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Bred to be bad (sign up)

Forum-Index Roleplay RP Sign-up Bred to be bad (sign up)
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 24/03/2023 02:47 (1 Year ago)
Don't you know I'm brеd to be, bred to be
Brеd to be, bred to be, bred to be bad, bad

-Bred to be bad, CG5

You were born to be hated. You were born to bring misery and darkness to your world. You were a Villain

The hero of your world defeated you years ago. Maybe you were killed, spared, or in jail. Maybe you changed, and now work for good. But it doesn’t change the fact you used to be a villain.

However, one day everything changes. A strange being of great power and destruction turned the tables around.

your redemption arc starts now, you monster.

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A strange powerful being has kidnapped all the heroes in the multiverse. All the main characters, supporting characters, anyone good, they were kidnapped. Their plans are unknown, but they dream of multiverse conquest

There really were no more heroes. Or is there?

You play as a villain character. At first, it seemed like a dream come true. That pesky child hero was gone. But when you realize the danger that could destroy your world and leave you with nothing, you’re forced to change your ways.

In a world with no heroes, the villains have to rise up, change their ways, and become the heroes to stop the bigger villain.

Quote from rulesAll Ph and general rp rules apply
No one liners. Each post must be at least 2-4 sentences long.
If I have never roleplayed with you before, please provide and example of your roleplaying in your form. If you roleplayed with me before but change your username, please also include your old user!
Villain characters and ocs only! If they have a page on the villains wiki, yea they’re allowed. If they were considered an antagonist at any point in their media, go ahead!
You’re encouraged to stay away from the canon! Want to give your character a cool weapon they didn’t have in their original media? Go ahead? Want to make them human? Also go ahead! Just make sure they’re still recognizable
Max 4 characters per user!
Hate the character, not the user. I can already see a bunch of insults being thrown about here…
Password is “You monster”
No taking advantage of any rules not on here

[center]{insert character quote here}
Character name:

My forms (wip, as usual)

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{I'm Afraid You’re About To Become The Immediate Past President Of The Being Alive Club}
Username: Dragamagius
Character name: GLaDOS (Genetic Lifeform and Disk Operating System)
Species: AI android
Gender: she/her
Age: Hello she doesn’t have one
Fandom: Portal
Appearance: GLaDOS takes the appearance of an unnaturally tall lady with pale skin, straight white hair and a single slowing yellow eye. Her other eye is covered by a robotic eye resembling her actual robotic appearance’s head. She wears a white armor like piece over a black tight suit, and there are cables running through her body.
Personality: GLaDOS used to hide her true nature and dance around her true emotions. Not anymore. She is open about how she feels about others and is not afraid to throw about insults. She also has a fear of birds.
Abilities: GLaDOS, as an AI, can hack into electronics and computers.
“This is one of my more recent creations… you’ll love it so much you’ll die.”
Launcher gauntlet
GLaDOS wears a gauntlet with many neat features on her left arm. She can shoot portals, rockets, bullets, and any kind of makeshift bullet. What makes this one of her favorites is the hidden neurotoxin launcher. Sure it’s not as deadly as it used to be back in her world, but it’s still a very, very, lethal weapon.
Backstory: GLaDOS was the supervisor for Aperture science testing chambers, being the one who controlled everything.
Password: No


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{...It's not out of the question that you might have a very minor case of serious brain damage. But don't be alarmed, alright? Although, if you do feel alarm, try to hold onto that feeling because that is the proper reaction to being told you have brain damage.}
Character name: Wheatley
Species: AI android
Age: idk, but probably younger than GLaDOS
Fandom: Portal

I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 24/03/2023 03:33 (1 Year ago)
"This is the dawn of the new era, El! Don't you see it?"


