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Posted: Wed, 18/09/2024 15:44 (27 Days ago)
The boxes were heavier than Saeko expected, only managing to get each one halfway down the stairs before stopping to take a breath. She balanced the crate on the sixth step from the bottom, the old wood creaking from the strain. She had to wonder why in the world her grandmother had chosen a tall, narrow and dingy apartment that was compressed between two larger buildings to live out her last few years. Now it was her job to clear it out.

Saeko had sorted her garments into neat piles, followed by her scarves and endless brass jewellery pieces. Papers, books and scripts were tossed into another smaller crate and were shipped out on the dead grass that could barely be called a front yard. But as Saeko went on her final round of the rooms, she stopped abruptly. A chill ran down her spine. A voice whispered in her ear. It was impossible to hear what exactly was said and the voice was indescribable. It didn’t resemble a child or an adult, or any gender for that matter. When she turned her head, there was no one, yet she felt the ghost of the voice’s breath on her ear. Biting her lip, she shook her head, lighting pressing a finger to the amethyst shard that hung loosely around her neck. For protection, is what she was told. She wore it for her grandmother’s sake… and though she wouldn’t admit it, her own.

Grasping the handle of the bedroom door, at the top of those whiny stairs, Saeko found that it was stuck. She twisted the knob left twice, then after no luck, right. It wouldn’t budge. Her brows drew to the centre of her head in frustration and reached for the handle again. She took a slight step away and pushed her side firmly against the door. She didn’t have much in the way of muscle, but she had heard that joints were just as powerful. As soon as her shoulder made contact with the wood, the door shot open and Saeko tumbled into the mist. She didn’t even have time to register that she was falling, her mouth slightly open in awe. Her hand fell away from the handle and the violet slit in the air widened its embrace.

The shoulder that had been used to ram into the door panel reached the ground first, followed by a sort of roll onto her back with a muffled groan. Well, her theory had been right. With a slight wince, she put her hand down to sit up. Her eyes widened and she pulled her fingers to a close, pulling some of the earth into her tips. The woods? Brushing her palms on her trousers, Saeko steadily lifted herself to stand, touching her shoulder gently. The skin would bruise, she was certain. But apart from the dull ache, she was unharmed. The trees loomed in over her and she was acutely aware of her surroundings. How was this possible? What happened? She subconsciously reached for her necklace but pulled away, just as her fingertips brushed the gem. Her mind switched into problem solving. Fear would only make her panic and that was not useful for survival. Swallowing that background feeling, she looked around. It was mile beyond mile of forest as far as she could tell and it wasn’t helping that the night was settling soon.

She knew that she was scared. Because she had missed an obvious detail. Through the foliage, if she looked closely enough, she could make out two figures and another approaching. Saeko hesitated. If she had fallen through a cloak of violet and was somehow transported into a woodland forest, she couldn’t trust anything at this point. For all she knew, they could be the reason she was here. For now, she’d crouch and wait to see who they were.

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Posted: Mon, 09/09/2024 16:58 (1 Month ago)

Hello, isn't this familiar?

-General Information-

Character Name:
Seth Dagos

Golden Eyes | Prince Procrastinator

Character's Age:

Character's Gender:
Male - He/Him

[input faceclaim's name, image, or detailed description here]

-Personality Traits-
General Personality:
Detailed Personality: [E.g., the personality type and the explanation of it]

-Additional Information-

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Posted: Mon, 26/08/2024 17:45 (1 Month ago)

Saeko Kamiya


Female, She/Her, Demisexual

Usually curt and crisp with her words, Saeko has slowly shied away her belief of that she doesn’t need to converse with others unless it’s not pointless. This makes her socially awkward and nervous around strangers, as she doesn’t have control over the situation or has the knowledge to interact well with others. She’s trying. Due to lingering habits, however, she is a sarcastic and sometimes brutally honest person which can often give her the impression of being insensitive. Really, she just wants to understand the whole picture. Nothing personal.

N/A (Annoying people ^^)

Due to being immersed in the world of time and space, Saeko has grown to have a natural strength and affinity to astronomy and horology, giving her a strong sense of direction and time. She is also has beliefs in astrology and the spiritual side of the world

Despite her laid-back facade, she is prone to impulsive bursts and can be impatient, even though she struggles to in decision making without second-guessing her actions. She’s also a bit of a control freak :’)

Abandonment, betrayal and rejection


Character color:
Faded Thistle Purple, #8a6788

Anything Else?:
Spiritual (read: crystals, moon phases, zodiacs)

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2024 17:56 (2 Months ago)
Kae's stomach did flips as she fidgeted with the pen in their hand, their vision slightly blurring as their gaze unfocused from the blank sheet of paper in front of them. The metal can beside her was filled with scrunched up paper all addressed to one receiver.


