Forum Thread
Darkrai Poké Shop [OPEN💯]
Forum-Index → Global Trade Station → Trade Shops → Darkrai Poké Shop [OPEN💯]
The Darkrai
Poké Shop
Welcome our manager The Drakonia~
Before Buying Please read the whole post. So, there will be no disturbance
Darkrai's Stuff
Hello, I'm Darkrai. I see you are interested in buying some pokemon from me?? I will accept various payment: PD, mystery items, gems and even legendary pokemons! (Check Dark_Fire's missing mons for this way of payment.) Not all boxes and pokemon are for sale, If you are interested in buying some pokemon, check out form below![/h]

All pokehereos rules apply
First comes first serve
It will take time to send pokemon because I am breeding them.
Please be patient because I doesn't stay online always
If I doesn't got offer on my Private trade in 3 Days, do i will cancel it
To Buy pokemons from other boxes you have to palpad me first about it if you don't you will be warned
The person that is warned 3 times will be blocked from the shop
All pokehereos rules apply
First comes first serve
It will take time to send pokemon because I am breeding them.
Please be patient because I doesn't stay online always
If I doesn't got offer on my Private trade in 3 Days, do i will cancel it
To Buy pokemons from other boxes you have to palpad me first about it if you don't you will be warned
The person that is warned 3 times will be blocked from the shop
You can buy pokemons from this Box only but yes you can buy another pokemons from another box too but for it you have to palpad me about the pokemon so i will tell you that i am selling that pokemon or not and for how much.

Easy/Hard/Rare/Epic/Starter(500pd-5000pd) (if pokemon is mega-able prices will be 30k pd+)
Legendary (According to stonks)
Event pokemon (30k pd - 50k pd)
Retro pokemon (1k pd - 3k pd)
Easy/Hard/Rare/Epic/Starter(500pd-5000pd) (if pokemon is mega-able prices will be 30k pd+)
Legendary (According to stonks)
Event pokemon (30k pd - 50k pd)
Retro pokemon (1k pd - 3k pd)
Waiting List

EEEEEEEEEEGiratina's stuff
Hello, I'm Giratina, Darkrai's co-worker. I see you are interested in buying some pokemon from me?? I will accept various payment: PD, mystery items, gems and even missing sinnoh pokemon! (Check Drakonia~'s missing mons for this way of payment.) All Drakonia~'s boxes and pokemon are for sale, expect of nicknamed, legendary, shiny, mega/megaable and event pokemon, excluding solar eevees. If you are interested in buying some pokemon, check out form below!
Giratina image was found here