Character name:
Kendo Satoru

Transcended Human



OC/my RP, Shades Of Gray, you should join

A lazy looking man, with blue hair, so light it's almost white, with a laid-back smile, and faded crimson eyes, light and faded, nearly gray. Everything about him looks faded. His navy hoodie, nearly gray. His black shorts, nearly gray. Everything about his is messy, from his shoulder-length hair, sticking out wildly in every direction, to the crumpled white t-shirt underneath his hoodie. He almost always looks tired... or is it bored? For some reason, he seems to bring a crumpled picture with him everywhere he goes. If you checked the bag slung over his shoulder, you'd find a broken bottle of whiskey and a revolver. Specifically, a Colt Python .357 Magnum 6rd.

A petal-shaped scar is located right in the middle of his forehead, as well as just above his heart. He always either has a cigarette or a bottle of whiskey in his hand.

Lazy, bored, indifferent, analytical, manipulative, absolutely insane.

[True Terror]

Whiskey Bottles lmfao

Abyss was not always a villain. In fact, he used to be a Hero. A high-ranking one at that, and it's easy to see why. Abyss was heralded as the single strongest entity in the entirety of his universe, through some inhumane human experimentations done upon him as a child, where he was forced to kill all those he loved. He invested himself fully in his work as a hero, saving those who needed it, but grew disillusioned after years of watching his fellow heroes and government workers do nothing to save the common man.

So he rebelled.

Overnight, the greatest hero turned into the worst villain. Slowly, he grew more indifferent, drowning his sorrows with alcohol and calming his nerves through cigarettes.

On the verge of a new era, on the verge of his revolution, he was shot dead by his best friend, Elucian Anaheim, with his own gun.

He doesn't blame her.

he doesn't blame any of the friends he made.

he misses them.

"《#\》○ you're a monster."


Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 131
Posted: Fri, 24/03/2023 19:47 (1 Year ago)
"Its body grew sturdier as metal plates shed across its body into protective armor. Scales formed from the same material as armor begin protruding from its cheek. Its bite force can be fatal as once it latches onto an opponent, it will hold onto them until the opponent is dragged into the ocean's abyss. Their sleek hair grew into a long tail to propel through the ocean floor. Its temperament grew more arrogant. Usually, it competes with other Digimon for resources or even assaults other Digimon for resources."
~The effect on Gizamon's Digicore due to the X-Antibody

Username: Soup5
Character name:
Gizamon X [Tobiumon X ~ Marin Chimairamon X ~ Regalecusmon X]
Species: Digimon
Gender: Male
Age: Child ~ Ultimate
Fandom: Digimon
Appearance: For now only Gizamon X has an appearance. Please search up the rest of his revolutions on the wiki; all his evolutions will be normal instead with X-Antibody.

Personality: Gizamon X is a rather arrogant Digimon who often perceives everyone as a resource.
Abilities: Same with Appearance, please search up the rest of his movements for all his evolutions on the wiki. For now, all his movements will be normal instead of X-Antibody.
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Spiral Edge
Rolls into a ball and slices at the foe with the blades on its back.

Steel Reinforce
Rams it at the foe with a headpiece that can absorb magic damage.

Ambush Predation
Clamps onto the foe with a fatal bite before dragging it away.

Tail Whip
The sharp points from the tail slash the foe.

Weapon: Chompers and strength
Backstory: Before the Apocalypse, Gizamon and his family were unfortunately both the former victims of dark rings and towers by Digimon Kaiser to use them for the workforce. Gizamon can still experience Fear and the abusive experience made them constantly live to be very wary of DigiDestined while Gizamon is very considerate about his duty to his family. They would cooperate together to attack wanderers out of fear.

After the Apocalypse, Gizamon lost everything and is thrown into a world without a rule. He was forced to defend and hunt for himself. Gizamon absorbed Gazimon X during one fight before he experienced a painful transformation and his personality also shifted to more savagery. As Gizamon X, big or small, Gizamon X will assault any Digimon that passes by.

Password: you monster
- Gizamon noted while he is still under the influence of these dark objects, he can still feel pain around his body but is unable to see his surroundings as if he is in a dream-like state.
- Due to its immense strength that cuts off blood circulation, higher chance of losing a hand or finger if they get stuck between Gizamon’s spines.

Pfp by Nectario
Trainerlevel: 42

Forum Posts: 450
Posted: Fri, 24/03/2023 20:22 (1 Year ago)
"I am the darkness within! I am the caged beast at the heart of humanity! The spirit of-"

"London at night! I know!"