Why was this so hard? It's not as if she was asking them to be their date. Just to go to the ball as friends. Were they even that far yet? So many questions ran through her head as their heart painfully thumped in their chest.

She set down the pen and stood up, pacing back and forth as she clenched and unclenched their hands. Breathe. She took in a shaky breath and exhaled slowly, before sinking down into the chair and tentatively took hold of the writing tool. Quickly and neatly, she wrote a brief note, trying to ignore if it sounded silly.

Dear Pur,

I was hoping you and I could go the ball tonight as friends, since we don't have someone to go with. No worries if you have someone to go with — I know this is a bit last minute.

Thanks, Kae

This was ridiculous. But she shoved those thoughts to the back of their mind, quickly hurried to Pur's door and slipped the note through the gap between the door and the floor. She let out a quiet gasp. She had actually done it.

And regret immediately took over. Pur would never agree. What had she done?

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Posted: Fri, 26/07/2024 17:44 (2 Months ago)
The rest of the day had been a blur to Kae. The school day came and went with barely a class member in sight. She could hardly recalled what they'd learned — if anything at all.

She didn't even remember walking home, their footsteps becoming automatic and subconscious. Not even the sweet twittering of the starling that perched on a low branch could stir them.

She was tired.

So tired.

When Fairyland came, she welcomed it with open arms. A soft breeze that tasted sweet and exotic. The sun with it's warm, inviting rays. Clear waters with it's gentle tumbling noise over the pebbles on the riverbed. Fresh, vibrant blades of grass.

Lying on their stomach with a hand dipping in the shallow water as always, Kae sighed. She had missed this. Nothing seemed to matter. Nothing scared them.

Dante couldn't help but wonder about his sister as he came to the end of his shift in the small, dingy building that could hardly be called a grocery. The 'fresh' food was slowly going off and the OPEN-CLOSED sign had given up on it's colour as well.

Was she home? Probably.

Had she eaten yet? Unlikely.

Was she asleep? Yes.

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Posted: Thu, 11/07/2024 18:44 (3 Months ago)
She had spent too long in bed, too long at breakfast and too long to try and fix the small hole in the bottom of their bag that three slender fingers could poke through.

Kae's gaze cast upwards, just above the door where an old bronze watch limply hung, secured to the wall hastily on the top strap by a nail. It had come with the little house when she moved in with Dante and it read two hours and thirty-seven minutes ahead of real time.

That meant that role call would begin in a matter of minutes.

That meant that she would be late.

Hoping that nothing would fall out of the backpack on their journey or whilst she was at school, she locked the door, hid the key under the plant pot and bolted.

It was a good five minutes later when their hand grasped the door knob to the classroom. Their name had just been called, but judging by the lack of classmates, their tardiness was the least of Mr Gandolfini's problems. "Here, sir." Kae mumbled, taking a seat next to Hyeon-jeong.

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Posted: Sat, 06/07/2024 18:55 (3 Months ago)
Kae felt immensely small when they rose. She had always taken pride on their height, being slightly above the crowd, whilst not too noticeable to be distinctively out of place.

It had been something to give them self assurance and although, because of their species, Pur couldn't help their physique, it made them feel slightly self conscious. She mentally shook themselves for being so witless and hoped that they didn't notice their falter.

"That sounds great, should I meet you in the courtyards?" Kae asked, slowly raising to stand to make it less uncomfortable for Pur to look at them and to try and gain some of their lost confidence.

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Posted: Sat, 06/07/2024 18:45 (3 Months ago)
Their fingertips dipped in the rippling stream, the golden glow from the sun warming the crystal waters. Soft, vibrant grass was pressed to the earth, printing marks from the path she took to the river from the beautiful forest of emerald trees. Though she had no memory of walking there.

It was just them and the sound of the stream. A natural, effortless melody.

Kae’s eyes slowly opened as a dull light filtered in through the curtains. They never did much to let them sleep, just doing enough to give them privacy.

Slowly, sitting up slightly, she reached a hand to their cheek. Slightly damp. She had been crying again.

Their heart throbbed for the perfect little paradise in their dreams, yet she knew it would never happen. She didn’t believe in miracles and she gave up on hoping some time ago that one day, one day, the world would be better.

Reluctantly, Kae withdrew themselves from the blankets with a sigh. With delicate hands, she folded and tucked the bedding into something that would be considered tidy, then paused and glanced at the curtains.

