Forum Thread
The Labyrinth of the Lost
Forum-Index → Roleplay → The Labyrinth of the LostThat just meant that either the lich was on the same level as he was or higher. It was clearly the former.
He couldn't parasite it either, because it technically isn't alive..
Should he just call more Amons here, or parasite the other, and make them into Amons, so 'he' can stop this worthless battle once and for all?
While Amon was deep in thought, a black crow sweep infront of him, as a rose petal (?) slaps it. Amon peeks at the lil Crow, only to discover it was Crow Amon, who he had order to scout around earlier
Thank god she was a bird, and thank god she knew how to glide, otherwise there would be free chicken for everyone. Spreading her wings out alongside her copper tail, she used her feet to catch her umbrella mid-air. Well there goes her tactic, and she made a mental note to punish whoever did that.
Landing safely on the ground, she threw an explosive potion at the skeletons, hoping to make an opening where she could et closer to the bigger one, and maybe give it a beating

After that was air patrol duty and more bombs, then even more, and more still. Till she ran out. Oof. Time to move on to Plan B. Pulling a full on lazer rifle out of her pocket, she began sniping skeletons. Hey, some people don't have all amazing magical powers you know.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
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Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View - Deaf to All but the Song ~ Flower Mix
Memoria was just about to finish up her spell when a skeleton threw a razor-sharp bone at her.
She flinched and the magical spell exploded, knocking her onto the floor.
Ohoho, this will be fun...
A rhombus-shaped barrier appeared around her, releasing waves of undead-warding orbs around her.
Or is it
You decide.
"WHICH ONE OF YE PECKNECKS DID THIS?" he asked, a knife in his hands. "I CAN'T HAVE ONE OF ME BEST ACTRESSES ON BREAK JUST BECAUSE OF A STUPID BOLT. I'D LOOSE THE NEXT ANUAL BIRD AWARDS!" This probably made no sense to anyone who didn't know his origins.
Riras charged another flame slash, this time aiming towards the Lich.

Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~
The skeletons kept coming. Clearly they needed to defeat all of them before moving on.
Or is it
You decide.
Valerie used her supernova spell on the skeletons, causing a massive ball of light to fall on them

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Touhou 9: Phantasmagoria of Flower View - Deaf to All but the Song ~ Flower Mix
Maintaining her danmaku-firing barrier, Memoria heard a loud roar in the distance and decided to investigate.
She made it just in time to witness Kendo behead the skeleton lich.
Let me tell you a secret,
The real monsters don't look like monsters~