Username: th30

Character name: Edward Hyde

Species: Chaos Embodiment / Night Spirit

Gender: Male

Age: As old as Jekyll, so...35

Fandom: The Glass Scientists

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"Edward Hyde has neck-length blonde hair that is in a perpetual state of fluffy disarray. He has bright green eyes, and is incredibly expressive, often openly looking bored, excited, maliciously gleeful, angry, or despairing as he feels it.

He usually wears a green waistcoat, white dress shirt, white cravat, black pants, black shoes, and a black top hat with a green ribbon. His black cloak is torn at the bottom and riddled with holes. He modifies his cape this way himself."

Or, well, this:

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Hyde is a persona manifesting Henry's ideal of 'evil', or rather everything he finds detestably ungentlemanly about and within himself. He wears his heart on his sleeve, is open about his sexuality, and loves to drink, fight, and adventure around London as it suits him. He is loud, selfish, childish, foolhardy, and foul-mouthed. In short, he is the bane and antithesis of Victorian Society's expectations, and thus Jekyll's expectations for himself. He's notably petty and prideful, and takes his given role as Jekyll's 'inner demon' and official tempter and tormentor very seriously.

He's also notably very theatrical and verbose, making a frequent habit of monologuing in a dramatic purple-prose esque manner about both his excursions and Jekyll's day to day life, much to Jekyll's repeated chagrin.

Hyde is one to be consumed entirely by his emotions and let them guide his actions rather than any notion of 'logic' or 'caution'.

He doesn't often make much of an attempt to hide how he's feeling, or perhaps rather, he doesn't very well know how, simply letting himself experience things as he likes. Even so, his stubbornness also pertains to how he feels, and he isn't incredibly introspective. Often, he'll purposefully avoid looking further into his emotional state or habits in favor of deciding the way he wants to feel about something and acting on that.

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Okay, these are headcanons
umbrakineses - more specifically, the ability to blend into shadows and manipulate them.

superhuman capabilities - can jump super high and run pretty fast, somehow very comical

nightmare manipulation - can manipulate nightmares of those around him. only the person with the nightmare can see it, however. they take on physical forms though, which means they can attack the user and the person the nightmare came from.

omnipresence - ability to be present anywhere and everywhere simultaneously

hope these aren't too op

Weapon: does magic count?

Backstory: I'm lazy I don't wanna explain it

Password: "You monster!"
"Wrong! I'm the spirit of London at night!"

Other: everything was (stolen) taken from here mostly
Also is it fine if I just have Jekyll's voice in the back of his head?

she wants to dance like uma thurman / bury me till i confess
Trainerlevel: 50

Forum Posts: 1,547
Posted: Fri, 24/03/2023 20:41 (1 Year ago)
"To think you’d chase us this far.."

Character Name:

Human (Pokémon Trainer)


23 Years
(18 in FRLG; 21 in HGSS)

Pokémon (Heart Gold & Soul Silver)


Quick to anger and slow to cool down, Proton was once known as Team Rocket’s scariest and cruelest Executive. And this reputation wasn’t exactly unfounded.
Nowadays, though, he’s far more relaxed, albeit with a temper. He has a morbid, warped sense of reality, stemming from the influence Team Rocket had on his young mind. He’s by no means afraid of a fight, but he’s smart enough to pick and choose to guarantee his best chance of victory.
He isn’t a people person, and he’s not the type to take charge. He’d rather take orders from someone he respects than try to round up a group that may not even care for him. In fact, he can barely hold a conversation if he’s not actively trying to intimidate someone into submission.

For some strange reason, Proton has a near-immunity to most biotoxins stemming from animals. According to him, he wasn’t born with this, but it instead developed due to his close proximity with many Poison-type Pokémon.

A pair of kitchen shears.
He is notably lacking in the “having his Pokémon with him” department.