Shaking their head, she decided to leave them undrawn. The windows had likely collected dust, but she never really thought to clean them in the last few weeks. Unlike them, really, but their habits had been forgotten as she grew more and more attached to this imaginary world in their dreams.

A brief shuffling noise through the hollow walls told Kae that Dante was still home.

It was strange. He would have, should have, left by now. Kae never really saw him in the mornings, unless one of the two was sick or if it was the weekend. He had work to do, though always left them a handwritten note and breakfast.

She was grateful to have their brother and had jumped at the chance to stay with him when he found a place not under his parents’ roof. Kae never bothered to call him foster brother or adopted brother.

There wasn’t much point either. He was family and it was plenty enough for them.

Sitting on one of the two wooden chairs crafted with help from his father, Dante twiddled his thumbs.

One empty ceramic bowl was placed on the side, whilst a plate sat before the opposite chair presented two crispy slices of whole wheat toast, decorated by the local berries behind the house.

He didn't have the skill or knowledge for jam making and sugar was an expensive luxury anyway.

Looking up, Dante sensed that she was at the door before he saw their shadow. He knew Kae was awake, feeling the shift in weight on the floorboards and the muffled creak that they made whenever the panel was pressed.

When the door opened, giving a whine so squeaky that he had to bite his tongue to distract him from the sound, he mentally noted to fix it when Kae was at school. And the windows, the weeds and the flickering lightbulb outside his room. He gave them a smile. "Morning.. and surprise!"

He chuckled, amused at their puzzled expression. "I thought that I'd just see you before I go. Work might keep me late tonight and I don't want to leave with no explanation."

Kae responded with a light smile. "Thanks... and for breakfast."

"That's okay. I have to go now, so I'll see you soon. If not tonight, then tomorrow morning." Dante said, picking up his jacket and glancing at his sister. He noticed the small tracks where tears had been and he felt a pang of sympathy for them, though acted as if he hadn't noticed. She deserved to keep their dignity.

She nodded and watched her brother leave, slipping through the door and away from them.

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Posted: Fri, 28/06/2024 06:37 (3 Months ago)
It was a surprise when the Haon suddenly had a burst of energy and excitement, but in a way, Kae found it a sweet moment and felt a warm feeling in their heart that Pur was excited. Despite being somewhat awkward in social situations, she never grew tired of seeing others happy. “I’d be delighted to, and the same goes, although I’d have to spend some time searching. My dorm room is a little… unkempt.” That was a slight understatement.

“I can wait here.” She spoke with a subtle nod, raising their hand in a gesture for Pur to go leave to their room should they want to.

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Posted: Thu, 27/06/2024 06:37 (3 Months ago)

| Name |
Dante Silas Cynthius

| Gender |

| Age |

| Birthday |
March 9th

| Role |

| Personality |
Teddy bear sums up Dante well. He is fiercely protective of the people he cares about and will do anything to keep them from harm, although this can lead to him being overbearing on occasions, but his heart is always in the right place. His warm, dollop of sunshine, is charming and an attractive trait of his, somehow being a puzzling balance of childish and mature.

| Personality Type |
Pisces // ENFP-A

Description: X X
| Height: 5'11
| Weight: 68 kg
| Skin Tone: Bisque
| Hair Style: Thick, fluffy and a little unkempt
| Hair Colour: Cocoa brown, tinted with an auburn hue
| Eye Colour: Startling alaskan blue
| Clothes: Simple, smart clothes and usually wears a jacket
| Accessories: A bright blue earing
| Other: Like his adopted/foster sister.. freckles!!

| History |
Between the age of twelve and thirteen, the Cynthius family took in a meek, dark blonde girl who went by the name Kae. Since she stepped into their home, Dante has done the best he. Despite his small advantage of age over his sister, he always looks out for Kae, making them his first priority.

| Sexuality |

| Voice Claim |
Evan Evagora

| Name |
Kae Cynthius

| Gender |
Female // She Them

| Age |

| Birthday |
May 17th

| Role |

| Personality |
Kae is shy and reserved, despite their laidback and interchanging exterior. With their fluid mask adapting their character to each person, it blocks out their natural authenticity that she only reveals to a bare handful of individuals, to protect them from judgement, criticism and rejection. Quite complicated for a young teen.

