Forum Thread
[CLOSED] - kindness is a lie - (1x1 with ShatteredDiamond)
Forum-Index → Roleplay → Private RP → [CLOSED] - kindness is a lie - (1x1 with ShatteredDiamond)Emika frowned. Veronica wasn't doing better, it seemed...
Marina giggled. "It's all good Jackie!" She said before pulling out a pencil and beginning her own paragraph about the Civil War.
Eris rolled her eyes. Boys...
After finishing her paragraph, she smiled. "There were go!" She smiled brightly. "Now what?" Jackie said.
Lottie frowned as she did her work...she did her best not to cause a scene again. One of the boys threw a paper ball at her head. Lottie felt sloght anger bubbling, but ignored it..
"Miss May, we have to take you back to the hospital, your condition is worsening!" The Nurse frowned. "No! I'm not going back there! I..I need to stay...I...I'll be fine!" Veronica said.
Emika finally spoke up. "No, you're NOT fine Veronica." She stated. "You shouldn't have been released so soon. Your condition is worsening."
Having also finished her paragraph, Marina shrugged. "I guess we can talk?"
Eris felt her own core bubbling with anger. This wasn't just boys being boys anymore...
"Ooh! Okay! What should we talk about?" Jackie beamed happily.
Another boy tugged on Lottie's hair. Lottie grabbed the boy's wrist and turned around to him. "ENOUGH!!" She yelled furiously. The class flinched and turned around at Lottie, who had angry tears in her eyes. The boy flinched and let go...
"Yes, I am fine!! What do you know?" Veronica said. The nurses tried to take Veronica away, but Veronica refused. "Let me go, let me go! I'll be fine!" She said angrily, blood dripping from her nose and mouth.
Emika frowned. Enough was enough. She had something for such an occasion. She grabbed something from her purse, uncapping it and making sure there were no bubbles in it. She identified a vein on Veronica's arm. With Veronica distracted by the nurse, Emika proceeded, and injected a strong sedative into Veronica.
Marina hummed a little then beamed. "Well, since this is history, let's talk about our families!"
Eris hid a smirk. At least Lottie could stand on her own two legs, so to speak.
"Ooh! Sure! You can go with yours, I technically already babbled about mine!" Jackie smiled happily. Marina was so fun to talk to!
Lottie turned her head around angrily and continued her work until the bell rang...the students looked at Lottie in shock and suprise.
The nurses looked back at Emika in suprise, then looked back at the bleeding Veronica who was slowly falling asleep. "I...dont....need...your...he...lp..." she said, before she was completely knocked out. One nurse looked at Emika. "How did you get a sedative...n-nevermind that, thank you for your help, Miss." The Nurse said as one other nurse cleaned the blood and took Veronica to the medical office as another nurse called for an ambulance.
Emika released a sigh of relief. Good thinking... She wrapped the used needle for proper disposal and put it in a different part of her purse.
Marina beamed. "Sure!" She began to explain her family nationalities.
Eris kept herself from giggling. Bad boys got the just desserts~.
"Pfft. She's probably just bluffing. She probably can't fight or anything. She's weak crybaby that doesn't know her place!" One boy whispered, but loud enough to be heard. "Try me. And I'll be quick to send you to a hospital when I'm finished. Kindly leave me alone, thank you..I've had enough tears to dry up already." Lottie said without looking the boy. The class was dead silent. The boy flinched, then let out a 'tch', and continued his work.
After a lot of minutes later, Veronica woke up, to be in the same hospital, and in the same hospital room she was in. Veronica grew angry. "I...I told them I didn't want to go back...I told them I didn't want to be here!! I was fine!! I hate it here!! Why...why do they keep helping me?! I didn't ask for it, and I don't need it!!" Veronica yelled angrily to herself, but then silence followed...
Emika returned to her seat and continued her classwork.
Marina was delighted. She finally had a friend who could keep up with and even contribute to her ramblings!
Eris smiled a little, but replaced it with a frown. She'd be keeping an eye on this guy...
