Ivy continued to train with Nessy and Luminia in the secret
passage. With Luminia as point, Ivy was able to exercise her
maximum powers as a control/support team member. Nessy was
surprisingly adept at close combat, integrating magic and
After a few hours, she bade the girls good night, and returned to
her sparsely decorated dorm room.
Get some sleep, Ivy. The tournament is tomorrow...
"Hmm~ playing the strong and silent type today, I see," She hugged
her knees to her chest, and nibbled her pancakes daintily. "Well
then, we don't have to talk about the tournament~"
She idly shot some shadowsparks at Kendo's "fan club", who were
eyeing them cattily. The dispersed quickly, retreating to a safe
distance. "Crazy idiots."
"How's Theo? Did he survive your psychological torture from last
When Rhuna entered the mess hall, she sat alone as usual. She ate
her pancakes and never said anything, just remained quiet as
everyone else talked about whatever they talked about.
Ivy watched Sobble walk over to another student she didn't know.
I need to meet more people here. She was clearly shy in an
endearing sort of way.
She finished her pancakes and observed the people in her vicinity.
She could predict who would be working in alliances together from
body posture, and pinpointed a few teams she and her allies would
need to avoid.
Ivy let Kendo sit in silence. He obviously had a lot on his mind.
But he hadn't denied sneaking into Theo's room. That, she
would file away for later...