| Personality Type |
Cancer // INFJ-T

Description: X X
| Height: 5'4
| Weight: 45 kg
| Skin Tone:
| Hair Style: Long, naturally straight but thin and wispy
| Hair Colour: Dark blonde, a sandy colour and somewhat mouse brown
| Eye Colour: Dark chocolate brown
| Clothes: Almost anything that's blue, white or black and sometimes yellow
| Accessories: Occasionally she wears a small golden hoop in the same ear as her brother's earing
| Other: A silver crescent moon bracelet and the other a blue, white and yellow chevron string

| History |
After being taken into care, she decided to change their name to represent severing the troubling ties with her past, even taking on the surname of their foster parents, going by the name of Kae Cynthius, rather than Cato Levine

| Sexuality |

| Voice Claim |
Siobhan Williams

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Posted: Wed, 26/06/2024 07:41 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Sat, 22/06/2024 17:48 (3 Months ago)
Kae looked up, surprised but very touched by their offer. With an eager nod, she replied. "If it's not too much trouble. That would be amazing, thank you." The idea was enthralling, having a little plant swap with... a friend? Was it too early to say that?

Still, the proposal was moving and she thought it would be rude not to offer something in return for their courtesy. "I might have a few other herbs or flowers that you could experiment with, if you're interested?"

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Posted: Wed, 19/06/2024 15:23 (3 Months ago)
A smile graced their lips, eyes slightly shining with delight. Another thing they had in common. “We have a small balcony back home, every inch of the space covered in green.”

Kae said, their mind wandering back to the little platform outside the door of the kitchen. Would the plants be alive and the buds blossoming? Their family promised that they’d still be vibrant and full of life when she returned home. “Amaryllis and Irises are the most popular flowers growing around the ivy, but I keep a little room for herbs. Particularly sage and jasmine.”

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 21:44 (3 Months ago)

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Posted: Sun, 16/06/2024 19:59 (3 Months ago)
Kae shook her head once again, their response the same. With no one that she really knew, it was difficult to even begin to build up the courage to ask a stranger if they were willing to go to the ball with them.

Besides, that scenario seemed daunting as well as strange. If their younger friends were still in the same grade, she would have quickly asked if they wanted to go as friends. But they weren’t, and here she was, talking to a good natured Haon.

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Posted: Sat, 15/06/2024 09:40 (4 Months ago)
“Actually… I barely know anyone in our grade, a few faces and names, but little else. Currently, I’m just hoping to push past being acquaintances with anyone.” Kae said, fiddling with the cuff of their sleeve, trying to relax a little, despite the palpable tension.

“Are you going with anyone?” She asked, trying to keep the conversation from becoming one sided. The last thing she wanted was to appear uninterested.

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Posted: Fri, 14/06/2024 07:27 (4 Months ago)
Kae eyes immediately dropped to their plate, Ah, small talk. The petty, meaninglessness conversations to break the ice.

“It’s… filling.” Their voice spoke slowly. “Maybe not the best breakfast but it tastes nice.”

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 20:56 (4 Months ago)
Taking a slice of toast, spread with a jam that she quickly identified as summer berries, Kae appreciated Pur's attempt at a smile, following them over to a table. They had chosen a good seat and she had to admit their slight feelings of envy for taking the chair closest to the window.

The sun's glow pouring into the cafeteria through the clear panes, casting gentle light onto their face. A scenery to glance towards, taking in the sharp details of the world outside, drowning out the loud thoughts of bustling students. A telepathists life, she supposed.

With a shake of their head to indicate her neutral preference, she sank down into the seat beside Pur.

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Posted: Thu, 13/06/2024 06:40 (4 Months ago)
Kae nodded as the student spoke their name. “I am she. I think I’ve seen you as well.. it’s difficult for Haons to be shadows when you’re that tall.” She noted.

Relieved at their offer to have breakfast together, she opened their mouth to respond when their eyes caught sight of a small commotion inside the cafeteria, their lips sealing. Going in would unlock the path of a possible friendship with Pur, and some other students perhaps, but she wasn’t foolish. There were students that were dangerous.

But that was a risk she’d have to take. “If you’d like.” Kae spoke, giving a curt nod of their head, though realising she came across a little indifferent. Old habits. “Of course.”

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Posted: Wed, 12/06/2024 22:06 (4 Months ago)
Kae had to admit that the sudden knock was unexpected, although she caught and steadied themselves with a firm hand on a nearby table. She shook their head. "An accident, there's no harm done." Rising to straighten their posture, it took a moment for them to mull over the student's name, taking in their appearance.


The name jumped to her mind, although how she came across the slip of knowledge was a mystery. "You're.. Pur'eshka if I'm not mistaken?" It wasn't how she was expecting an introduction to occur, but then again, she had nothing to lose.

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