Leo walks into the pokemon center and to get his pokemons
"Nurse, can you please check these out?" Leo says handing her 4
pokeballs and walking away
He goes to the man selling pokeballs and buys 15 pokeballs
"Finally im ready for an adventure!"
"Well nice to meet you all! Im Asha by the way and this is Star, my
Eevee!" Star happily smiled at them, waving a paw. She then turned
to Sobble "Lugia huh, ive heard of it before. The Festival sounds
like alot of fun so i think ill join!"
"The stars in my memories that
I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream" "It won'tend yet,""I don't wantit to end" "But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
Asha smiles brightly "Thanks! Glad that i can have some pals to
travel around with!"
"The stars in my memories that
I can't express in words, all packed into a balloon,
Soars across the Milky Way, carrying travelers, a dream" "It won'tend yet,""I don't wantit to end" "But even so, one day.."
-Mr. Showtime
Yuna chuckles to herself--
I dont think I'll need pokeballs... thanks to my dad's supply of 2
masterballs and 7 pokeballs...
Absol turned a bit, disliking the noise
"Yeah!" Sobble brings out his rotom phone (Yeah all the pokemon
trainers have rotom phones just forgor to mention.) "Rotom phone,
lead me to Fula City."
Leo walks along with the others, blaze following him.
He looks carefully at the absol who seems to be very hostile
towards anyone other than its trainer. He looks up and sees clouds
"Guys, heads up! I think its gonna rain....we had better find
shelter fast"
"We must reach the city fast....or else it might be problem" Leo
"but yeah theres a cave... maybe blaze could light it up for us?
What do you say blaze?" Leo speaks looking at his truty companion
whose wrists catch fire.