Warning! Long.
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Not Canon; This is mostly headcanons, bay bee!
Proton was a runaway; leaving home at the young age of ten to spite his cold and uncaring adoptive family. Perhaps that’s where he learned to stop caring; to rarely open up. However, he can’t be sure anymore, because they don’t matter to him. Instead, on the cold streets of Celadon City, he learned to fight. Not just in Pokémon battles, but hand-to-hand as well.

This skill was acknowledged, and one day, at the age of 13, Proton found himself stood over a pair of Rocket Grunts who had attempted to nab his Zubat while he wasn’t looking. Why they’d go for a common creature like a Zubat, he had no idea. But after successfully taking both down, he was cornered; spotted by one of the Admins, an equally cold man named Archer.

Archer saw his potential. He agreed to take the young boy under his wing, should his boss approve. Proton was skeptical at first, and about ready to strike out against the man. However, he knew his limits, and knew he probably wouldn’t be able to fight off three people at once, if the Grunts recovered in time.

Proton’s lack of attachment to the world ended up being what Team Rocket needed. Sure, most of the Grunts were almost entirely heartless, but Proton proved to be more than that. All he seemed to care for was the Zubat that hitched a ride on his shoulder, and the ability to spite those who wronged him.


He was heavily involved with the Cubone-Marowak-skull-collecting (RBY/FRLG/LGPE) when he was 18. After suffering defeat after defeat by the hands of a trainer named Red, Proton’s calm, cold nature began to crack. He became more outwardly aggressive.

This was taken as an opportunity by the Admins (post-Kanto, pre-Johto) to use Proton’s viciousness for their crimes.


Anyone who’s played HGSS knows the story from here. He’s caught in the Slowpoke Well and defeated. Then, he’s defeated in the Radio Tower. The in-between isn’t really important.

All that you need to know from here is that he’s been on the run and hiding in the Sinnoh region. At least, until the story starts..

"You.. y- you monster!"
"Did it take you that long to figure it out?"

"No, but seriously, where did they take my Pokémon?"
He will likely never end up getting his Pokémon back unless approval is given. That could probably kick off his redemption arc—relearning how to exist without his toxic menaces.
Public Enemy #1 to the Johto region! Wooooo! (This is a joke.)

Links to Roleplays I’ve been in for RP examples!
Jumpchain: A Pokémon Isekai
PMD: Destruction of Spirit
The Plotless Roleplay
Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 151
Posted: Fri, 24/03/2023 20:47 (1 Year ago)
Reserve spot for me?

* ˚ ✦| ︶꒦꒷♡🌟♡꒷꒦︶ |* ˚ ✦

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Sat, 25/03/2023 01:26 (1 Year ago)
@all accepted! And to those who reserved, just let me know when you’re done!
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 29

Forum Posts: 131
Posted: Sat, 25/03/2023 07:40 (1 Year ago)
Only personality will need to be complete, but hopefully these will be enough information to start. :]
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 97
Posted: Sat, 25/03/2023 13:46 (1 Year ago)
Disclaimer: ItsKendo made me do it.

She had always found villains more exciting than heroes. They had ambition, passion. They made the stories happen. Villains didn't fear death. No, they wrapped themselves in death like suits of armor! And even after everything, Elucian couldn't help but be unafraid.

