Forum Thread
Forum-Index → Discussion → ShiniesShiny Absol
Shiny Luxray
Shiny Lucario
Shiny Pumpkaboo
Shiny Ivysaur
Shiny Pachirisu
Shiny Umbreon
Shiny Bulbasaur
Shiny Venusaur
Shiny Caterpie
Shiny Metapod
Shiny Butterfree
Shiny Beedrill
Shiny Abra
Shiny Tentacruel
Shiny Ponyta
Shiny Gastly
Shiny Haunter
Shiny Gengar
Shiny Magikarp
Shiny Gyarados
Shiny Igglybuff
Shiny Flaaffy
Shiny Bellossom
Shiny Linoone
Shiny Electrike
Shiny Watchog
Shiny Easter Bunnelby
Shiny Swirlix
Shiny Driftloon
Shiny Petilil
Shiny Castform
Shiny Lickitung
Shiny Cryogonal
Shiny Dedenne
Shiny Phantump
Shiny Torterra
Shiny Riolu
Shiny Scizor
Shiny Poochyena
Shiny Rapidash
Shiny Litleo
Shiny Pidgeot
Shiny Garchomp
Shiny Krokorok
Shiny Skitty
Shiny Pyroar
Shiny Meowstic
Shiny Cleffa
Shiny Pinsir
Shiny Beheeyem
Shiny Retro Delibird
Shiny Dragonair
Shiny Raikou
Shiny Swellow
Shiny Duskull
Shiny Manaphy
Shiny Roggenrola
Shiny Gigalith
Shiny Volcarona
Shiny Diggersby
Shiny Patrat
Shiny Gible
Shiny Bouffalant
Shiny Weedle
Shiny Pidgey
Shiny Pidgeotto
Shiny Raticate
Shiny Houndoom
And Still many more to go! Now, remember, After reading the list, if there are some other shinies you know people have that are not on the list, post who has them, and what pokemon the shinies are.! And that is it! Now, have a nice day!
Don't know what you mean

♫ She/her ♫ -7 PH Time ♫ ISFP ♫ Libra ♫
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Falcon also has a Gyarados. :3