prizes)
train my friends?
i obviously do unreturned favours