Name: Elucian "Luce" Anaheim

Villain Alias: Compass
(a name given in jest because her magnetic powers control where a compass needle points)
Username: JustCath
Species: Hooman.
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/her/hers
Fandom: Shades of Gray/Afterworld, ft. ItsKendo
Dark blue streaked hair (natural color: black), blue visor-glasses. Olive skin, dark grey-blue eyes. Wears practical dark grey clothes and a midnight blue cloak with gold trim. Yes, it's a blue-grey-gold color palette, a little unoriginal. Sue me.
Lawful Evil: Practices finely crafted evil, believes in common lawful traits like loyalty and order, but rarely exercises mercy or compassion
Enneagram: Type 5, The Investigator: Alert, insightful, and curious, able to focus on developing complex ideas and skills, sometimes become preoccupied with their thoughts and imaginary constructions.
Elucian is an honest person, who disregards the need for many relationships. She appreciates human connection and familial love, but outside that small circle, she uses interpersonal reactions for her own gain. She has an average sense of empathic/sympathetic kindness, an strong sense of moral reasoning, and a too extreme sense of social responsibility, meaning that she believes it is her job to change the world. Fairness involves 2 types of reasoning: justice reasoning which emphasizes logic and weighing principles to determine moral rights and responsibilities, and care reasoning which includes empathy and compassion; the ability to put yourself in somebody else's shoes. Elucian has an extremely strong sense of justice reasoning, and a poor sense of care reasoning. She has a good sense of prudence, being able to plan long-term and short-term plans with caution. She also has an extreme sense of task-oriented self-regulation meaning she can stay focused on tasks until completion, completely ignoring any distractions, even to her own detriment. When meeting people, she is blunt and rather judgemental. People that know her for a longer time will appreciate her dry wit and sarcasm. In her judgements, she very weak appreciation of physical beauty, a very strong appreciation of skill and talents, and an average appreciation of virtual goodness. She is immune to the social charms of others.
Ability: Magnetokinesis
The ability to control and/or generate electromagnetic fields, giving the user control over the electromagnetic spectrum and various magnetic metals.
Electromagnetic Sight:
The ability to perceive the surrounding environment as patterns of magnetic and electrical energy. The natural magnetic auras surrounding living beings can also be seen in this way.
Energy Absorption: The ability to absorb different bands of the electromagnetic spectrum via magnetic force to temporarily boost the user’s own strengths.
Geomagnetic Link: Since most users of this power are tied very closely to Earth's EM Field, she is highly sensitive any changes that it might undergo. This link also means that Earth lends her strength by its simple existence, and as a result they are granted an odd sort of immortality.
Magnetic Flight: The ability to fly by either gliding along the planet's natural magnetic lines of force or simply creating a repulsive force between Elucian and the planet.
Magnetic Force-Fields: The ability to erect a powerful force field that can be quickly expanded to protect large areas, or even used to suspend objects in the air.
Magnetic Pulse: The ability to focus magnetic energy into powerful concussive blasts for various purposes.
Metallic Bonding: The power to atomically bond metallic substances to any designated surface material. This technique allows metallic alloys to be blended with the earth, water, and air.
Organic Iron, Cobalt, Nickel Manipulation: The ability to control the traces of the three magnetic elements within organic matter, which allows full control over an opponent's body. This power can manipulate the iron-enriched blood-flow to one's brain to induce aneurysms or unconsciousness, alter thoughts and perceptions, or blank a person's mind completely. It can even remove ferrous compounds from the bloodstream entirely through a person's skin. Very precise branch, needs to be within line of sight, Elucian does not have complete control over it yet.
Superhuman Stamina: By drawing on Earth’s magnetic field, a user can dramatically increase the overall efficiency of her musculature. While enhanced in this way, the muscles produce considerably less fatigue toxins than the musculature of a normal human, allowing for far greater endurance during physical activity.
Superhuman Strength: The vast amounts of magnetic energy contained in Earth’s EM field can be channeled through the body for the purpose of granting vast superhuman strength of undefined limits.
Telepathic Resistance: The ability to create powerful electromagnetic shields around the user to block out or dampen attacks or mind probes from telekinetic or telepathic individuals
Weapon: Phase Pistol
A deadly blaster that uses Elle's electromagnetic powers as a fuel. Incinerates organic materials and blasts holes in nonorganic/metallics. As not to be overpowered, requires a significant amount of energy for use.
Backstory: Access Denied.
[Please raise your user level to view this information.]
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...you monster.
Other: Look me up in the forums, I ABHOR short RP posts. I'm currently involved in Institute RP, The Land of Three Suns, and various Ōmagotaki rounds. The last of the three is a mafia game inside of an RP so posts are a little shorter. Past RPs I'm proud of: the Final Hour, Shades of Gray/Afterworld, the Academy of Gifted Individuals, and School of Magic RP.

My unfinished symphony, forever unfinished! If I can't have this, then no one can.
It was never meant to be.

𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆞 𓆝 𓆟 𓆝 𓆟

My current RP work:
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Andry for Clockwork Man (paused)
Leanne makes her PH debut in House on the Edge
Vesi prime + Ivy prime on discord.


We cool.

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Sat, 25/03/2023 17:45 (1 Year ago)
Very coolio idea, but note, please accept the forms in the legendary heroes rp, we have the final hero needed to start

"O, lonely sheep, go tear the darkness to pieces, the entire thing. If this beautiful night never ends, shall we try counting the number of stars?"
Username: Starlight-Gazer
Character name: Hitsuji
Species: Part human half ram
Gender: Male
Age: 17
Fandom: OC
Personality: A somewhat agressive guy, only showing kidness to those who went through simmilar things he did, though this doesn't mean he is devoid of all emotions. He is mostly busiy doing tech stuff for heroes since he is knowledgeable of engineering.
Abilities: Making high advanced things due to making many weapons for heroes, animal communication
Weapon: A lazer gun (I cannot think of anything im so sorry)
Backstory: Later in rp
Password: You monster
Other: Meoww

"Im sorry that i couldnt be your cat, Suzume."
Username: Starlight-Gazer
Character name: Daijin
Species: Cat/God
Gender: Male(?)
Age: Thousands of years old
Fandom: Suzume (Movie)
Appearance: A small fluffy cat with black spots on his fur, giant yellow and green eyes and a long tail.

Personality: A small playful cat that has attachment issues
Abilities: Can speak human language and disguise himself as a human/other animals to most
Weapon: None
Backstory: Daijin is a supposed "God" and one of Two Keystones that sealed the "worm" away from the human realm. (The worm is a giant creature thing that had its head and body held down by the Two Keystone "Gods", Daijin and Sadajin. Im not gonna really explain the rest of it since i reccommend watching Suzume for yourself cause its pretty good)
Password: You monster
Other: I genuenly couldn't think of anything for the Quote and for context: He says this as he gets turned back into a keystone for pretty much all of eternity and to save the world from the worm that would cause an earthquake and destroy earth if it lands on the ground.

"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 02:26 (1 Year ago)
Man I forgot this site existed

All accep
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 25

Forum Posts: 227
Posted: Fri, 07/04/2023 03:03 (1 Year ago)
Lets start :D
Is it

Or is it

You decide.
Trainerlevel: 37

Forum Posts: 40
Posted: Mon, 24/04/2023 20:38 (1 Year ago)
I never did anything. If those lowly humans had done as their precious Divine Dragon told them to do, then maybe their kingdoms wouldn't have been sacrificed.
Username: theinsaneone
Character name: Elaine "Primrose" Lavender
Species: Manakete (Fell Dragon Child)
Gender: Female
Age: 480
Fandom: Fire Emblem Engage
Personality: A loner, quiet most of the time, tends to lash at people who annoy her. Will not hesitate to kill those she doesn't like, or those she is ordered to kill
Abilities: She can turn into a Dragon, live for hundreds of years.
Weapon: Her dragon stone, held close to her heart. When in her human form, she using a dark magic and a sword.
Backstory: Elaine was one of the hundreds of children born from the Fell Dragon. She is one of the few who managed to live the war, and the only one who managed to escape being sealed away. She has wandered the world, looking for a way to rise up and reclaim her birthright after the defeat of all Fell Dragons.
Password: you monster

“I know I said you were an angel... But you're more than that. You've come down upon this battlefield... as an Angel of Death" ~Bungo Stray Dogs

"you were too correct"
Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Wed, 26/04/2023 10:06 (1 Year ago)

Wow I’ve been dead here
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!

Trainerlevel: 16

Forum Posts: 134
Posted: Wed, 26/04/2023 10:43 (1 Year ago)
When is the rp going to be made?/genq
"The stars in my memories that I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream"

"It won't end yet," "I don't want it to end"
"But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime

Trainerlevel: 34

Forum Posts: 175
Posted: Sat, 29/04/2023 11:23 (1 Year ago)
When I stop being dead /j

When I get motivation
I do private rps! Send me a PM if interested!