Jackie then began to talk about her parents. "Also, my mom is really sweet! But, uh my father is a little...hard to talk to." Jackie smiled nervously. She didn't really get along with her father that well..
Lottie finished her work. She packed her stuff and waited for the bell, looking down at her desk with an angry but calm expression. She was upset with herself about the situationwith her and Eris...and the boys, mostly one of them, were getting on her nerves..
Veronica frowned and Lai in her hospital bed. "Great. More days of boredom and tiredness.." she said and slowly fell asleep..
Emika took a quick break from class to properly dispose of the needle she had used to sedate Veronica. "Why did she insist?" she thought to herself.
Marina tilted her head. "That must suck. My daddy is pretty much wrapped around my finger, but I never knew my birth mother. At least my current step mom is cool."
Eris also finished her work a bit early. She glanced around the room, memorizing details of the individuals...
"You're pretty lucky!..." Jackie said, a small frown appearing, but then she forced it away with a smile. "The bell should ring soon, so I guess we have time to talk about more topics!" Jackie said.
Lottie then had a small frown. "I'm sorry, Eris..." she finally said. "I....I was just really happy to see Veronica again, and I though that when you were filing your nails, I got angry...I...I didn't mean what I said...kind of...I..agh, nevermind! Just forget I said anything." Lottie said, shaking her head.
Emika returned to class, ignoring the stares from the students. She'd probably have to explain why she had sedatives on her in the first place...
Marina smiled. She liked chatting with Jackie.
Eris frowned a little. Thinking carefully, she scribbled a simple note onto a paper and slid it to Lottie. It simply read, "We'll chat later. The forest is lovely this time of year."
"Ooh! Let me tell you about my girlfrien-...I mean, Emika, haha!" Jackie blushed a little.
Lottie frowned at the message but nodded and slid it away....she hoped Eris wouldn't be mad with her. The bell should ring in about 10 minutes from now...
The speakers in Emika's class room sounded. "Miss Tenshi-Smith, please report to Principal Claire's office right away." the administration said, and the speakers turned off. The students looked at Emika. Some were whispering to each other about the situation earlier..
"Crud." was the only thing that went through Emika's mind at the announcement. She ignored the stares and whispers and went to the office.
Marina's eyes lit up with mischief and curiosity. "Ooo~. Girlfriend, you say~?"
Eris forced herself to stay calm. No need for another panic attack...
"Y-Yes, b-but we're not like...well, uhm..." Jackie stammered. "We are still working things out..." she managed to say through her blush.
Lottie waited and wondered what the other girls could be doing right now..
Emika nodded sharply. She knew exactly why. "We should end the one who told~." whispered her other half, but she ignored her. She had prepared for a situation like this though. She had the necessary papers for such an occasion.
Marina giggled. "Hope things work out then. You two are SO cute together!" She said.
Eris wondered what the others of the rag-tag group were doing...
Jackie smiled. "Thank you, Marina." She said happily. She also wanted to see Emika when the bell rung...she looked at her watch. Only 5 more minutes. She hoped she would be okay...
Lottie though about Veronica. She was probably still in the school or something...maybe she was in her dorm? She hoped to talk to her after the bell rang in a few minutes.
Veronica woke up with an angry groan. She didn't want to be in the hospital...she wished she could see that nerd girl...what's her name...Lottie?...she helped her a lot...more than anyone else...she smiled at the thought of her.
Emika handed over her purse. Within it were usual girl things, but there was also two other capped sedatives. While this was happening, she brought forth her paperwork, which consisted of doctor's observations, an emergency contact list, a warning to any facilities Emika would be staying at, and a doctor's note informing the reason for why Emika carried sedatives in the first place; her second half Darling Desire...
Marina beamed.
Eris awaited the end of the class period...
Jackie immediately shot up from her seat. "Emika!" She said to herself, then blushed a little. "I'm gonna go see Emika, I'll see you later, Marina!" She smiled and left the classroom quickly.
Lottie flinched a little when the bell rang. She remembered the talk she had to have with Eris...without facing her, nor saying another word, she packed her stuff and left the classroom, and into the forest..